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1 PSY2235 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY LITERATURE REVIEW TOPICS 2021 This assessment task aims to develop and evaluate your research, critical analysis and academic writing skills. The topics have been selected to encourage you to think about some of the real-world applications of developmental psychology. Each topic asks you to consider both theory and research related to a particular developmental phenomenon. Choose one topic. Be sure to discuss relevant methodological issues when presenting and evaluating research findings including study strengths and weaknesses. These could include designs (e.g., longitudinal, cross-sectional, qualitative), how key study variables are measured (e.g., parent report, observations, self-reports, possible confounding variables, definitional issues) and sample characteristics (e.g., gender, age, culture). Please use APA 7th referencing style throughout your review and in your reference list. You will find further rules and guidelines regarding submission on page 3 of this document. The grades associated with assessment standards are provided on page 4 and the marking rubric is provided on page 5. TOPIC 1. Peer Relationships, Social media and Wellbeing in Adolescence. Developmental theorists (e.g., Erik Erikson) generally agree that as children develop into adolescents, relationships with parents become less influential and relationships with peers become more influential. One of the main ways that young people interact with their peers is through social media, typically spending lots of time on platforms such as Tik Tok, Instagram, Snap Chat and Facebook. What does research tell us about the impact of social media on psychological wellbeing in adolescents? In your review: 1) Briefly outline theoretical explanations regarding why peer relationships are important and how social media use might influence wellbeing (e.g., body image, mood, etc.). 2) Critically review the research evidence on the impact of social media on wellbeing making sure that you consider research designs (e.g., correlational, experimental designs), measurement issues, sample characteristics (e.g., age, gender of participants). 2 TOPIC 2. Temperament and Parenting. Some children are said to be born more difficult than others, with most modern researchers believing both biological and environmental factors interconnect to form a child’s personality. The relationship between child temperament and parenting has especially been the subject of considerable debate and empirical research. Critically review the literature linking child temperament with parenting. In your review: 1) Consider conceptual issues (e.g. proposed explanations regarding how temperament and parenting are related) 2) Discuss methodological and research issues (e.g., challenges in how these two constructs are measured) TOPIC 3. Gender Stereotypes in Toy Play and Appearance. Despite increasing support for the similarity hypothesis between the genders (Hyde, 2005), young children’s gender stereotypic behaviour remains strong in toy play and appearance (e.g., girls dressed as princesses and boys as superheroes). Why do these behavioural gender differences persist in view of minimal psychological gender differences? Critically examine the factors that contribute to young children conforming to gender stereotypic behaviour in their toy play and their appearance. In your review: 1) Discuss the similarity hypothesis and theoretical explanations regarding how the socialisation practices of parents, peers, and the media, may influence children’s gender stereotypic behaviour. 2) Evaluate the research support for the influence of socialisation on children’s gender stereotypic behaviour. For example, consider methodological issues such as study design (e.g., cross sectional versus longitudinal studies), the extent to which studies control for variables that might be confounded with gender, and sample characteristics. Topic 4. Positive Ageing. As adults negotiate the stages of mid-life and old age, they encounter numerous challenges and individuals respond differently to these challenges. What does theory and research tell us about why some older adults show positive ageing (e.g., are resilient, loving and caring, and have a positive outlook toward themselves and others) while others have adjustment difficulties as they get older? In your review: a) Briefly outline Erikson’s theory which attempts to explain adult development and ageing (emphasising the parts most relevant to predicting positive wellbeing in later life). b) Critically evaluate the research evidence for this theoretical explanation of positive ageing, reflecting on both definitional and methodological issues. 3 Rules and Guidelines for Submitting your Literature Review • Formatting: Your literature review should be in 12-point font (Times New Roman), double- spaced, with standard margins of 2.54 cms. You do not need to include an Abstract with your literature review. You do not need a “Title”. Use the topic number and short title. Use of subheadings to structure your review is optional. • Referencing: You are expected to reference your work according to the style of the APA Publication Manual (7th Edition). There are copies in the library and a useful guide will be provided in the Tutorial 2 resources. A useful tip is to model your referencing on a recent (2016- 2019) article from an APA publication e.g., Developmental Psychology, Child Development. • How to submit your Literature Review: You must submit electronically through "Turnitin" on the iLearn site. Select the relevant topic number. Your submission ID will be your topic number and short topic title. You should also include this, along with your Student ID as a header on each page (e.g., Topic 1, Peer Relationships). • When to submit your Literature Review: It is due by 10am on Thursday 23rd September 2021. Please note this is during the mid-session break. • Late penalties: Reports submitted after 10am on the due date (Thursday 23rd September 2021) without an approved extension will be deemed late. This will result in a 5% (i.e. 2 marks) penalty for every day late, including weekends and public holidays. If you submit the assessment task 10 days or more beyond the due date, you will be awarded a maximum of 50% of the overall assessment marks. No further submissions will be accepted after the marked assignments are returned and feedback is released to students. • Extensions: If an extension is required for medical or other extenuating circumstances, students may request this in writing through with supporting documentary evidence (such as medical certificate, counsellor note, or similar). Neither individual tutors nor the course convener will grant extensions. All requests for extensions must be made before the due date for the assignment. If an extension is granted, the approval email must be forwarded to
[email protected] with the subject line “PSYU2235/PSYX2235 Extension Granted”. Otherwise, we will not know and apply a penalty! • Word length penalties: 5% of the total possible mark will be deducted per 100 words over the word limit. An additional 99 words beyond the limit can be written without penalty. The word limit for your Literature Review is 1500 words (excluding reference list, but including in- text references). This means there is no penalty up to 1599 words. If your review is between 1600 and 1699 words the penalty will be 5% x 40 = 2 marks, if your review is between 1700 and 1799 words the penalty will be 4 marks etc. Turnitin provides a word-count, with references excluded. • How many references?: Each year students ask this question and it’s difficult to answer. While it is good to read widely, it is not necessarily better to have a very long reference list if the chosen articles are not directly relevant or don’t come from reputable academic sources. You should include the number of references that allow you to answer the question effectively, whilst staying within the word-length. A rough rule of thumb could be that less than 6 references is not enough, and more than 20 is too many – anything in between could be OK depending on quality. mailto:
[email protected] 4 Grades Associated with Assessment Standards Please note it is Psychology policy that letter grades, not numeric marks, are released for written assessment tasks High Distinction (34 or higher marks out of 40) All literature review components are rated “excellent”. All aspects of the question are addressed and the review is exceptionally well structured, theoretically based, the empirical literature is critically evaluated and the writing style is fluent, clear and professional. The work is distinguished by particularly cogent, sophisticated critical analysis, synthesis, and exceptional and eloquent expression. Distinction (30-33 inclusive marks out of 40) Most, but not all essay components are rated at the “excellent” standard. A review given this rating would have many of the characteristics of a High Distinction essay, but not quite at the same level of mastery/eloquence. There may be minor flaws. Students must show superior skills in analysis and synthesis of main ideas/findings from literature and clearly link these to the question to achieve this grade. Credit (26-29 inclusive marks out of 40) Some aspects may be excellent, and some are competent. At minimum, students must address all key issues raised in the question, demonstrate a clear understanding of the issues and some evidence of critical analysis and synthesis of the literature to achieve this grade. Writing style should be clear, grammatically correct, arguments well structured. Pass (20-25 inclusive marks out of 40) Satisfactory/competent performance across most standards, and no more than three components are below standard. Students must address the key issues raised in the question; draw upon several relevant articles to support their arguments, and report on that literature in an accurate and balanced way. Synthesis (pulling ideas from different sources together) may be limited e.g., there may be a tendency to list study findings one after another. Reviews awarded a pass grade are usually characterised by limited critical analysis and writing may be poorly structured, and/or characterised by many grammatical and spelling errors. Below Expected Standard (Fail) (0-19 inclusive marks out of 40) Unsatisfactory performance across most standards, and more than three components are below standard. Some aspects of the question are not considered. 5 MARKING RUBRIC Skills Advanced Standard Competent Standard Below expected Standard Research Has the student found relevant, peer-reviewed literature from reputable academic journals and relevant books, and selected the most pertinent material in order to address the specific questions? Evidence of wide reading; balanced report of research from most relevant studies; recent research is