Select and observe a multiliteracy experience in an early childhood setting.
If you are no longer working:
Select one of the three provide photos. Complete the planning template. You can be creative here in deciding the reason for the activity.
Use your imagination and knowledge of child development and play to write the observation.
Design a multiliteracy experience in your own home. If you have children under 5, you can observe them playing with the experience. If you don’t, then use your imagination and knowledge of child development and play to write the observation.
Complete the rest of the assignment as listed here.
Key content:
Provide strong links between your plan and your observation.
Complete the planning template for the experience (Appendix 1).
Complete the observation template for the experience (Appendix 2).
Discuss the objective of the experience in building children’s multiliteracy learning and meaning making.
Discuss teaching strategies implemented in the experience.
Evaluate the multiliteracy learning, supported by references to literature.
Provide at least 2 ways the experience could be extended.
Include at least 6 peer-reviewed references to literature.
Planning template:
The planning template is provided in Moodle.
You may adjust the template, but ensure all information is included.
Include a photo of the experience (no children visible or this could be your provided photo).
Your template will be approximately 500 words.
Observation template:
The observation template is provided in Moodle.
You may adjust the template, but ensure all information is included.
Your template will be approximately 500 words.
Be Careful - Your plan and observation are considered to be a piece of academic writing.
All the writing in this assignment needs to be paraphrased, with the exception of one or two key direct quotes.
Please Remember: The principles of APA referencing need to be followed for all materials you take from ALL other authors/sources.
Referencing requirements:
Please refer to the APA Referencing style guide for correct formatting of your in-text and references.
Make sure your assignment follows School of Education assignment formatting requirements. See Assignment formatting.
Include a minimum of 6 peer-reviewed references in-text APA styled references. Please note: At least two of these need to be sourced from outside the unit recommended readings and resources (i.e. These two references should not be sourced from unit notes, readings or the text books).
Include an APA reference list.
Important supporting documents that must be referred to:
The following two documents should be referred to at least once and referenced in your assignment:
Early Years Learning Framework (DEEWR, 2009).
Early Childhood Australia’s (2018) Statement on young children and digital technologies.
Presentation and format:
Use appropriate sub headings to enhance readability so key points are easily followed.
Make sure your assignment complies to School of Education Assignment Formatting requirements. Please refer to Assignment formatting.
Your assignment may be written in the first or third person, or a mixture of both.