Assignment – Case Study Assignment OverviewDescription:Information and communication technologies (ICTs) such as big data analytics and enterprise 2.0 tools can enhance the efficiency and...

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Assignment – Case Study

Assignment Overview


Information and communication technologies (ICTs) such as big data analytics and enterprise 2.0 tools can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of decision-making in projects. However, selecting the right technology and implementing it successfully are the challenges that may prevent organisations from benefiting from investing in ICT.

This assessment will assess your skills in critically analysing the role of ICTs in decision-making, critically evaluating success factors in adopting ICTs, and implementing ICTs in project activities.

Word Count:2000 words (+10%)excludingin-text and end-text referencing

Assignment Rationale

Many factors threaten the quality of decisions in organisations. For instance, lack of information, poor communication, inadequate stakeholderinput, uncleardecision criteria may result in an ineffective or inefficient decision-making process. Ineffective decisions can lead to poor outcomes and wasted resources. The inefficiency of decisions can cause delays and increase the cost of the project. Information and communication technologies (CITs) (e.g., big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and enterprise 2.0 tools) can transform the decision-making process and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of decision-making.

Although selecting the right technology is essential to maximising the returns on technology investments, it is not sufficient. Recent reports have demonstrated that many firms that invested in ICTs could not take full advantage of usingthemas a result of failures during the implementation process.Accordingly, managers should identify the technological, organisational, environmental, or individual barriers to technology adoption in the chosen organisation and formulate a plan to overcome these barriers.


You are in charge of a medium-large size organisation in an industry of your choice. Select an ineffective/inefficient decision-making process at either a strategic, tactical or operational level, and undertake the following:

  1. Explain briefly the ineffective/inefficient decision-making process as well as its underlying causes.

  2. Propose at least one [no more than two] information and communication technology solutions that can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the decision-making process.

  3. Explain clearly how the selected technology/technologies can address the underlying causes of ineffective/inefficient decision-making and improve the quality of the decision.

  4. Explain the technological, organisational, environmental, or individual barriers to technology adoption in the chosen organisation with respect to the organisation and industry characteristics (e.g., firm size).

    Please refer to at least 5 barriers.

  5. Formulate a plan for the successful implementation of the selected technologies.

Suggested Structure

Your report should contain the following sections:



  1. Decision Overview

    • Provide an overview of the ineffective/inefficient decision-making process.

    • Explain its underlying causes.

  1. Recommended information and communication technology/ technologies.

    • A clear link between recommended technology/ technologies and underlying causes of ineffective/inefficient decision-making process is required.

    • Support the recommended technology/technologies with relevant references.

  1. Barriers to Successful Implementation

    • Explain the barriers to technology adoption in the chosen organisation.

    • The organisation and industry characteristics of the chosen organisation should be considered. For instance, small and large firms may face different barriers in implementing big data analytics.

    • Support the identified barriers with relevant references.

  1. Implementation Plan

    • Formulate a plan for the successful implementation of the technology in the chosen organisation.

    • The highlighted barriers should be considered in developing the plan. It should be clearly stated how the proposed plan may mitigate the recognised barriers.

    • Support the recommended plan with relevant references.

Assignment References

Your written work must comply with APA 7th referencing protocols including font type and size.You are not required to limit yourselves to the contents and references provided. As long as the article is

properly cited with page no


Jensen, 2010, p. 2) students can use any published article as a reference.

However, among all references,

you should cite at least one article

from ABDC A*/A academic journals.

This is to ensure that you have invested reasonable efforts in searching efforts. After the reference list, re-state the name of the ABDC A*/A academic journals which you had cited.





Ineffective/ inefficient decision-making Causes Evaluation

Key causes of ineffective/ inefficient decision-making processes are complete with detailed explanation.


Decision-Making Technologies

Provides exceptional technologies and fully justified based on causes of ineffective/ inefficient decision-making processes.


Barrier Identification

Key barriers to successful adoption are complete, realistic and sophisticated.


Plan Development

Plan is professional, identifies risks, and contains all tasks and task outcomes required with description and roles.



Communicates skillfully across all aspects of speech with virtually no errors. Speaks fluently. Seamlessly links logical sentences and sections together to outstanding effect.



Writes fluently with virtually no errors. Referencing protocols are correctly applied to all sources. Writes using varied and complex sentence structures. Paragraphs and overall structure are balanced, highly logical and seamlessly linked.


Referencing follows APA7

APA 7 referencing used with no errors and include page no for intext citation. Weekly learning material examples and some academic sources are incorporated clearly. Secondary sources support and enhance the argument. You should cite at least one article from ABDC A*/A academic journals.


Answered 3 days AfterSep 25, 2024

Answer To: Assignment – Case Study Assignment OverviewDescription:Information and communication technologies...

Shubham answered on Sep 26 2024
4 Votes
1. Introduction
JB Hi-Fi is consumer electronics retailer in Australia that is known for providing wide range of products including electronics, entertainment and home appliances. The company operates in competitive retail industry and relies on fast and accurate decision-making. Data driven decision making is important in the environment that allows JB Hi-Fi to manage inventory, forecast demand and optimize marketing strategies. The key challenge includes inefficient stock management an
d the inaccurate demand forecasting can lead to overstocking and stockouts. This requires addressing issue is important to maintain competitiveness and ensure efficiency of operation.
2. Decision Overview
Ineffective Decision-Making Process
The decision-making process in JB Hi-Fi includes managing inventory that causes inefficiencies. The issue lies in demand forecasting that is important for determining stock levels in multiple store locations. The forecasting is inaccurate and this can lead to two major problems like overstocking and understocking. Overstocking occurs when JB Hi-Fi orders are more than requirement of inventory. JB Hi-Fi had a 9.7% year-on-year increase in inventory holding costs that has impacted gross profit margin (JB Hi-Fi, 2023). This can result in excess stock that can include capital and add warehousing costs (Dekimpe, 2020, pp. 11). The shelf life of some products can be due to rapid technological advancements. Overstocked items may become outdated and this can lead to discount sales and reduced profitability. Understocking can cause issue of stockouts and this can cause that high-demand products are unavailable. It can result in missed sales opportunities, dissatisfied customers and potential loss of market share to competitors. In 2022, JB Hi-Fi reported 6.5% decrease in profits from discounting excess stock during end of year sales period (JB Hi-Fi, 2023).
Underlying Causes
1. Lack of Real-Time Data:
The issue is absence of real-time data tracking in inventory system of JB Hi-Fi. In this sales data from individual stores may be collected. The lack of synchronization and real-time updates results in outdated and incomplete information for making purchasing decisions. The absence of real-time visibility, JB Hi-Fi is struggling to adjust stock levels that can fulfil fluctuating demand patterns.
2. Fragmented Information Systems:
The inventory management system of JB Hi-Fi is not integrated with other business functions like sales, marketing and customer analytics. The fragmentation of information systems means that important data like promotional activity and regional sales trends. The 2020 Deloitte report found that retailers like JB Hi-Fi that do not integrate inventory systems with promotional and sales data are 30% are facing issue like forecasting errors in high demand like holiday seasons (Deloitte, 2020)
3. Manual Reporting Processes:
JB Hi-Fi relies on manual reporting processes for gathering inventory data. It will slow down flow of information and increases likelihood of human error (Akter & Wamba, 2016, pp. 185). Manual data entry and delays in updating stock levels can lead to incorrect assumptions about inventory needs.
4. Slow Communication Between Departments:
Poor communication between departments cam hamper efficient decision-making. Marketing teams can run promotional campaigns in absence of timely coordination with inventory and procurement teams. The insufficient stock planning has resulted in 5.1% increase in customer complaints about unavailable products (JB Hi-Fi, 2023)
5. Lack of Advanced Forecasting Tools:
The decision-making process of JB Hi-Fi is dependent on traditional forecasting methods that relies on historical sales data. The method is limited in ability to predict sudden market shifts and emerging trends. The absence of advanced forecasting tools like that powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning in inventory forecasts of company can lead to suboptimal decision-making.
3. Recommended Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Solutions
Proposed Technologies
1. Big Data Analytics for Real-Time Inventory and Sales Tracking:
Big Data Analytics has important role in transforming inventory management of JB Hi-Fi by providing real-time information about stock levels, sales patterns and customer behaviour. It includes integration of point-of-sale systems, online sales platforms and supplier data. Big Data Analytics enables continuous monitoring of inventory on different JB Hi-Fi locations. The technology offers capability to process large amounts of structured and unstructured data. This can help JB Hi-Fi to make decisions on stock replenishment, distribution and inventory optimization.
2. Implementation of ERP System:
The implementation of ERP system in JB Hi-Fi helps the company to gather real time data. This would help to minimize overstocking and understocking,...

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