Assignment Tasks: 1. Corporate Governance and Organisational Structure. Backed up by relevant theory, briefly examine how Norwegian Air is governed and what type of organisational structure is...

Assignment Tasks:

1. Corporate Governance and Organisational Structure. Backed up by relevant theory, briefly examine how Norwegian Air is governed and what type of organisational structure is adopted. (20 marks)

2. General External Environment

Conduct a PEST analysis on 1 of the Geographic regions listed above, examining how these factors may affect Norwegian if they choose to enter this market. (40 marks)

3. Competitive Environment

Examine and evaluate the level of Competitive Rivalry and the threat from Substitute products within the selected geographical region. (There is no need to conduct Porter’s 5 forces analysis) (20 marks)

4. Conclusions and Recommendations

Draw conclusions as to the issues that you have analysed and put forward key recommendations as to how Norwegian Air should proceed in the future in terms of their international expansion. (10 marks)

Oct 07, 2019

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