Assignment 2Value:25%Due date:02-May-2018Return date:23-May-2018Submission method optionsEASTS (online) Task Financial statements, analysing business transactions and financial statement analysis...

Assignment 2Value:25%Due date:02-May-2018Return date:23-May-2018Submission method optionsEASTS (online)

Financial statements, analysing business transactions and financial statement analysis

Sunbay Sales is a small sales consultancy business and began operation on 1 January 2017. It is owned and operated by Karin Nilson and employs one other consultant.

Karin has asked her accountant, Megan Gordon to complete financial statements and write a business report on the financial health of Sunbay Sales in its first year of operation.

Sunbay Sales has the following account balances as at 31 May 2017;

Cash at bank$72,900Accounts payable$17,300
Account receivable$26,150Loan$15,000
Office equipment$10,700Capital$100,000
Sales solution software$24,500Expenses($38,450)

The following transaction occurred in the last month of the financial year- June 2017.


Transaction Description
1Paid $24,000 for a12 month business insurance policy.
1Paid rent of $1,600 in cash for the month.
2Received $9,400 payment for outstanding invoice (sent 12 May) from Delta Start-Up.
3Paid $220 to the internet service provider account, outstanding from May.
6Purchased $1,050 worth of office stationary for the business on account.
4Paid $850 cash for internet advertising during the month of June.
8Sent a $6,700 invoice for consultancy services performed during the first week of June for Game Chase Group.
9Karin paid $1,080 for an emergency hospital visit from the business bank account.
12Received $10,200 in cash from customers for sales consultancy services.
16Made a loan repayment of $10,000 (includes $1,000 interest expense).
17Paid the business telephone bill $320.
18Paid the invoice received on 6 June.
20With the exception of one small $530 invoice (which remains outstanding) received payment from all remaining outstanding May invoices.
23Sent a $4,320 invoice for services performed in the second week of June for Altitude Fitness.
25Karin injected $15,500 of her own cash into the business bank account.
26Received $7,820 in cash from a business named Wagga Hat for sales consultant service in June.
28Sent a $3,200 invoice for services performed in the third week of June for Glass & Glaze.
30An advanced sales software was purchased to improve the quality of consultancy services. The complete cost of the software was $43,500. $20,000 was paid from the business bank account and the balance was financed via a loan.
30Paid $5,000 in wages for June.

Additional Information

• The cash flow from operating activities for the period ending 30 June 2017 was $2,700.


Part A: Worksheet [5%]

You are required to complete the worksheet in the ‘Assignment 2 Template’ for Sunbay Sales. Using the sheet labelled ‘Worksheet’ identify Sunbay Sales' business transactions for June and construct an accounting worksheet.


1. Illustrative example 4.4 on pg. 126 of the text can be used as a guide to the format required for the worksheet. You should not limit yourself to this Illustrative example only. You should also review the tutorial questions we have provided the solutions to, as well as any other subject material available.
2. Opening balances as at 31 May 2017 should be used as your starting point in your accounting worksheet.
3. In your worksheet, you must demonstrate the use of the following Excel functions:
• 'sum'
• bordering
• cell merging
• wrap text
• date.
4. Ensure that you ‘sum’ each side of your worksheet to prove the accounting equation.

Part B: Financial statements [5%]

Using the same Excel file that you used for Part A, you need to prepare the following financial statements ofSunbay Salesfrom the accounting worksheet for the 2017 financial year:

• Income statement.
• Statement of changes in equity.
• Balance sheet.


1. Illustrative example 4.5 on pp.126-127 of the text can be used as a guide to the format required for the income statement and balance sheet. Illustrative example 6.8 on the bottom of p. 245 of the text can be used as a guide to the format required for the statement of changes in equity. You should not limit yourself to these illustrative examples only. You should also review the tutorial questions we have provided the solutions to, as well as any other subject material available.
2. Each financial statement should be prepared using the named worksheets provided in the Excel template. You are required to use formulas only to transfer the figures from the worksheet into the statements (do not type figures directly into the statements, with the exception of note 4. below).
3. In your financial statements, you must demonstrate the use of the following Excel functions:
• formulas for each subtotal and total
• bordering
• cell merging
• wrap text.

4. Assume expensesincurred up to 31 May 2017 consisted of: $350 for supplies, $25,000 for wages,$880 forinternet services, $8,000 for rent and $4,220 for advertising.

PART C: Ratio analysis [5%]

In the same Excel template that you used for Part A and B use the sheet labelled ‘Ratio Analysis', to complete the following:

• the table labelled 'Ratio Figures'. You are required to use formulas only to transfer the figures needed from the statements into this table (do not type answers directly into this table).
• the column labelled ‘formula’. You are required to provide the written formula for each of the ratio’s provided (first one completed for you as an example).
• the column labelled ‘2017’. You are required to use formula only by pulling figures from the table completed above 'Ratio Figures' to show the ratio calculation. (Do not type ratio answer directly into the table).


In completing the ‘Ratio Analysis’ Sheet in the Excel template, you must demonstrate that you have used the following Excel functions:
• '=/+/-'
• bordering
• merging cells
• wrap text.

PART D: Business report [10%]

Write a report to Karin Nilson,on behalf of Megan Gordon, on the financial health of Sunbay Sales for the 2017 financial year. Your report should contain the following details:
• Executive summary
• Evaluation and comparison of ratios calculated in Part C for the following areas (a minimum of two ratios for each category below).

o Profitability
o Asset efficiency
o Liquidity
o Capital structure

• Limitations of the analysis
• Conclusion, including recommendationson areas of improvement for Sunbay Sales.


1. In writing your report, you should refer to the online meeting in week 2, which will focus on a report writing presentation provided by the Academic Literacy Learning and Numeracy (ALLaN) team.
2. Your report should be between 600-700 words, excluding the cover page, contents page and references.


This assessment task covers topics 3, 4 and 5. It has been designed to ensure that you are engaging with the subject content on a regular basis. More specifically it seeks to assess your ability to:

  • analyse and interpret a range of accounting and financial transactions and reports;

  • use a computer spreadsheet to assist in the preparation of business information and be able to generate and analyse a range of business results and reports; and

  • employ research and report writing skills.

Marking criteria

CriteriaHigh DistinctionDistinctionCreditPassFail
Parts A & BAnalyse variousbusinesstransactions andprepare financialstatements usingExcelAll transactions areanalysed correctlywith no errors.Financial statements are prepared with allcorrect accounts and correctly formatted and in a professional presentationstyle.Demonstrateability to use all requiredExcel spreadsheetfunctions.All transactions areanalysed correctlywith no errors.Financial statements are prepared with amajority of correctaccounts and in acorrect format andlogical presentationstyle.Demonstratedability to use all requiredExcel spreadsheetfunctions.Majority of transactionsare analysed correctlywith no errors.Financial statements are prepared with a majority of correct accounts and in acorrect format andlogical presentationstyle.Demonstrated ability touse most required Excelspreadsheet functions.Most transactionsare analysedcorrectly withsome errors.Financial statements areprepared correctly with most accounts correct, in a correct format and logical presentation style.Demonstratedability to use most requiredExcel spreadsheetfunctions.Analysis of transactionsshows many errors.Financial statements are not prepared correctly with most accounts incorrect, in an incorrect format without a logical presentation style.Did not demonstrateability to use most requiredExcel spreadsheetfunctions.
Part C.Financialstatement analysisusing preparedfinancialstatementsApplied Excel functions for all of the cells.Correctly stated theformulas for all ofthe relevant ratios.Correctly computedall of the ratios.Demonstratedability to use Excelspreadsheetfunctions withproficiency.Applied Excel functions for all of the cells.Correctly stated theformulas for all ofthe relevant ratios.Correctly computed for the majority of theratios with minimalerrors.Demonstratedability to use Excelspreadsheetfunctions.Applied Excel functionsfor most of the cells.Correctly stated theformulas for most of the relevant ratios.Correctly computed for most of the ratios with minor flaws.Demonstrated ability to use a majority of Excelspreadsheet functions.Applied Excel functions to some cells. Correctly stated theformulas for someof the relevantratios. Correctly computed some of the ratios withsome errors.Demonstratedability to use mostExcel spreadsheetfunctionsDid not apply Excel functions to most cells.Incorrectly stated theformulas for mostof the relevantratios. Computed most of the ratios with many errors.Did not demonstrateability to use mostExcel spreadsheetfunctions
Part D.Review financialStatements provided toevaluate Financial Health, provideadvice to theclientsDiscussion andrecommendationdemonstrates a comprehensivegrasp of the topicand technicalcontent.Accurate use of syntax, spelling and punctuation; succinct and effective use of vocabulary; correctly refers to an extensive variety of sources tosupport arguments,includingprescribed texts anda broad range ofadditional readings;reference list of anextensive range ofresources used,correctly formattedusing APA 6thstyle.Discussion andrecommendationdemonstrates an in depthgrasp of the topic and technicalcontent.Accurate use ofsyntax, spelling and punctuation;succinct andeffective use ofvocabulary;correctly refers to abroad range ofsources to supportarguments,includingprescribed text anda variety of furtherreadings;reference list includes abroad range ofrelevant resourcesused, correctlyformatted usingAPA 6th style.Discussion andrecommendationdemonstrates a strong understanding of the topic and technicalcontent.Accurate use of syntax,vocabulary, spelling and punctuation; correctly refers to more than the minimum requirement of sources to support arguments,including prescribedtexts and recommendedreadings;reference list formattedin APA 6th style, withfew or no errors.Discussion showsadequateunderstanding oftopic and technicalcontent.Mostly accurate syntax,spelling and punctuation;correctly refers to a minimum number of sources to support arguments, includingprescribed texts;reference listformatted in APA6th style, with fewerrors.Discussion and recommendations presented show little or limited understanding of topic and technical content.Writing contains frequent spelling and grammar errors.No reference list presented ormajority ofthe references presented are not in accordance with APA 6th Style.


Parts A – C must be submitted in one Excel file.

Part D must be submitted in one Word file.No Zip or PDF files to be submitted.

As per the marking criteria for this assignment, you must reference your work using the APA guidelines. These can be found in the CSU Referencing website

Apr 30, 2020

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