Assignment Instructions: The assignment is separated into two parts and must be 2600 words: Part A (1300 words): 1. The following is a summary of the accounts of Foverer Bank (£bn) Balance Sheet...

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Assignment Instructions: The assignment is separated into two parts and must be 2600 words: Part A (1300 words): 1. The following is a summary of the accounts of Foverer Bank (£bn) Balance Sheet Assets Cash & balances with central banks 115,465 Derivative financial instruments 63,141 Net loans and advances to customers Other securities 250,742 32,400 Other assets 1,450 premises etc 20,500 total assets 483,698 Liabilities Customer deposits 160,452 Bank deposits 10,460 Short term funding 36,700 LT Borrowings and debt securities in issue (at historical cost) 150,450 Derivative financial instruments 15,700 Trading liabilities 2,500 total liabilities 376,262 Equity Common equity: par value + capital surplus 34,250 Other Reserves 5,000 Shareholders equity 65,500 Retained earnings 2,686 total equity 107,436 total liabilities and equity 483,698 Income statement Net Interest Revenue 20,002 Other Operating Income 25,800 Net Gains (Losses) on Trading and Derivatives 1,183 Net Gains (Losses) on Assets at FV through Income Statement 500 47,485 less: Net Fees and Commissions 15,828 Overheads 25,924 Loan Loss Provisions 672 Other 800 43,224 Profit before Tax 4,261 Tax 1,255 Net Income ? Additional data: · Market capitalisation: £ 183,567 · Off-balance sheet items: £ 414,238 Calculate the following (650 words) i)Cash Reserve ratio. ii)Liquidity coverage ratio. iii)Burden ratio. iv)market-to-book ratio. v)Net interest margin For each calculation: present the following (mandatory): · Fully explanation of the workings including formulas, results, assumptions and whey they are relevant to the bank. Explain in detail. The workings must be visible and not only the final result (ratio). Explain what this ratio means for the bank why it is positive or negative, and the final outcome of the results. What does the above ratios results indicate for the bank financial performance? 2. Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of asset backed securitization from the perspective of a commercial bank (650 words) · Use academic journals, books, and not websites. Use reference under Harvard Style. Discuss asset back securitization, discuss the benefits, the drawbacks from the research you done. Then give a fully detail evaluation based on the analysis and research you done. Part B: 3. In the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008, Basel III regulations were adopted. Some of these regulations relate to stress tests conducted by banks and supervisory authorities. Explain the concept of stress testing and discuss the benefits and limitations of stress tests. (650 words) · Explain and discuss what is stress-testing and why and how it is used on banks and supervisory authorities. What stress-testing result indicates? Discuss about Basel III regulations regarding stress-testing. Discuss the benefits and limitations and evaluate on these. · Use academic journals, books, and not websites. Use reference under Harvard Style. 4. Money laundering is one of the main issues faced by banks worldwide. Explain money laundering and its stages; and discuss the following statement: “The current regulatory framework does not do enough to help banks and financial institutions protect themselves against money laundering, more regulation is needed”. (650 words) · Discuss and explain the process of Money Laundering · Why money laundering is used from banks and financial institutions and how it helps them · Describe in detail the stages of money laundering. · Research, discuss and analyse the statement that current regulatory framework does not do enough to help banks and financial institutions protect themselves against money laundering and why more regulation is needed. Explain the current regulations and its limitations, why new regulation is needed and propose new regulations. · Use academic journals, books, and not websites. Use reference under Harvard Style
Answered 5 days AfterJul 02, 2022

Answer To: Assignment Instructions: The assignment is separated into two parts and must be 2600 words: Part A...

Rochak answered on Jul 07 2022
96 Votes
Part A:
i) Cash Reserve Ratio = Cash & Balances with central banks/Customer Deposits
= £114,465 billion/£160,452 billion
= 0.71
Cash Reserve Ratio is also a mandatory requirement that the bank must keep keeping the liquidity at the bank to meet the withdrawal requirements, and therefore it is mandated that the bank must keep some of its reserves as cash. The cash reserve ratio indicates the liquidity of the bank which in this case is very good
as the bank is maintaining a 0.71 cash reserve ratio which is more than the industry standards.
ii) Liquidity Coverage Ratio = Customer Deposits/Total Equity
= £160,452 billion/£107,436 billion
= 1.49
The liquidity coverage ratio is the total amount of liquidity which the company has in relation to its customer deposits which in this case is very high which means that the bank is doing great in this front by keeping high liquidity.
iii) Burden Ratio = (Overheads – Other Operating Income)/Total Assets
= (£25,924 billion – £25,800 billion)/ £483,698 billion
= 0.0003
The burden Ratio is the number of expenses which the company has to pay after deducting the other operating income that the bank is earning, this ratio helps in understanding what amount of burden the bank has after taking into consideration the interest income and interest expenditure.
iv) market-to-book ratio = Market Capitalization/Total Equity
= £183,567 billion/£107,436 billion
= 1.71
Market-to-book ratio is a ratio which is looked at by everybody be it internal stakeholders, external stakeholders or the central bank, this is because this tells the stakeholders about the rate at which the bank is trading in the market about its total equity in the bank. A high market-to-book ratio indicates that the market is expecting the bank to do very well in the future.
v) Net Interest Margin = (Net Interest Income – Net Fees and Commission)/Total Assets
= (£20,002 billion – £15,828 billion)/ £483,698 billion
= 0.86%
Net Interest Margin is the net interest that the bank is earning in relation to the total assets the bank has. This ratio is a very important profitability ratio because it tells us about the bank’s performance in the profitability area about how much is the bank earning after deducting the expenses related to gathering the deposits (i.e., net interest expenses).
Banks Performance
A bank’s performance depends on a lot of factors which include profitability, liquidity, leverage, and other things. Profitability is one of the areas which is the most important, but liquidity and leverage are of the same importance because a bank can earn high profitability by taking a lot of leverage and if that is happening it does not mean that the bank is doing good. Therefore, to measure a bank’s performance the bank must do good in all areas.
The above ratios indicate that the bank’s performance in terms of liquidity and value is good, but the bank is lacking behind in the interest earnings factor because the bank is only earning a mere 0.86% of net interest margin which is very low as compared to the industry standards (Yeh 1996).
Also, the major reason behind such a low net interest margin is the bank is keeping a very high cash reserve ratio of 0.71 which is making the bank let go of the investment opportunities which can be used to increase the net interest income and therefore the profitability and net interest margin of the bank.
Forever Bank is doing great in the liquidity and leverage areas but is lacking behind in the profitability front, therefore the bank has to focus on improving it.
Yeh, Q.J., 1996. The application of data envelopment analysis in conjunction with financial ratios for bank performance evaluation. Journal of the operational research society, 47(8), pp.980-988.
Carlson, M., Shan, H. and Warusawitharana, M., 2013. Capital ratios and bank lending: A matched bank approach. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 22(4), pp.663-687.
Securitization is the pooling of various debt obligations like loans and other securities and then creating security by merging/pooling all the securities. Asset-backed securities, popularly known as ABS are financial securities which are backed by different income-generating assets like loans, etc.
Asset-backed securities are a good way to create liquidity in the financial sector but can be lethal if not given the required care. Here we look at the various benefits and drawbacks that asset-backed securities have.
Benefits of Addddddddddd Securities
· Protection: This benefit is from the lender’s perspective, as by creating asset-backed security out of the various debt...

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