Assignment Cover Sheet
Student ID Number:
Student Surname:
Given name:
Unit code:
Unit title:
Due date:
Date submitted:
All work must be submitted in hard copy by the due date. If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must be submitted. Further information is available at: guidelines/specialconsiderationdeferment
Academic Misconduct
Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at: publications/policies-procedures-and-guidelines/Plagiarism-Academic-Misconduct-Policy-Procedure. For further information please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in your Unit Description.
Student Declaration
I/We declare that:
the work contained in this assignment is my/our own work/group work, except where acknowledgement of
sources is made;
certify that this assessment has not been submitted previously for academic credit in this or any other course;
I/we have read the MIT’s Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy Procedure, and I/we understand the
consequences of engaging in plagiarism;
a copy of the original assignment is retained by me/us and that I/we may be required to submit the original
assignment to the Lecturer and/or Unit Co-ordinator upon request;
I/we have not plagiarised the work of others or participated in unauthorised collaboration when preparing this assignment.
Student Signature:
Assignment Instructions:
This assessment task is worth 40%. It must be completed in order to pass the unit. The task is comprised of four items, each item is worth 10 marks, and must be submitted individually by its due date.
Item 3: Questionnaire Due: Week 8
Marks Available: 10 marks
When undertaking research to fulfil your task brief, you may find that you are unable to find enough high quality secondary data. It may not be up-to-date, the sample may have been too small to be reliable, or it may have been obtained and analysed using less than acceptable techniques. You may need to collect primary data.
However, to undertake an analysis that will yield more than a pie chart, you will need to be mindful of how we use numbers when asking questions. Most data analysis software, such as Microsoft Excel, analyse data only in number form. As such, you will need to determine how to use numbers to generate numerical data that will allow you to create summaries and charts that you envisage.
Brainstorm six questions that you believe will inform your research.
Consider how the data you collect per question will be summarised. What charts do you envisage? e.g. Pie chart, column graph, scatter diagram? What statistical summaries do you expect? e.g. Mean, mode, correlation?
Return to your questions and determine what measurement scale is appropriate and will allow you to achieve your output needs.
Redraft your questions to incorporate the scale of measurement you have chosen.
Number your questions.
Put a heading on your questionnaire.
Create a short introduction to the questionnaire which should be included below the heading, and before the first questions.
Add a set of instructions so that a fieldworker or the respondent will know how you expect them to record answers given to the questions.
Complete your survey with a short thank you.
Create a master sheet of your survey for those who will be entering the information contained in the surveys.
Marking Guide
Marks available
Marks Given
1. Measurement scales – all four incorporated into questionnaire
2. Questions numbered.
3. Questionnaire has a heading.
4. Introduction provided and included below the heading, and before the first questions.
5. Set of instructions provided for respondent use.
6. Survey completed with a short thank you.
7. Master sheet provided (may be the actual questionnaire, but must have numbering.
Marking Rubric:
Met requirements to an excellent level (80 to 100%)
Met requirements to a very good level (70 to 79%)
Met requirements to a good level (60 to 69%)
Met requirements to a satisfactory level (50 to 59%)
Did not meet requirements (0-49%)