Assume that we have a file named “sharable.txt" that can be shared among several threads. We want to write a program that controls the access to that file in a way that only one thread at a time is...

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Assume that we have a file named “sharable.txt

Extracted text: Assume that we have a file named “sharable.txt" that can be shared among several threads. We want to write a program that controls the access to that file in a way that only one thread at a time is allowed to access that file (i.e., for writing/appending purposes). Using Java multithreading, write a program that creates three threads and assigns a number to each thread. Then, each thread will start running by executing a code for opening the file "sharable.txt" and writing the following lines: Thread x started writing Thread x is currently writing Thread x finished writing Your program should allow only one thread -at any given time-to access the file and write in it. It also should keep away any thread from overwriting the lines written by any other threads (hint: use synchronized method/blocks). Finally, when the execution of the program is completed, the output stored in “sharable.txt" should look like the following: Thread x started writing Thread x is currently writing Thread x finished writing

Jun 10, 2022

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