Assignment Description: Write a research-based analytical report based on one of the topics listed below. The report should be: 3-4 pages in length (not including Title Page, Abstract Page, and...

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Assignment Description:

Write a research-based analytical report based on one of the topics listed below. The report should be:

  • 3-4 pages in length (not including Title Page, Abstract Page, and Reference Page)

  • Composed in the third-person point of view

  • Utilizing a minimum of 3 resources (1 print, 1 electronic, 1 empirical study)

  • Formatted in APA format (including in-text citations and reference page)

  • 12 Point Times New Roman Font

Topic Choices:

  1. Equality in the Workplace
    – Have women achieved equality in the workplace?

Qualifications Assignment Description: Write a research-based analytical report based on one of the topics listed below. The report should be: · 3-4 pages in length (not including Title Page, Abstract Page, and Reference Page) · Composed in the third-person point of view · Utilizing a minimum of 3 resources (1 print, 1 electronic, 1 empirical study) · Formatted in APA format (including in-text citations and reference page) · 12 Point Times New Roman Font Topic Choices: 1. Equality in the Workplace – Have women achieved equality in the workplace? Required Sections of a Research Paper: 1. Abstract a. Compose a summary of the paper in 150-250 words. i. An abstract is a summary of the paper, reporting (without evaluation) what was studied, the importance of it being studied, and briefly, the results of the study 2. Introduction a. Recognize your essay’s topic and why you are writing the report. i. Identify the problem under consideration, state the importance of addressing the problem, and cite the main point or thesis arrived at based on the research conducted for the report 3. Methodology a. Review the findings of your research from the print source, electronic source, and empirical study with objectivity. i. Express the ideology for both sides of the argument equally ii. Distinguish why the opposing viewpoints believe in their arguments iii. Interpret any data compiled through your research and study – explain its significance 4. Results a. Analyze the data accumulated during the Methodology section. i. Compare the ideologies of both sides of the argument ii. Debate the validity of both sides of the argument iii. Assess the ethics and reasoning of both sides of the argument 5. Discussion of Results a. Compose a recommendation on how the problem can be resolved based on the Methodology and Results of your paper. i. Propose either which side needs to be supported or what common ground could be found between both sides of the argument to find a resolution ii. Conclude why your recommendation is logical and rational (using further research and evidence) iii. Estimate the impact of your conclusions 6. Conclusion a. Prepare a final review of your paper, stressing the importance of the problem i. Review findings ii. Restate your main idea and/or thesis iii. Demonstrate and/or explain why your problem must be resolved 7. Reference Page a. Citations for all cited sources in APA format i. Print Source ii. Electronic Source iii. Empirical Study 8. Appendix (Empirical Study) a. Attach a copy of the empirical study cited in the report i. Completed copies of Survey ii. Transcript of Interview iii. Copy of internet or print Empirical Study found in research Project Due:
Answered Same DayAug 02, 2021

Answer To: Assignment Description: Write a research-based analytical report based on one of the topics listed...

Dilpreet answered on Aug 05 2021
149 Votes
Running Head: Equality in Workplace        1
Equality in Workplace        7
This research based analytical report titled “Equality in workplace”, discusses about the position of women in different workplace environments. The report als
o sheds light on the factors behind gender inequality in workplaces and has also highlighted the efforts that are being made to promote gender equality in different workplace cultures. The report will also highlight the ideology behind the arguments being presented from both the sides. Validity of arguments that have been presentedfrom both the sides have also been included in this analytical report. The report also includes suggestions that can be adopted to promote gender equality in workplace. Surveys and interviews were conducted to make this report more informative through real-time data along with the data gathered through secondary sources.
Table of Contents
Introduction    4
Methodology    4
Results    5
Discussion of Results    6
Conclusion    6
References    8
Appendix    9
    As organisations thrive to be maintain an ethical workplace culture in order to improve the productivity of their employees, equality in workplace plays an essential role. Achieving equality in workplace particularly considering the female workforce of the organisation will help the organisation to create an inclusive and conducive environment, which may help to develop a sense of belongingness and safety in the employees. However, it has been observed that gender biasness still seems to be prevalent in a number of business organisations. Discrimination against women in designation, pay and opportunities can be seen prevailing in a number of national and multinational organisation.
    Gender equality at workplace refers to providing both male and female employees of an organisation with equal rights, opportunities and responsibilities irrespective of their gender. Though equality at workplace has turned to be an important aspect of a successful business, gender inequalities still prevail in several organisationsparticularly in societies, where patriarchy still exists (Khuzwayo, 2016). However, in the opinion of Sharma (2016), business organizations all across the globe have improved their performance appraisal systems to promote equality at workplace. Khuzwayo (2016), believes that the culture of a male dominant society is reflected through female discrimination in workplaces. On the other hand, Sharma (2016), believes that improvement in diversity management and ensuring equal opportunities for all has been assisting business...

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