Assignment # 1 https://classroongoogle.corn/u/2... RAWALPINDI WOMEN UNIVERISTY Assignment # 1 Course Title: Programming Fundamenta Deadline: 7Dec, 2020 Semester: l" Students must write their name and...

Assignment # 1
Course Title: Programming Fundamenta Deadline: 7Dec, 2020 Semester: l"
Students must write their name and university roll no. on the answer sheet.
Question # 1 /2.5
Write a function named Ili g i t_n amen that takes an integer argument in the range from I to 9. inclusive, and prints the English name for that integer on the computer scrom. No newlinc character should be sent to me screen Conning the digit name. The fitnction should not mum a value. The cursor should rcmain on the same line as the name that has been printed. lithe argument is not in the required range, then the function should print error" without the quotation marks but followed by the new line character. Thus, for example, the statement digi t_narne ( 7 ) ; should print seven on the screen, the statement ci ig t_narne ( 0 ) ; should print digit error on the screen and place the =sot- at the beginning of the next line.
Question N 2 /2.5
Witte a fiinction named "swap_ floa t s' that takes noa floating point arguments and intewhanges the values that arc stored in those argumaits. The function should return no value. To take an example, if the following code fragment is executed float x — 5. 8, y — 0.9; swap floats (x, y) ; tout

May 18, 2022

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