Assignment 10 Research Paper Module 10: Research Project Available as an eText: ISBN XXXXXXXXXX Watch the Phillip Tetock lecture on Superforecasting. Read Tetlock and Gardner. Write your term paper on...

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Assignment 10 Research Paper

Module 10: Research Project

Available as an eText: ISBN 978-0-203-89002-8

Watch the Phillip Tetock lecture on Superforecasting.

Read Tetlock and Gardner.

Write your term paper on Professional Standards in the 21st Century. Detailed instructions and guidelines appear elsewhere in theModule10 section.The research project must be uploaded no later than the last day of classes.

The videoheremay serve as a resource.

Functioning Professionals in the 21st Century LINK:

Phillip Tetlock lecture on Superforecasting LINK:

BAAS 443: Leadership and Management, Analysis, and Application

Research Project Instructions and Guidelines

ReadSuperforecastingby Tetlock and Gardner. Your research project is to synthesize and apply what you havelearned from the two books and the discussions in this class to management and leadership practices across several different industry sectors Start with these two points:

(A)Susskind and Susskind make a convincing argument for change in the professions but do not offer much in terms of how a knowledge worker can maximize their career success in such an environment.
(B) Tetlock and Gardner introduce a brand new field of study by asking how an ordinary person can become proficient at recognizing change and applying proactive decision-making. plans.Is the superforecaster a profession of the future?

(C) In all likelihood, you will be one of the first professionals to implement this knowledge. Remember specialized knowledge?

Given these points, use your paper to discuss management and leadership practices across several different industry sectors* which will better prepare professionals for success in the future. What sorts of mentoring plans and training opportunities would you suggest for different company cultures (i.e. a small business, a large corporate setting, a governmental organization such as a school district or a police department).What do you, as a manager, owe to your employees?What is the role of professional behavior andbusiness etiquette in such a rapidly-changing environment? What is the role of professional ethics in overseeing a workplace where much of the "work" is being performed by expert systems or AIs? Can you just blame mistakes on the computer? Or would that be unprofessional? Expert systems already provide "advise" to professionals. Who decides about levels of quality in a professional setting dominated by machines?

* e.g. medical, legal, educational, engineering, finance, human services, etc.

Requirements:12 point Times New Roman or Arial font, double spaced, with 1” margins. Paper must be well cited in APA format[1]and include a cover sheet and reference/bibliography sheet at the end of the paper. Paper should be submitted preferably in Microsoft Word 2000 or later.

-Must cite (using APA format)minimum five scholarly sources from an academically accepted source.[2]Your two textbooks should serve as two of your references. If you must use a direct quote from a source, be sure to place it in quotation marks and immediately cite the source with page number.

-First page of document should be title page formatted in APA format (see footnote #1).

-There is no minimum or maximum length. However, covering all the required topics below should equate to approximately 8-12 pages in length (not including reference sheet and title page). It can be longer.

-Feel free to use a company you may already work for to apply the lessons of this class.
-Padding...don't do it. There is no minimum number of pages so please do not pad your paper with extraneous orunnecessarytext elements, extra line spaces, over-sized graphics, or figures.

-Plagiarism… don’t do it. Project will be sent to TurnItIn.
-I am more than happy to look at drafts ahead of time. Just email your draft directly to me with a note requesting a proofing.

General Components:

The following is asuggestedgeneral outline for the paper. Please use this only as aguideline; not aminimum requirement. Please be creative and add sections as you see fit.

-Title Sheet

-Overview/history/vision of the problems defined above

-How do the two works compliment (or contradict) one another?

-Examples of applying Superforecasting in a professional workplace setting.

-Given the changes forecast by Susskind and Susskind, what are:

-the likely results of widespread superforecasting,

-possible downfalls of over-analysis.

-actual implementation of a score-keeping system as proposed by Tetlock and Gardner.

-Imagine a professional setting which combines the principles of both books.


Work hard and learn!

Refer to assistance on APA format

Wikipedia is not an academically acceptable source but it is OK to use Wiki are a starting point to find references (look at the footnotes).

Answered Same DayAug 26, 2021

Answer To: Assignment 10 Research Paper Module 10: Research Project Available as an eText: ISBN XXXXXXXXXX...

Amar answered on Sep 15 2021
165 Votes
Running Header: Leadership & Management, Analysis and Application – Research Project
Leadership & Management, Analysis and Application – Research Project
Leadership & Management, Analysis and Application – Research Project
Table of Contents
Overview & Background    3
Two Works – Comparative Implications    5
Application of Superforecasting    6
Superforecasting: Implications of Widespread Use    6
Over-analysis: Pitfalls    7
Score-keeping System    8
Ideal Professional Setting    10
Conclusion    11
References    12
Overview & Backgr
Tetlock & Gardner (2016) in their book titled “Superforecasting- The Art & Science of Prediction” have undertaken discussion for understanding the super-forecasters as well as exploration of the ways in which an average individual may become one amongst the super-forecasters. Tetlock & Gardner (2016) present various key qualities with respect to super-forecasters and these include the following – [1] philosophic outlook in terms of being non-deterministic, humble, and cautious, [2] thinking style in terms of being numerate, reflective, curious and intelligent, and open-minded, [3] forecasting style in terms of being intuitive psychologist, thoughtful updaters, probabilistic, dragonfly-eyed, analytical, and pragmatic, and [4] work ethic in terms of grit and growth mindset.
Tetlock & Gardner (2016) present careful and thorough thinking, building up the argument in a slow and block-by-block manner. Tetlock & Gardner (2016) discuss on the research illustrating that significant amount experts are essentially accurate to make predictions in the extent that of a chimpanzee throwing darts at target. In this context, the most key element is that the study on chimpanzee illustrated that, however, whilst most of the experts were not highly accurate with respect to the prognostications, some of them had been, at the least in terms of shorter-range analysis —longer the timeline horizon for prediction, less accurate have been these predictions by experts. Predictions which are farther out between three and five years seem to have adverse accuracy levels equivalent to that of monkey dart-throwing allegory. Tetlock & Gardner (2016) state that forecasters who actually express the probability by way of numbers shall be forced in thinking in a highly clear manner with respect to their own relevant process. Yet the overall problem in terms of numbers shall be that they appear in being highly authoritative. In essence, individuals shall think that something could be objective fact as well as not be a subjective opinion in the instance the specific idea shall get expressed in the form of numbers. A solution for the problem can be that people can get better educated in this matter. Further, Tetlock & Gardner (2016) add that luck in addition plays some role, as well as no one and no matter their effectiveness, shall be infallible. Yet there shall be people who shall be better to undertake forecasting over future horizon as compared to others.
Susskind & Susskind (2015) state in their book “The Future of Professionals” that there appears to be two of the possible futures with respect to professions. Susskind & Susskind (2015) add that both of the stated future will depend over technology. The initial which is familiar amongst most of the professionals shall be that it shall be efficient version to a significant extent over what is available and possible today. In this version of the future, professionals from wide ranging domains employ technology, and yet the same shall be to a large extent for the purposes of streamlining as well as optimizing the conventional ways for working. Within the perceptions of economists, essentially technologies will complement the professionals with respect to the activities. The other future holds a varied proposition. Herein, to an increasing extent capable machines / system, either operating singly or else designed / operated by individuals who shall look very much unlike that of lawyers, doctors, accountants, teachers, as well as other conventional roles, in a gradual manner taking over increased number of tasks which one shall associate with to that of conventional professionals. Newer technologies, rather, in words of various economists, substituting for the professionals with respect to the stated activities. With respect to now, as well as over medium term, Susskind & Susskind (2015) anticipate that both of the futures shall be actually realized on a parallel form. As one does in present context, people shall continue in seeing examples with respect to both of the uses concerning technology. Over the longer run, though, Susskind & Susskind (2015) expects that second future shall essentially dominate. By way of technological progress, people shall determine newer as well as highly efficient approaches for solving the form of crucial problems which, conventionally, solely very specific types / forms of the professionals shall possess the ability for tackling. The same in essence, as discussed in detail by Susskind & Susskind (2015), represents the existential challenge with respect to traditional professionals, forms of the crux of this work.
Two Works – Comparative Implications
In comparing the learnings, findings, and proposals from Tetlock & Gardner (2016) and Susskind &...

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