Assignment Objectives:
In this assignment, you will:
- Implement an abstract data type (ADT) called a Disjoint Set (using a linked list implementation... there are more advance ways to implement this ADT but your assignment must use the linked list version)
- Use a disjoint set to create a maze
- Write aRECURSIVEfunction to run through the maze
Part 1 Disjoint Set (15 marks)
Starter files:
- disjointset.h
- disjointset.cpp
- a1q1tester.cpp (available by Sept 30)
Disjoint Set description
The disjoint set S is a set of non-empty sets = {S1, S2, S3...Sk} where no member of Siexist in any other set Sj,where i != j. That is, Siand Sjhave no members in common. Each set has an unique identifying member called the representative. A disjoint set ADT has the following operations:
- makeSet(object); - creates a new set whereobjectis the only member of the set.objectis the representative of this new set as it is the only member. each object must be uniquely identifiable (ie no two objects in the disjoint set are the same)
- findSet(object); - returns the representative of the set containingobject
- unionSets(rep1,rep2); - given the representatives of two distinct sets, unionSets combines the two sets into one set such that the new set contains every member of two original sets. After a unionSets, only the new set remains. A new representative is chosen out of the members of the combined set (can be any member, though often you pick one of the old reps)
The disjoint set in an abstract data type which means that while the above 3 operations describe what it does, it does not speak to any particular implementation. For the purposes of this assignment, we will implement our disjoint set by using linked lists.
Disjoint sets can be useful for various algorithms. For example it can be used to find the connected components within a graph (something we will towards the end of the course). Here is a graph with 3 different connected components.![](
We start by forming a disjoint set for every vertex (the circles):
{{A}, {B}, {C}, {D}, {E}, {F}}.
Then for each of the edges (the lines) we join the associated vertices together if not already joined. The edges are:
Basic algorithm
for each vertex v{ //create a separate set for each vertex makeSet(v); } for each edge e{ let v1 and v2 represent vertices of edge e; rep1=findSet(v1); rep2=findSet(v2); if(rep1!=rep2){ unionSets(rep1,rep2); } }
edge |
rep1 |
rep2 |
disjoint set |
Initial: |
{{A}, {B}, {C}, {D}, {E}, {F}}. |
A-B |
A |
B |
{{A,B},{C},{D},{E},{F}} |
B-C |
A |
C |
{{A,B,C}, {D},{E},{F}} |
A-C |
A |
A |
{{A,B,C}, {D},{E},{F}} |
D-E |
D |
E |
{{A,B,C}, {D,E},{F}} |
And thus we end up with 3 sets, each set representing the vertices that are connected. In any case, this example is just here to illustrate what a disjoin set is and how it can be used to solve a problem.
The DisjointSet Class
To simplify our implementation of the DisjointSets class, we will identify each object by a unique number starting from 0. There are better ways that you might have to implement a disjoint set for other types of identifiers but for our purposes a number is good enough. In otherwords, we view every member that can be in any disjoint set as single number, our objects will be just a number.
When a DisjointSets is instantiated, it is passed a number representing the maximum number of unique items in the disjoint set. Thus the objects for the disjoint set would be a number ranging from 0 to max-1.
Each of the sets within the disjoint sets are represented by a separate linked list. Each node within the linked lists contain a member of the disjoint set.
Our disjoint set will be made of an array of Node*. When a set is first created using makeSet(), we instantiate a node and form a linked list with just that node. The unionSets() function thus combines two existing linked list into one.
Suppose you had the following disjoint set: { {0,2,5},{1},{3,4}}
Our representation would create a structure similar to the following: **Note this diagram is just a very rough guide. You are allowed to change the exact nature of the list. The list can be singly linked or circular for example. You are also allowed to add extra information to each node in order to improve performance. You are even allowed to make the linked list without the "List" object (ie just nodes linked together, use nullptrs to indicate front/back). You are allowed to add other members to the disjointSet class to help support your processing also. This diagram is only a very rough guide. **
Member functions
bool makeSet(int object);
- Creates a new set with object as the only member of the set
- if object already belongs to a set, the function does nothing and returns false
- if a new set was created return true, otherwise return false
int findSet(int object) const;
- returns the representative of the set containing object
- Note that any member can be chosen as the representative. However, once chosen, the representative cannot change unless the membership of the set is changed (for example when unionSets() is performed).
bool unionSets(rep1,rep2);
- this combines the two sets with representatives rep1 and rep2.
- if rep1 or rep2 are not representatives of their set, function does nothing and returns false
- if rep1 == rep2 are equivalent to each other function does nothing and returns true
- A new representative is chosen. This new representative can be any member of the new set. That is a call to findSet() using any of the original members would result in the new representative.
Aside from the above functions, you need to also implement the following:
copy constructor move constructor assignment operator move assignment operator destructor
For this particular ADT, there are a few things you can do to make the data structure more efficient. It is up to you to do some research on this. Part of your mark is determined by the efficiency of your implementation.NOTE that you must use a linked list representation. A tree/forest representation will not be accepted.
Part 2: Maze Creator (5 marks)
Starter Files
- wall.h
- a1q2.cpp
- a1q2tester.cpp (available by Sept 30)
In this part of the assignment, you will use the disjoint set you wrote earlier to create a maze.
Maze creation:
We can create a random maze by making use of a disjoint set. Write the function:
int generateMaze(int row, int col, Wall walls[]);
- row and col describe the size of the maze in terms of the number of cells along its rows and columns.
- This function will generate a list of walls that will form the maze and return the number of walls in the final maze
We describe the maze as having row X col cells. For example if row was 3, and col was 4, then we would have a grid of cells as follows. We describe a wall by the two cell numbers the wall separates (smaller number first). If every single wall existed, there would be (row-1)(col) + (col-1)(row) walls.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 ------------------- 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 -------------------- 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
The way maze generation works is as follows:
- begin by generating every possible wall that can exist between the cells (don't generate the outer borders, that actually just makes it harder)
- starting with that list of walls, select a random wall. See if the two cells on either side of the walls are already connected. If not, remove the wall between them (it does not go into the final set of walls). If the two cells are already joined, do not remove the wall.
- continue the above process until every cell is joined.
Remember, that your disjoint set from part 1 could help you solve this problem!
Part 3: Maze Runner (5 marks)
Starter Files
- wall.h
- maze.h. (available by Sept 30)
- maze.cpp (available by Sept 30)
- a1q3.cpp. (available by Sept 30)
- a1q3tester.cpp (available by Sept 30)
Write a recursive maze runner:
int runMaze(Maze& theMaze, int path[], int startCell, int endCell);
The runMaze() function will find a path from cell numberfromCellto cell numbertoCell. function will "markup" theMaze with the path and pass back an array containing the path (using the cell numbers) from the starting cell to ending cell. The function will return the number of cells along the pathway from the starting cell to the ending cell inclusive.