Assignment 5B: Keeping Score. Now that we know about arrays, we can keep track of when events occur during our program. To prove this, let's create a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. For those not...

Assignment 5B: Keeping Score. Now that we know about arrays, we can keep track of when<br>events occur during our program. To prove this, let's create a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors.<br>For those not familiar with this game, the basic premise is that each player says

Extracted text: Assignment 5B: Keeping Score. Now that we know about arrays, we can keep track of when events occur during our program. To prove this, let's create a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. For those not familiar with this game, the basic premise is that each player says "Rock-Paper- Scissors!" and then makes their hand into the shape of one of the three objects. Winners are determined based on the following rules: Rock beats Scissors Scissors beats Paper Paper beats Rock At the start of the program, it will ask the player how many rounds of Rock-Paper- Scissors they want to play. After this, the game will loop for that many number of times. Each loop, it will ask the player what item they want to use – Rock, Paper, or Scissors. The computer will randomly generate its own item, and a winner will be determined. The game will then save the result as an element of an array, and the next round will begin. Once all the rounds have been played, the program will say "Game Over" and display a list of who won each round, in order. Hints: While the random functions we've discussed thus far can't generate words, we can associate numbers with them instead. For example, we might treat the computer randomly generating 0 as if it threw Rock. We could then use that number to access a predefined String array with "Rock", "Paper", and "Scissors" stored inside it. Sample Output #1: How many games do you want to play?: 3 Round 1: What do you want to throw?: Rock Computer threw SCISSORS! Round 2: What do you want to throw?: Paper Computer threw PAPER! Round 3: What do you want to throw?: Rock Computer threw PAPER! Game Over... Here's the recap: Player won Round 1 Tied on Round 2 Computer won Round 3
Jun 11, 2022

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