Assume that an Embedded Systems Il student wants to carry out a small program to understand a USART communication series from an STM32VL Discovery microcontroller. a) Make the flowchart of a...


Assume that an Embedded Systems Il student<br>wants to carry out a small program to understand<br>a USART communication series from an STM32VL<br>Discovery microcontroller.<br>a) Make the flowchart of a microcontroller project<br>that reads the status of a led activated by a button,<br>and sends the word

Extracted text: Assume that an Embedded Systems Il student wants to carry out a small program to understand a USART communication series from an STM32VL Discovery microcontroller. a) Make the flowchart of a microcontroller project that reads the status of a led activated by a button, and sends the word "ON" when the led is on. b) Draw the frame of the word "ON" considering a Serial communication with the configurations 19200/8-N-2, in RS-232 transmission. c) Determine past overheads.

Jun 10, 2022

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