Assignment 1 got you to consider the problems related to Middle Years students’ experiences at school and the concerns for educators, shedding light on why reform is required in the needs of Middle Years Students.
Assignment 2 has a more practical focus and asks you to consider the learning and social needs of middle years’ students and how educators can address these needs as a way of enacting what reforms should occur in their own pedagogy.
Within your essay you need to:
·Explain what is a learning need and what is a social need
·Highlight some of the key learning and social needs of adolescents
·Unpack how teachers can address these needs within their own pedagogical practices. Where possible, give specific examples of strategies or approaches. These can be in the context of your learning areas. You are encouraged to consider the signature practices and what role these can play in supporting more effective pedagogical practices
In structuring your paper, use headings and ensure you have an introduction and conclusion.
Make sure you demonstrate engagement with the course lectures and readings as well as wider research.
The length of this essay should be approximately 2500 words, with 2700 words the absolute maximum. Please ensure that you adhere to the word limit, which has been specified to keep the task manageable for yourself and the marker. If you go beyond this limit, either the assignment will be returned to you for revision or the marker will stop reading at the 2,700-word limit. Likewise, if you are well below this, it makes demonstrating your understanding difficult and you run the risk of being marked down.
You are required to use the Harvard referencing system for all references. UniSAhave a Harvard referencing guide to support you. If you receive feedback regarding your referencing, please ensure you have look at the guide before submitting your next assignment.
The essay should be submitted via learnonline by the due date.