Assume that the Queen Anne Curiosity Shop designs a database with the following tables:
CUSTOMER (Customer ID, Last Name, First Name, Email Address, Encrypted Password, Address, City, State, ZIP, Phone) EMPLOYEE (Employee ID, Last Name, First Name, Phone, Email) VENDOR (Vendor ID, Company Name, Contact Last Name, Contact First Name, Address, City, State, ZIP, Phone, Fax, Email) ITEM (Item ID, Item Description, Purchase Date, Item Cost, Item Price, Vendor ID) SALE (Sale ID, Customer ID, Employee ID, Sale Date, Sub Total, Tax, Total) SALE_ITEM (Sale ID, Sale Item ID, Item ID, Item Price)
The referential integrity constraints are:
Customer ID in SALE must exist in Customer ID in CUSTOMER Vendor ID in ITEM must exist in Vendor ID in VENDOR Employee ID in SALE must exist in Employee ID in EMPLOYEE Sale ID in SALE_ITEM must exist in Sale ID in SALE Item ID in SALE_ITEM must exist in Item ID in ITEM
Assume that Customer ID of CUSTOMER, Employee ID of EMPLOYEE, Vendor ID of VENDOR, Item ID of ITEM, and Sale ID of SALE are all surrogate keys with values as follows:
Customer ID Start at 1 Increment by 1
Employee ID Start at 1 Increment by 1
Vendor ID Start at 1 Increment by 1
Item ID Start at 1 Increment by 1
Sale ID Start at 1 Increment by 1