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Assignment Three: (Tourism/Hospitality Futures Scenario report) Due Date Value Tourism/Hospitality Futures Scenario report & Reflective Report Week 12 10 October 2021 40% Task Length - 3000 words Task Description In this task student is required to analyse the megatrends from the CSIRO tourism futures report and write a report that identifies the underlying drivers and trends that are influencing this tourism megatrend. You are expected to read widely (including futures literature). Your report should be of 3000 words (excluding references and appendices) and may include a limited number of tables and figures. NOTE: Your recommendations should be tailored to a destination and at broad industry level, not at an individual firm level. Criteria used to grade this task: 1. Integrate theory and research to critically analyse the megatrends in the tourism and hospitality industry 2. Investigate and analyse the key drivers and trends that are influencing (or will influence) the future development of the megatrend chosen 3. Examine the specific opportunities and challenges the mega trends may have on tourism-related industries 4. Formulate and justify key recommendations related to the marketing and management of tourism related industries to ensure Australia will be successful and competitive in the future 5. Explain the political, socio-cultural and economic factors that influence the emerging global tourism markets 6. Describe the relationships between tourism and the content areas under study (e.g. commodity culture, visual culture, media culture, etc.). 7. Demonstrate research, deduction and problem solving skills to predict the future direction of tourism and hospitality. Estimated Student Workload: 14-16 hours See Separate Marking Rubric for the detailed marking allocation Links to Subject Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4 are assessed in this task Submission Details Submissions must be online via Turnitin. Feedback and Return of Work Feedback and marks will be provided via the Turnitin within two weeks of submission. Introduction to Tourism & Hospitality Subject Guide THT3112 Global Tourism and Hospitality Futures Assessment Task No 3 (Tourism/Hospitality Futures Scenario report) Marking Rubric STUDENT NAME: STUDENT NUMBER: Criteria High Distinction 80% - 100% Distinction (70% - 79%) Credit (60% - 69%) Pass (50% - 59%) Fail (0% - 49%) Score Weight (Marks) Task Compliance: Answered task Question Report provides a concise and very clear summary of the main drivers and trends that influence the mega trend. Comprehensively identify all the key opportunities and threats from the mega trend. The opportunities and threats are all relevant for destination or industry sectors. Report provides a concise yet clear summary of the main drivers and trends that influence the mega trend. Report identifies most of the key opportunities and threats from the mega trend. The opportunities and threats are mostly related to the destination or industry sectors. Report provides a concise and mostly clear summary of the main drivers and trends that influence the mega trend. Report identifies most of the key opportunities and threats from the mega trend. The opportunities and threats are generally relevant for the destination only and/or industry sectors. Report provides a summary of the main drivers and trends that influence the mega trend, although some parts are slightly off topic. Report identifies most of the key opportunities and threats from the mega trend, but some vital ones are missing. The opportunities and threats are not as relevant for the destination or industry sectors. Summary of the report main drivers are not clear or concise and/or not appropriate to the task. Opportunities and threats are limited, unjustified and not related to the mega trends. Theory or concepts have not been incorporated in a meaningful way in your discussion from the futures literature. 12 Research, data acquisition and referencing Evidence of detailed, structured and independent research. Demonstrated use of a wide variety of applicable scholarly information resources/data Referencing used throughout is consistent and accurate and demonstrated ability to reference a range of both primary and secondary sources both in-text and using a reference list. Evidence of broad, structured and independent research. Demonstrated use of applicable scholarly information resources/data. Referencing throughout is generally consistent and accurate and demonstrated ability to reference a range of both primary and secondary sources both in-text and within a reference list. Evidence of solid research skills but with more limited use of applicable scholarly information resources/data. Referencing is in parts inconsistent and or demonstrates a limited ability to reference a range of both primary and secondary sources both in-text and within a reference list. Research conducted demonstrates an attempt to collect and use applicable scholarly information resources/data but from a limited range of sources. Frequent use of the words and/or ideas of others from primary and secondary sources that are inconsistently and/or inaccurately referenced Limited acknowledgement of sources as in-text or within a reference list. Limited research skills demonstrated. Poorly selected and used information resources/data (non-scholarly) data. Failure to acknowledge sources either as in-text or within a reference list. 8 Application of data /frameworks /theories You have impact fully incorporated Global Tourism and Hospitality Futures theories and concepts in your discussions. You have incorporated relevant Global Tourism and Hospitality Futures theories and concepts in your discussions. You have incorporated appropriate Global Tourism and Hospitality Futures theories and concepts in your discussions. You have incorporated some Global Tourism and Hospitality Futures theories and concepts in your discussions, but better integration is needed. Global Tourism and Hospitality Futures theories and concepts have not been incorporated in a meaningful way in your discussions. 12 Topic Development The Tourism Mega Trend Drivers and Implications Report demonstrate a very clear understanding of your mega trend in a professional and structured manner. The Tourism Mega Trend Drivers and Implications Report demonstrate a clear understanding of your mega trend in a consistent manner. The Tourism Mega Trend Drivers and Implications Report demonstrate a reasonably good understanding of your mega trends, although some gaps and not fully consistent with requirements. The Tourism Mega Trend Drivers and Implications Report demonstrate an understanding of your mega trends, although some gaps are evident and fails to specifically address the key aspects of the task requirements and components of the questions The Tourism Mega Trend Drivers and Implications Report demonstrate an understanding of your mega trend, and many gaps in understanding are evident and fails to address the key aspects of the task requirement/questions, is largely off-topic and/or not relevant to the task requirements/questions. 4 Expression, Structure Demonstrates a high quality level of academic writing, pre-submission editing and proof-reading and minimal grammatical/expression errors. Professional presentation including the use of headings, spelling, punctuation error-free. Demonstrates a solid level of academic writing with occasional editing, proof-reading and grammatical/expression errors Well-presented including the use of headings, spelling, punctuation error-free. Level of academic writing consistent but with editing, proof-reading and grammatical/expression errors. Some errors in formatting, spelling, punctuation. Additional editing and proof- reading required. Level of academic writing in-consistent with multiple editing, proof-reading and grammatical/expression errors. Errors in formatting, spelling, punctuation. Additional detailed editing and proof- reading required. Poor level of academic writing with multiple editing, proof-reading and grammatical/expression errors throughout. Multiple errors in formatting, spelling, punctuation. Significant detailed editing and proof- reading required. 4 Late penalty Marks awarded 40 COMMENTS: THT3112 Global Tourism and Hospitality Futures Page 1 of 4 This Subject Guide complies with the Subject Outline authorised by the Course Committee THT3112 Global Tourism and Hospitality Futures Tourism/Hospitality Futures Scenario report & Reflective Report Template Title page (Report title and your details) Executive Summary (On one page per se)- 200-300 words Introduction- 500-700 words · An overview of the six mega-trends Body- 1500-2000 words · Critically analyse the mega-trends in tourism and hospitality industry based on research and theory. · Examine the specific opportunities and challenges the mega trends may have on tourism-related industries. · Explain the political, socio-cultural, and economic factors that influence the emerging global tourism markets. · Identify the key drivers and trends that are influencing/will influence the mega-trends. Conclusion/s- 100-200 words Recommendations- 100-200 words Formulate and justify key recommendations related to the marketing and management of tourism related industries to ensure Australia will be successful and competitive in the future. References List (APA System) Csiro futures www.csiro.au Our future world Global megatrends that will change the way we live The 2012 revision stefan hajkowicz, hannah Cook, anna Littleboy Citation Hajkowicz SA, Cook H, Littleboy A. 2012. Our Future World: Global megatrends that will change the way we live. The 2012 Revision. CSIRO, Australia. speCiaL Devotion The authors devote this research in particular to the many people facing vision loss and degenerative illness. Your future world is so challenging. But your mega courage is an inspiration to everyone. May you teach us about what matters in this life. CopyriGht © 2012 CSIRO To the extent permitted by law, all rights are reserved and no part of this publication covered by copyright may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means except with the written permission of CSIRO. important DisCLaimer CSIRO advises that the information contained in this publication comprises general statements based on scientific research. The reader is advised and needs to be aware that such information may be incomplete or unable to be used in any specific situation. No reliance or actions should therefore be made on that information without seeking prior expert professional, scientific and technical advice. To the extent permitted by law, CSIRO (including its employees and consultants) excludes all liability to any person for any consequences, including but not limited to all losses, damages, costs, expenses and any other compensation, arising directly or indirectly from using this publication (in part or in whole) and any information or material contained in it. aCknowLeDGements The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the hundreds of people who have commented on the original 2009 megatrends at conferences, professional seminars, board room briefings and community meetings. Your questions and insights have helped us build a better product. We express gratitude to staff from GPT and the Australian Sports Commission. Both are recent clients of CSIRO futures and have greatly helped with the thinking behind this report. Lastly we would like to thank the countless CSIRO people who helped with quality reviews, background research, logistics and intellectual guidance including the development group, the communications team, the education group, the CSIRO board and executives, flagship directors, divisional chiefs, science leaders, research scientists, creative support services, the designers and support staff in a variety of roles. 2 4 5 8