Assignment ASSESSMENT ITEM 2: CRITICAL ANALYSIS ESSAY DESCRIPTION Assessment Criteria High Distinction (100-85%) Distinction (84-75%) Credit (74-65%) Pass (64-50%) Fail (49-0%) Addressing ethical use of AI and futures thinking (/10) Outstanding analysis addressing the ethical use of AI using OECD Values-based principles. Outstanding demonstration of futures thinking with focus on changes and challenges of new technologies. Very good analysis addressing the ethical use of AI using OECD Values-based principles. Very good demonstration of futures thinking with focus on changes and challenges of new technologies. Effective analysis addressing the ethical use of AI using OECD Values-based principles. Effective demonstration of futures thinking with focus on changes and challenges of new technologies. Sound analysis addressing the ethical use of AI using OECD Values-based principles. Sound demonstration of futures thinking with focus on changes and challenges of new technologies. Poor/no analysis addressing the ethical use of AI using OECD Values-based principles. Poor/no demonstration of futures thinking with focus on changes and challenges of new technologies. How policy prepared educators and their students How literacies can be implemented to navigate the ethical challenges (/10) Outstanding discussion about how policy prepared educators and their students to meet AI advancements. Outstanding reflection on how literacies can be implemented to better navigate the ethical challenges. Very good discussion about how policy prepared educators and their students to meet AI advancements. Very good reflection on how literacies can be implemented to better navigate the ethical challenges. Effective discussion about how policy prepared educators and their students to meet AI advancements. Effective reflection on how literacies can be implemented to better navigate the ethical challenges. Sound discussion about how policy prepared educators and their students to meet AI advancements. Sound reflection on how literacies can be implemented to better navigate the ethical challenges. Poor/no discussion about how policy prepared educators and their students to meet AI advancements. Poor/no reflection on how literacies can be implemented to better navigate the ethical challenges. Professional and Academic Literacies (/10) Outstanding clarity of language and expression that is concise and comprehensive. Outstanding spelling and grammar that supports the clarity of writing and argumentation. Outstanding conformity to APA 7.0 Very good clarity of language and expression that is concise and comprehensive. Very good spelling and grammar that supports the clarity of writing and argumentation. (Very) good conformity to APA 7.0 Effective clarity of language and expression that is concise and comprehensive. Effective spelling and grammar that supports the clarity of writing and argumentation. Effective conformity to APA 7.0 Sound clarity of language and expression that is concise and comprehensive. Sound spelling and grammar that supports the clarity of writing and argumentation. Sound conformity to APA 7.0 Poor/no clarity of language and expression that is concise and comprehensive. Poor/no spelling and grammar that supports the clarity of writing and argumentation. Poor/no conformity to APA 7.0 ASSESSMENT ITEM 2: CRITICAL ANALYSIS ESSAY DESCRIPTION At a time when Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being increasingly integrated into educational environments ranging from primary schools to universities, the ethical implications of its use should be a primary concern for educators. Using the OECD AI Principles overview: Values-based principles as a guide, critically analyse a current policy or framework that addresses the ethical use of AI in an educational setting. Your analysis should demonstrate futures thinking that focusses on the changes and challenges that arise with the introduction of new technologies in a digital age. Discuss how well the policy you have chosen prepares educators and their students to meet AI advancements in an ethical way. Finally, outline the benefits of acquiring anticipatory digital literacies. Reflect on how these literacies can be implemented or improved within current educational practices to better navigate the ethical challenges posed by AI. This assessment task requires a comprehensive analysis of AI ethics in education, and encourages you to think critically about the future implications of technology, while grounding your arguments in current practices and theories. Length: 2000-2500 words The following references should be considered only a starting point for your research. You are encouraged to look forward to Assessment Task 3 and select a document that will comple ment the research you will undertake for that assessment task. Australian Human Rights Commission. (2023, July 14). Utilising ethical AI in the education system. ve_artificial_intellig ence_in_the_australian_education_system_14_july_2023_0 .pdf Department of Education, Skills and Employment. (2023). Australian Framework for Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Schools . - framework-generative-artificial-intelligence-ai-schools
Answered 1 days AfterOct 02, 2024

Answer To:

Dilpreet answered on Oct 04 2024
6 Votes
Critical Analysis        2
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Overview of the Australian Framework for Generative AI in Schools    3
Ethical Use of AI and Future Thinking    5
Preparation of Students and Educators for AI Advancements    8
Benefits and Implementation of Digital Literacies    9
Conclusion    10
References    11
    With the advent of digital technologies and the rapid evolution of Artif
icial Intelligence (AI), its use in educational settings has increased significantly. AI has transformed most of the classroom settings in the recent times by altering the learning methods for students and teaching methods for educators. With the transformations brought in by AI tools, there are several ethical issues as well such as concerns related to the privacy and security of the student data, biases in AI algorithms, and the fact that AI might overpower the authority of the teachers to make decisions. Therefore, it is critical that AI must be integrated ethically into the education system through robust policies and frameworks to mitigate the risks and address the challenges.
    The OECD AI principles serve as a global framework for addressing the ethical concerns linked with the use of AI in educational settings. This framework ensures ethical use of AI in educational setting to protect the human rights of individuals with a primary focus on accountability, transparency, fairness, and inclusiveness. Here, the Australian Framework for Generative AI in schools has been discussed to better understand the use of ethical AI in various educational settings in Australia. This critical analysis will further consider the ethical concerns posed by AI for students and teachers, the changing environment of learning and teaching for the students and educators respectively and the role of digital literacies in supporting an ethical transition from the traditional methods of learning and teaching to the modern AI-driven methods.
Overview of the Australian Framework for Generative AI in Schools
    The Australian Framework for Generative AI in Schools has been developed to effectively manage the increasing use of AI in various educational settings across Australia (Department of Education, Skills and Employment, 2023). This framework provides guidelines and principles to various educational settings to ensure the ethical and effective use of AI in classrooms. The framework takes into consideration the transformative nature of AI to support personalized learning, automation of the tasks of the educators, and to improve the overall learning experience of the students. This framework also considers the potential risks such as privacy concerns, biased algorithms, ineffective decision-making, and the hampered interaction of students and teachers.
    The framework ensures that the use of AI technologies in education across Australia aligns well with the value-based principles of OECD. The principles include:
· Inclusiveness and Fairness: This ensures that the AI technologies are equally accessible by all the students regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds. The framework ensures that there is no digital divide, which further adds to the existing inequalities in the society. Therefore, the framework focuses on equitable access to AI tools.
· Transparency and Explainability: The framework ensure transparency in the implementation and use of AI systems. Educators and students must not completely rely on AI for crucial decisions such grading and assessment and should rather understand the working of these AI algorithms (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2023).
· Human-Centredness: The framework ensures that AI does not replaces the human decision-making abilities rather it just augments it. The framework ensures that the decision-making power remains central to the educators and the interaction between the students and the teachers are not hampered. AI tools must just support the humans and not replace them.
· Privacy and Security: This framework ensures that robust data security and data privacy measures are being implemented in different educational settings to address the concerns of data privacy. Private and confidential data of the students must be protected against security breaches.
Therefore, the framework provides a comprehensive guide on the integration of AI in different educational settings across Australia. The framework further insists to train staff and students to make responsible and optimum utilization of the available AI tools. The framework has the provision of reviews and updated to ensure that the guidelines and principles align well with the rapid evolution in the field of AI in education (Department of Education, Skills and Employment, 2023). Though the framework is comprehensive, it lacks much information to address the biases existing in the AI algorithms. The framework does not consider the complexity of different AI systems.
Ethical Use of AI and Future Thinking
    For ethical use of education in AI, it is essential that the traditional practices...

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