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ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION FORM This sheet must be submitted with your assignment. Failure to complete, sign and submit this form will result in a mark of ‘0’ for the assignment. Student Name Student ID Assessor Name Qualification Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma Business (Management) Unit Number & Unit Title Unit 16: Operations and Project Management Assignment Title Date of Submission Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes: copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework from another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the procedures set down by the College. Please see your student handbook for further details of what is / isn’t plagiarism. By submitting this form and signing below, I declare that: · I am the author of this assignment and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully disclosed and acknowledged in this assignment · I also certify that this assignment was prepared by me specifically for this course · I certify that I have taken all reasonable precautions to make sure that my work has not been copied by other students · I confirm that I have understood the College’s regulations on plagiarism · I confirm that research resources are fully acknowledged Signature: ……………… ……………………… Date: ……………………………… Table of Contents OPERATIONS & PROJECT MANAGEMENT GUIDANCE FOR SUBMISSION V2 Activity 1[Case 1] 1.0 Effectiveness of Operation Management Principles (P1 & M1 -LO1 ) (Use the PowerPoint template provided for your live presentation on slides. Some slides will need speaker notes to properly cover the assessment criteria. Activity 2[Case 1]P2 & M2 -LO2 & D1 2.1Introduction: briefly explain the concept of continuous improvement Extraordinary items are collaboration. That is the reason Nemawashi, or arranging and building an agreement is a piece of the Toyota Production System. Nemawashi is the initial phase in the basic leadership process. It is sharing of data about the choices that will be made, so as to include all workers all the while. During the nemawashi, the organization is looking for the assessment of the representatives about the choice. Nemawashi (English: Laying the basis or establishment; building agreement): The initial phase in the basic leadership process. It is the sharing of data about the choices that will be made, so as to include all representatives all the while. During Nemawashi, an organization looks for the assessment of workers about choices. Truly deciphered as 'circumventing the roots', especially in the feeling of burrowing around the underlying foundations of a tree to set it up for transplant. Inside the Toyota Production System – and Japanese culture itself – the word has come to mean a casual procedure of establishing the framework and building an agreement before rolling out proper improvements to a specific procedure or task. Effective use of Nemawashi enables changes to be done with the assent all things considered. 2.2 a]Prepare a continuous improvement plan based on your review and critique of operations management principles within Toyota. P2 Your PLAN should have 3 Objectives: each to state as below: Specific, measurable, Resources Required, Timescale for review, Result of review/follow Up You should use the following Template: Specific & measurable Objective 1 Resources Required: Timescale for review: Result of review/follow Up: Specific & measurable Objective 2 Resources Required: Timescale for review: Result of review/follow Up: Specific & measurable Objective 3 Resources Required: Timescale for review: Result of review/follow Up: Below is an example of a simple Plan objective based on Waste Reduction [Lean Principles] Specific & measurable Objective 1:Reduce annual energy consumption by 4%; as measured by total Kwh; Resources Required: [Any of]Smart meters for each location; more ceiling insulation; more energy efficient bulbs. Timescale for review: Every 6 months Result of review/follow Up: On review it was found that significant energy savings could be made by increasing ceiling insulation from 2cm to 4cm Other approaches could use eg Six Sigma, and improvements could involve more complex processes [eg Mass Customisation, Flexible specialization, agile manufacturing]. For ideas > H/o on 10 decision areas in Operations Management, link below Below are 2 more example of Plan objectives; [the 1st based on Measuring Customer Satisfaction -Lean, Quality, & 6 Sigma Principles] Specific & measurable Objective eg 2: Conduct Quantitative customer research using Questionnaires where results can be numerically recorded. Resources Required:Experienced team of market researchers Timescale for review: on a rolling 6 monthly basis Result of review/follow Up: Results to be reviewed after each questionnaire is conducted and appropriate action taken Specific & measurable Objective Eg 3: Examine the viability of using Electric Batteries for named Model of Car; with viability measured by a statement of estimated Cost & benefit. Resources Required:Experienced multi disciplinary team to including physicists & production engineers Timescale for review: on a rolling 6 monthly basis Result of review/follow Up: Results to be reviewed after each statement of estimated Cost & benefit is completed and appropriate action taken. 2.2 b] Analyse the effectiveness of your plan using appropriate theories, concepts and/or models M2 For 2.2B your answer must analyse the effectiveness of your plan [in the context of the theories/ concepts/ models already mentioned]. So you could discuss which principles have been applied, [eg Lean; Six Sigma, Quality, Mass Customisation, Flexible specialization, agile manufacturing] in your Plan. Your Analysis could consider the following: Have targets been achieved ? If the plan was significantly over or underachieved how could this be explained ? How would the plan be changed for next period ? Have there been any major changes in Production processes, Legislation, consumer preferences ? 2.3 Following from your answer to 2.2; justify strategies for achieving continuous improvement of improved efficiency at Toyota by applying appropriate theories, concepts and/ or models. D1 Following on from your Continuous Improvement Plan, you should independently research more recent developments in Operations practice at Toyota in the context of the Global Car Manufacturing Industry, so as to retain and increase market share in the constantly changing & very competitive industry. Themes could include global manufacturing overcapacity; much stricter legislation on CO & NOx emissions; moving away from Diesel & Petrol engines; research & development and marketing of alternative ways to power cars. Activity 3[Case 2] 3.1 – 3.6 ( P2 & M2 -LO2 & D1) (More to follow) References
Answered Same DayOct 29, 2021UNIT 5

Answer To: ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION FORM This sheet must be submitted with your assignment. Failure to complete,...

Amar answered on Nov 24 2021
142 Votes
Running Header: Operations & Project Management – Activity 1, 2 & 3
Operations & Project Management – Activity 1, 2 & 3
Operations & Project Management – Activity 1, 2 & 3
Table of Contents
Activity 1    3
1.0    Effectiveness of Operations Management Principles    3
Activity 2    4
2.1 Introduction: Continuous Improvement    4
2.2 a] Continuous Improvement Plan & Operation Management Principles: Toyota    6
2.2 b] Effectiveness Analysis    9
2.3 Strategy Justification    11
Activity 3    12
3.1 Application of Project Life Cycle (“PLC”)    12
Doc 1] Business Case    14
Doc 2] Project Plan    16
Doc 3] WBS    18
Doc 4] Gantt Chart & Network Diagram    20
References    22
Activity 1
1.0 Effectiveness of Operations Management Principles
Operations management in essence entails the planning, overall organizing, as well as supervising of processes, and also making improvements that are necessary to ensure higher profitability. The various adjustments with respect to day t
o day operations need to support and aid in the attainment of strategic goals by a company, such that they shall be preceded with in-depth analysis as well as the measurement concerning current processes (Slack and Brandon-Jones 2018; Reid and Sanders 2019; Bromiley and Rau 2016; Haksever and Render 2017).
The effectiveness that shall be seen by way of applying and using principles of operations management can be summarized as follows – [1] teaming up with the company’s customers, that is, knowing what the customers buy / use, as well as organizing the product families in a suitable manner, [2] continual and rapid form of improvements, that is, aiming for a non-stop / continuous form of improvement for delivering at all times best of quality, aiming for swifter response in addressing customer demands, as well as at all times offering maximum levels of flexibility. In this manner, the same shall offer increased value, over a highly flexible manner, [3] unified purpose, that is, involving the frontline employees within discussions on strategic relevance for making sure they shall fully understand overall purpose concerning the work as well as have their involvement over what changes are to be made, [4] knowing the competition, that is, knowing the relevant customers, the affiliated best practices, as well as the competitive edges, and [5] focus, that is, allowing none of the variations which their customers shall not buy or else demand (Slack and Brandon-Jones 2018; Reid and Sanders 2019; Bromiley and Rau 2016; Haksever and Render 2017).
Activity 2
2.1 Introduction: Continuous Improvement
The process of continuous improvement, in the manner the name implies, represents a non-ending process. At a contrasting extent, the routines of improvement can be expected in being integrated towards the daily activities of organizations as well as be used for generating the results as aligned to the strategic objectives of firms. The overall inability for maintaining continuity shall lead to the creation of highly negative form of impact over the employees as well as have limited levels of duration in-between one to four years post passing through three different phases – [1] introduction, [2] spread, and [3] decline. The overall reasons with respect to the same can be noted to be diverse, and yet in general be affiliated within static programs having no capacity with respect to development. At times there appears in being fourth phase over which efforts for improvement shall get relaunched. With respect to the said notion, studies in this context make argument that all of the activities, inclusive of the improvements, have the life cycle that shall move by way of introduction, growth, subsequent maturity, and finally decline. In case the regenerative impulse does not get attained within the suitable time, overall program shall decline. In case, continuous improvement gets deployed in an inadequate manner as well as has been co-ordinated poorly, overall process shall become lesser effective, and this even post the attainment of certain initial outcomes. Continuity shall in essence be very important, and yet the other critical elements shall be the way in which processes shall be deployed for the purposes of improvement processes for purposes of reaching all of the levels concerning an organization. A systemic approach shall require that varied processes shall be viewed to form part of the global system wherein the final outcomes shall rely over the quality concerning the overall interactions in-between them. With respect to the same, it shall be unthinkable with respect to continuous improvement in working without any integration concerning all of the sectors as well as processes (Singh and Singh 2015; Jurburg et al. 2018; Sanchez-Ruiz et al. 2018; Patidar et al. 2016).
The modification of the classic form of structure concerning problem-solving utilizing the trial and error, on the basis of individual experiences, towards a scientific approach using teams and shall require specific trainings over the methodologies / tools to undertake the analysis. Over and above the overall needs concerning the training in a large scale, it shall be reasonable for starting by way of upper management as well as focusing over the agents concerning change that shall lead to the generation of bigger impact over the process. Varied studies in this context highlight the overall significance relating to the implementation of the training with respect to basic tools as well as in moving towards newer tools in the earliest extent with more intricate problems shall make them essential. In essence, overall development concerning the capacities of continuous improvement require the process to monitor as well as measure the results as against overall strategic objectives concerning the firm. The continuous form of improvement shall be on the basis of techniques concerning continuous assessment that get applied towards the systems, processes as well as key outcomes. The relevant experiences feedback in the program of continuous improvement enables the overall building, assessing, as well as facilitating overall exchange concerning the knowledge in-between experts with respect to problems solving. While the teams illustrate the results with respect to internal events, overall knowledge that has been developed shall get deployed beyond the respective team members as well as be applied towards the overall organization. In addition, with respect to the instances concerning external events, illustrating the successful form of outcomes with respect to be project shall operate to be motivational factor. The significant set of contributions – those measured with respect to the impacts over the results - shall usually be rewarded. The recognition programs of this nature could take varied forms and yet at all times strive in reinforcing as well as spreading a positive attitude (Singh and Singh 2015; Jurburg et al. 2018; Sanchez-Ruiz et al. 2018; Patidar et al. 2016).

2.2 a] Continuous Improvement Plan & Operation Management Principles: Toyota
In essence, Toyota Way sets out the principles / behaviours which underlie managerial approaches as well as the production system at Toyota Motor Corporation (“TMC”). This Toyota Way can be noted to have been referred as the system which has been designed for providing the essential tools to people for continually improving the respective work. This approach encompasses 14 different principles and categorized under four different sections (Coetzee et al. 2016; Chiarini et al. 2018; Rüttimann and Stöckli 2016; Kehr and Proctor 2017).
The longer-term philosophy at TMC in this context entails the right process shall lead to the production of right results, adding value to organization by way of developing the people, and continuously solving the root problems will lead to the driving of the organizational learning. The two of the focal points with respect to these principles entail continuous improvement as well as respect to people. Further, principles with respect to continuous improvement entail the establishing of longer-term vision, operating over the challenges, continual form of innovation, as well as going towards specific source with respect to the problems / issues. The overall principles which pertain to respect to people including the ways for building overall respect as well as teamwork (Coetzee et al. 2016; Chiarini et al. 2018; Rüttimann and Stöckli 2016; Kehr and Proctor 2017).
One of the key principles in this context of creating continuous form of process flow towards the bringing of problems to surface. In essence, work processes shall be re-designed for eliminating waste / muda by way of the process concerning continuous improvement, that is, kaizen. In this context, seven different types of waste/ muda include the following –
[1] overproduction, [2] waiting, that is, time in hand, [3] unnecessary conveyance / transport, [4] incorrect processing / over-processing, [5] excess inventory, [6] motion, and [7] defects. The managers at TMC are expected in going and seeing the operations. Without having experience with respect to a situation firsthand, the managers shall never have suitable understanding over the ways the same could be enhanced. In addition, managers employ ten different management principles from the leadership which include the following – [1] at all times keeping final target within mind, [2] assign tasks in a clear manner to oneself as well as others, [3] thinking as well as speaking over verified and proven information / data, [4] taking complete advantage over...

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