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Answered Same DayFeb 21, 2021

Answer To: assignment help

Hemalatha answered on Feb 24 2021
156 Votes
Vertical structure of the atmosphere
1. Label the following on the diagram in their correct locations: Stratospher, mesosphere, troposphere and thermosphere
2. Label each line separating the layers with the correct name given to that line: trapopause, me
sopause, stratopause.
3. Draw a line / curve depicting the general trend in pressure/density from the surface upward. Label it “pressure/density” – answer in the graph – ‘Layers of atmosphere’
4. Draw a line / curve depicting the general trend in pressure/density from the surface upward. Label it “temperature”
5. Label whether each layer is heated most directly from above or below on the lines to the right of diagram – answer in the graph – ‘Layers of atmosphere’
6. Label the position of the ozone layer.
Space / Earth / atmosphere energy budget
    Answer: decreasing
Answer: At zero Kelvin the object emits zero radiation.
In the formula E = σ T 4 , T is the temperature expressed in Kelvin. If T = 0 then E= 0
Answer: T(°F) = T(K) × 9/5 - 459.67
0 K = 459.67 o F
T(°C) = T(K) - 273.15
0 K = -273.15 o C
Answer: the same amount of
Answer: The amount of heat radiated is proportional to the surface area of the object
( based on the formula, Q/t = σ e A T4)
Q for A = Qa
Q for B = Qb
Qa is double that of Qb
5b. Object A will emit double the amount of energy as compared to object B.
Sun has greater surface temperature (5800 K) than compared to that of Earth (288 k). Therefore, Sun emits much more radiation energy than the the Earth.
T(°F) = T(K) × 9/5 - 459.67
Therefore T(K) = (T(°F) + 459.67) (5/9)
Surface temp of sun in K = (5/9) ( 10340.33+459.67) = 6000 K
Energy emitted by Sun (in Watt per square meter) is given by the formula
E = σ T 4
    = 5.67 * 10 -8 * (6000)4
    = 7,34,83,200 W/m2
    =7.34 * 10 m7 W/m2
T(°F) = T(K) × 9/5 - 459.67
Therefore T(K) = (T(°F) + 459.67) (5/9)
Surface temp of earth in K = (5/9) ( 58.73+459.67) = 288 K
Energy emitted by earth (in Watt per square meter) is given by the formula
E = σ T 4
    = 5.67 * 10 -8 * (288)4
    = 392.14 W/m2
8b.Energy emitted by 100 m2 of earth (in Watt per square meter) = 392.14 * 100 = 392140 W/m2 .
Answer for the Bonus question
1 km2 = (1000)2 m2 = 106 m2
I million = 1000000 = 106
Energy emitted by 510 million sq km of earth = 392140 * 510 * 1012
                        = 199991.4 * 1014
                        = 2.0 * 1019 Watt/ m2
Energy emitted by 1 sq m of sun =7.34 * 10 m7 W/m2
Energy emitted by 510 million sq km of earth > Energy emitted by 1 sq m of sun
The temperature of ice in Kelvin = 273 K
E = σ T 4
    = 5.67 * 10 -8 * (273)4
    = 314.94 W/m2

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