Assignment description Your Presentacion group project is the assignment in which you and other students in your group will work together to produce a presentation after watching a movie in Spanish. • Based on each class, Presentations are part of the 15% or 20% of your overall grade in the class. There is usually 1 presentations per course, but there could be an extra one if needed. Goals Integrate Hispanic culture, Spanish language and film studies Linguistic skills, Culture, and Interdisciplinary approach Learn deeply about the culture, history, geography, etc of a Hispanic country Culture content and College skills Learn how to work in a group, and to develop or improve teamwork skills. Group work improves critical thinking, problem solving, adaptability, and communication Critical thinking, Communication and Collaboration Learn how to create a quality presentation Integrating technology, creativity & summarizing skills Steps 1. Contact your group • This presentation will be in groups of 4 to 6 students. • Groups will be automatically assigned by Blackboard or your instructor. • Groups will be available on the date stated in the course calendar for Presentation work Start. • Click on the My Group tab at the end of the main menu to find your group. • Once you access your group space, you will see the tools available to create a collaborative dynamic: • Your group will use the Group discussion board for all the work. Your group’s own discussion board will be the place to communicate, to exchange information and ideas, to make decisions and to post your work. • You may also Send email to your group. • Your individual and group work, progress and contributions inside the group working spaces will be monitored by the instructor and the teaching assistants. The Group will receive help if needed, and may email the instructor with questions. • Start by introducing yourself and greeting other members of your group. You should do that in Spanish. Go to → My Groups → Discussion Board → Greetings & Movie ideas thread Trabajo en equipo (teamwork) Collaborate, respect, participate, be positive, offer help, accept responsibility, contribute, communicate, combine effort, work together, cooperate, be organized, be polite and thankful, listen to others, provide constructive feedback, show a good attitude, be clear, create a nice atmosphere, be supportive, listen to others, design a work strategy or plan, use your time effectively, be enthusiastic. Página 3 2. Choose a movie • After introductions and greetings, start brainstorming on movie ideas. • You may post trailers, videos and weblinks for others to check. • You will watch a Hispanic movie that is originally spoken in Spanish. Students can not choose a movie that is originally spoken in English or other language with the audio switched to Spanish. This is a requirement. Presentations submitted based on movies not originally in Spanish and from a Spanish speaking country, will receive a grade of zero. • You need to discuss the options with your group and make a decision as a group. • You can choose any type of movie. At the end of this packet, you will find a list of websites with information on some of the best movies in Spanish. • Resources: There are several titles at TRCC library that you can borrow. You can also check Netflix, Redbox, Hulu, Amazon, YouTube or any other online resource. You may also rent or purchase movies online. Public and town libraries usually have many titles available as well. And you can check the library at your university if it’s not TRCC. • If the group has questions about the movie to choose, they should contact the instructor before they start the work. • The group should decide on the movie at least a week prior to the deadline. 3. Watch the movie • Students do not need to meet to watch the movie together. They can watch it individually and then share their ideas in the group’s discussion board in Blackboard. • You should watch the movie with the English subtitles on. You can also watch it with subtitles on first and then try to watch it again without the subtitles and see how much you can understand. At this level, you are not expected to understand all the words. Just focus on the movie and the cultural elements, and try to pick some words for the language part of the assignment. And of course, ENJOY the movie! 4. Submit your individual work in Blackboard • Each student will analyze the movie and culture in these 6 sections: o Synopsis, Country, Culture, Social phenomena/Critical theory, Language, Critique. o Read the “Requirements for the PowerPoint presentation” in the following pages of this document for specific instructions on each one of these sections. • Important! Do not divide these six topics as one for each student. Your work will not be accepted. The final work needs to include everyone’s opinion and perspective (even if they disagree or contradict each other). o Each member of the group should contribute with ideas and comments for each one of the six required topics. o It is a collaborative work and all of you should reflect on all of these items. Página 4 Expectations • Use the questions provided below in this packet to guide your work. Try to be as inclusive and specific as possible. • There are specific requirements for the number of slides per section! • The expectation is that you submit college-level and quality work. • As always, comment respectfully and demonstrate the cultural awareness skills you should have developed during the course. • Comments should be college-level appropriate • Ideas should be elaborated. Articulate your ideas clearly and go directly to the point, be objective, use your summarizing skills effectively. • The expectation is that the information is relevant and accurate. Make sure to fact check any information of which you are unsure. • Include your own comments and thoughts. Do not copy and paste information from online sources. You may do some research and use it as a guide for your comments but do not plagiarize content. • Rubric: check the provided rubric for your individual work in Blackboard. Context & Culture • Always contextualize your perspectives and comments. Provide the context of any cultural dynamic that you are describing, meaning why this specific idea was relevant at that time and place in history. • Remember that the audience might not be familiar with Hispanic culture so be clear and specific on the cultural connections. Your comments on both culture and language should be college level and rich. • Make connections on the cultural elements you mention with topics learned during the course and with your knowledge of history, culture, politics, film studies, religion, music, art, social sciences, etc. This is very important and will determine plenty of your grade. Demonstrate how much you learned in the course. • Please do not just narrate what happens in the movie, instead go beyond that and analyze it. • The Culture and the Social Phenomena sections are the most important sections of the project. Language • The presentation will be in English, but you can include in the presentation some vocabulary in Spanish that you are already familiar with in the presentation. Many students decide to include a list of words they were able to recognize in the movie for the language part of the presentation. Deadline • Group members should post their contributions in Blackboard and as a courtesy send them to the group leader if preferred, at least 3 days prior to the deadline. Contributions received after that point will not be included in the final group presentation and those students will not receive credit. IMPORTANT: You should save all your 6 or more comments/posts/ideas on a document in your computer. Because each student will ALSO submit all their individual contributions for an individual grade in the Presentation Individual Submission link inside the Presentation folder in Blackboard. Please follow the instructions provided for that specific assignment. Página 5 Grades • Grades are based on the criteria described on each rubric. Find the rubrics in the following pages and in Blackboard. • Students will receive 2 grades for the presentation work. Individual grade one individual grade for individual performance based on: • how the student worked and communicated with their group, and how they contributed to a collaborative/positive group work dynamic • the quality & quantity of their individual contributions • the timeliness (such as follow group deadlines) of the contributions and feedback • in on-ground courses this will also include their performance during the day of the presentation in class Group grade a group grade for the final outcome of the group work which is the PowerPoint presentation based on: • quality • fulfilled requirements (number of slides, sections, etc) • college-level appropriate • organization of the information / formatting (bullet point / short paragraphs) • visual elements (images, videos, weblinks) • critical thinking skills / elaborated ideas / context-based analysis • accurate and appropriate information • design & creativity • connections to the class • In general, all students in the group will receive the same group grade, but there are some exceptions such as students that contributed poorly to the final outcome. Important! As an instructor, I take being fair with grading very seriously, and I don’t allow students getting credit for the work of others. • For the reason above, I check each one of the 6 threads in each group discussion board. If there is no specific contribution for a certain student, then the student will receive a grade of 0 (zero) as their Individual grade. • I need to see individual evidence of each student’s contribution in the 6 sections plus their interaction with other members of the group. ▪ Your individual grades are based on the quality of your submission. ▪ For example, a student that contributes two sentences will receive a different grade than the student that contributes a 300-word paragraph of their own analysis of the film to one of the sections. ▪ Another example would be the difference in grades between a student that just tells what happens in the movie vs a student that analyzes an element or a movie scene and puts it in context. This difference is extremely important. College students should understand the difference between simply describing a scene and analyzing a scene in a movie. Use the questions provided in this packet to be able to achieve analysis. Página 6 5. Create the presentation Group leader • The group needs to decide which member of the group is going to be the group leader. • This person will receive generous Extra credit given the amount of work to be done. • The group leader will put together the ideas in one presentation. I would recommend choosing someone that has experience with PowerPoint or other similar presentation software and will do a good job. Keep in mind that the group grade will be based on the final outcome. • This job consists of organizing the information and being creative. Since each member will post their contributions and send them to the group leader. The work of the group leader will be more of a structure and design one. Just make sure that the same information or idea is not redundant or posted twice. • The group leader also needs to submit their individual work in each one of the 6 threads in Blackboard. Working as a group • Each member of the group is responsible for their own work and the overall presentation as well. • You need to keep in contact with other members and conduct yourself appropriately. • Use your teamwork skills. If you never had the opportunity to learn how to work in a group effectively, this is a good time to develop collaborative skills. These skills are a very important part of your college education. • Organize the structure of the presentation as a group and follow the instructions provided. • Please be aware that some students might not be attending the class at this moment but never officially withdrew, so you might see their names on the list of the group although they won’t be participating in this assignment. Just focus on your own work and please include in the presentation only the names of the people who collaborated in the project and note specifically their role in the group and what they contributed. Presentation structure • Given that this presentation will be completed digitally, students may include more wording than they would usually do for an on-ground presentation. • Please use bullet points and summarize ideas in short paragraphs rather than long texts. • Please make sure you read the Do’s and Don’t for Movie Presentations handout. There are plenty of good examples on what to do and what not do. It is included at the end of this packet. • Remember that your grade will be based on the quality of your outcome so be generous in regards to the material and use all the slides you need to produce quality work. It is ok if you have some extra slides (3-5) in your presentation, but it is not ok if you have less than the required number of slides. Página 7 • You need to include visual material and the trailer of the movie. Include the cover of the movie and some pictures/scenes and even videos or music. • Here is a link to Microsoft PowerPoint Tutorials in which you may choose what topic to learn in short videos. As a reminder you have free access to PowerPoint with your TRCC’s account. • 6. Submit / Present PART A - Final revision process • The group leader will post the final version of the Presentation one day prior to the deadline in the Group Discussion Board → Submission Final Comments thread. • All other group members are responsible for doing a final revision of the work and giving their ok to the file to be submitted. If a student does not respond, they are still responsible and will receive the corresponding grade. Not participating in the final revision process could affect their individual grade. PART B - Submission process for the group presentation assignment • The group leader will submit the presentation file on behalf of the whole group. • Only the group leader will submit the group assignment. Later, the group grade will show for each and all the members of the group that collaborated in the project. • Students that do not participate and/or contribute will receive no credit for the presentation. • Before submitting the group Presentation, review the Presentation Checklist to make sure the presentation fulfills all requirements, and the group can receive full credit. You may find this checklist at the end of this packet. • The submission process for the presentation file is similar to other assignments submitted earlier in the course. • The group submission link is inside the Presentation folder in Blackboard. • The instructions for the Presentation group submission are included with the group submission link. It looks like this: Página 8 • Note that the instructions require the group leader to list all group members and their contributions to the Presentation. Important! The group leader will need to submit 2 (two) files in this submission link. One file will be the Presentation itself (PowerPoint) and the other file will be the Group Submission document with the required information completed. Please remember to attach BOTH files before you click on the Submit button. PART C - Submission process for the individual submission assignment • In addition to posting their individual contributions in the Group Discussion board in Blackboard, students need to download the Individual contributions and group work self-assessment document, complete it, and then submit it. • This document is very simple to complete yet it is very important. • Students need to complete this assignment so that they can receive their individual grade and their individual feedback in the rubric. • Find the document with its own instructions, and the submission link inside the Presentation folder in Course Content. It looks like this: • This assignment is due on the same day as the presentation. • Each group member is responsible for completing their own individual submission assignment. • Group leaders need to complete their own Individual submission assignment as well. PART D if applicable - Presenting in class • Online courses: Students do not present in class or in person. They do all the work online and just submit the presentation in Blackboard in the Presentation folder before the deadline. • On-ground courses or special circumstances: Students will present on the dates designated in the course calendar. Groups will sign up for a specific date. Movies need to be approved by the instructor before choosing them so groups don’t choose the same movie. The group leader has to submit the presentation file in Blackboard before the deadline. Requirements for the PowerPoint presentation Analyze and include ideas for these 6 sections. Use the notes and questions to guide the project. Página 9 Section 1 - Intro/Synopsis/Trailer • 1-2 slides • brief synopsis • What is the movie about? • A synopsis is a brief 4–6 sentence version of the events in a story. The major details are included but not expanded upon. There is no need for a scene-by-scene breakdown in the synopsis, only the most basic, yet important, information. • Include some brief information about the movie like actors, director, country, screenplay by, etc. Include any interesting facts that you find. • Ratings and awards can also be included in a synopsis section. • You don’t need to spend too much time with the synopsis, something simple would work. • Remember to include all the visual material, the cover and the trailer of the movie. Section 2 - Country • 4-5 slides • Summarize information about the country where the movie was made or where the movie occurred. • Connect the topics you choose for the country portion, with the cultural elements you observed in the movie. Try to find things that were relevant in the movie (for example, the food you saw, the weather, the geography, the music, the art, the family, sports, etc.). Think of ones that were prevalent in the movie or provide background to understand the movie and do some research. • Find connections with the things you’ve learned during this course and demonstrate your knowledge. Then summarize the most important information to include. • Discuss 2-3 of the topics on this list: Deportes (Sports) La familia La Música El Cine y la TV La literatura Historia - Política Comida (platos, origen, ingredientes, etc) (Food) La Ropa y El clima (Clothes and Weather) Las Artes: Pintura (Painting), Arquitectura, Escultura, Artesanías, etc. Las costumbres (Customs) Las celebraciones y festividades Section 3 - Culture • 3-4 slides • What is the movie telling about the culture of the country or region where the events occurred? Why? Did you find anything interesting or shocking? Was the movie based on a novel, story, or true events? Which connections could you make with the history, culture, society, religion or political context of the country? Which connections could you make with your own culture? Was there any music? What was the music in the movie saying about the culture? Did you find any art in the movie? Were there many colors? Were there any intercultural elements? Why? Did you find any connection with something you’ve learned in class? Did you notice any symbolism or symbols in the movie? Do you think you need any previous cultural knowledge or background to understand the story? Section 4 - Social Phenomena/Critical Theory • 3-4 slides Página10 a) Select: Review the theories or methods of research used to investigate social phenomena below. Choose 2 or 3 that could be connected to your movie. b) Theory: Explain some key components of one theory or method of research from the 2-3 you chose above. c) Examples: Provide examples from the movie that illustrate these components. Social Phenomena theories and examples to look for in the movie: • Critical theory (analysis of gender, social status, social mobility, etc: “machismo”, Latino family, role of women and grandparents, negative and positive social-economic impact experienced by Latino families affected by emigration of their family members, last names and bloodline in Hispanic families) • Symbolic interactionism (music, food, sports, celebrations, etc: vocabulary in Spanish that has been incorporated into the US society, shaping the way Americans speak and relate with each other) • Labeling theory (labeling of social groups such as Latino, or macho, determine their place in society) • Linguistic diversity (linguistic diversity index, language evolution, untranslatable words, language shapes thoughts, cultural translations, geographical differences, language extinction, different conceptions of the world by each language) • Communication theory (message, context, human communication, social interactions, channel, formal or informal speech, system of beliefs, misunderstandings and miscommunication, disrespect, slang, offensive language, social context, information, multimodal nature of language, body language) • Social psychology (attitude change, social perception, personal identity, social, interaction, intergroup bias and stereotyping, attribution, language and social behavior) Section 5 - Language • 2-3 slides • Your comments about the language: Were you able to understand some words, many or nothing? Did they speak slow or fast? Did you notice any accent or specific pronunciation? Was there formal language or slang? Why? What was the tone they used? What did you notice about the dialogues and how the characters communicate? Section 6 - Critique • 2-3 slides • Did you like the movie? Why? What was the central point of the movie? What was the director trying to say? Why is the movie relevant or important? What do you think the message of the movie is? What insight into life does it provide? What did you come out of the movie thinking about? Which was more important/memorable/significant—the plot (stor