
Assignment 6 PS 3780 Data Literacy & Visualization, Summer 2022 Due Date: Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. Please save your visualizations and answers to these questions as one .pdf �le (use the �save as� function in most word processors). Be sure to include your name, your teammate's name if there is anyone, and the assignment number. Submit the �le to Carmen by the due date. Remember we are looking for professional visualizations so please include a meaningful title as well as axis labels and a legend. Presidential Approval Return to 538 ( to download the presidential approval data for President Biden. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on �polls" to get the proper dataset. Subset the dataset to only include polls where the `Subgroup' column has a value of �All polls". We are going to explore Net Approval and Approval Ratio. Net Approval is the di�erence between approval and disapproval. Approval Ratio is approval divided by disapproval. You created these variables in Assignment 3; do it again for this updated dataset using the same code as before. Create two visualizations to address the theory of the presidential honeymoon e�ect; one for Net Approval and one for Approval Ratio. Scholars suggest that new presidents have a short period of time at the beginning of their presidency when they are not overly criticized. The period of time may range from 30 to 100 days. After the period, presidential approve quickly reacts to what was accomplished in that period and opinion becomes more re�ective of actual presidential action. This tends to lead to decreasing approval as it is di�cult for presidents to make quick unilateral change. Select a time length within the propsed period to visualize the honeymoon e�ect for President Biden. With a plot and a paragraph for each plot, use polling data from the most common polling agencies to suggest whether your chosen honeymoon length �ts the theory for each dependent variable. Make sure your visualization includes the following features. (6 pt) ˆ Include only polling agencies that have reported more than 70 polls for the �All polls" group (there should be 4). ˆ Include a reference line at the date where you think the honeymoon may have ended (how many days). 1 ˆ Include a reference line at a key value of the dependent variable (what is `even' for Net and Ratio). ˆ Include separate trend lines for pre- and post-honeymoon polls from each agency (a total of 8 trend lines). ˆ Scatterplot points can be suppressed for clarity. ˆ Include a title, axis labels, and a legend. ˆ Your paragraphs should analyze your visualization and then make a conclusion about the theory. 2
Answered Same DayJun 29, 2022

Answer To: attached

Subhanbasha answered on Jun 30 2022
87 Votes
There I have downloaded the data from the given link that is polls data of the president of US that is Biden. The dat
a has many subgroups.
The following is the code to load the data into R
# Installing required package
# Calling Required package
# Reading the polls data into R
Polls_data <- read.csv('approval_polllist.csv')
As the requirement need to remove the data where the subgroup having only All Polls. So that I have created filtered data which is having subgroup only All Polls. The code as follows
# Filtering data only having All polls in subgroup
Polls_data <- Polls_data %>% filter(subgroup=="All polls")
In the next step we are going to use the data to create the two new columns that is net approval and approval ratio based on using approve and disapprove columns. The code as follows.
# Creating columns in the data that is Net Approval
Polls_data$Net_Approval <- Polls_data$approve-Polls_data$disapprove
# Creating columns in the data that is Approval Ratio
Polls_data$Approval_Ratio <- Polls_data$approve/Polls_data$disapprove
In this step we are going to filter data again to get the data only those poll agencies which are greater than 70 polls in the data of All polls category. For...

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