Assignment 02 Specifications Last update XXXXXXXXXX:32Z Due: Specified on the Canvas assignment page. Late submissions will automatically be marked as late and for the next 24 hours will be subject to...

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Assignment 02 Specifications Last update - 2020-11-01 19:32Z Due:  Specified on the Canvas assignment page.  Late submissions will automatically be marked as late and for the next 24 hours will be subject to a 50% downward scaling of grade.  After the 24-hour grace period they will receive a grade of zero.  Please make sure you submit your assignment far in advance of the stated deadline, so that you avoid losing credit due to bad networks, etc.  It is recommended that you start early and if you have questions, ask them in the course Canvas Discussion forum.  If you wait until the last minute to ask questions, it’s very likely that nobody will answer you in time.  It is also recommended that you turn in something, even if it’s not complete.  Even if you weren’t able to complete the assignment, taking the time to explain what you tried and what problems you faced will likely prevent you from getting a zero.   Grading: The General Rubric for Assignments will be used, and is available on the Canvas assignment page.  Given the simplicity of this assignment, there will be less rigor in grading, but you should still be sure to address the criteria in the rubric. The primary goal of this assignment is to give you a simple introduction to two software environments we will use later in this course, and to insure early that you are able to use these successfully.  You will · create and report on a simple System Dynamics model using Insight Maker · create and report on a simple Agent-Based model using NetLogo This is meant to be a relatively simple assignment (but if you try with Mac OS X - see below - you may find additional challenges).  I’ve provided you with guidance in online lecture, and your role here is to do roughly the same thing, with minor differences. The deliverables that you should plan on submitting are a 1) PDF report of your Insight Maker report, and 2) a documented HTML representation of your NetLogo model. System Dynamics model with Insight Maker This task is very similar to the material I covered in class.  For the most part, I just want to make sure you are able to replicate and understand what I did, using a slightly different problem. You should create a model with a single stock, and either an incoming or outgoing flow, with a feedback loop whereby the current state of the stock affects the flow.  You should make the stock and flow be something imaginative and interesting, other than the population model I presented. You should plan on turning in the following in a single PDF file as a simple but professional report · Abstract and introduction of the system that you are modeling · Methods · the model schematic THAT INCLUDES YOUR NAME AS PART OF IT.  Recall that you can add a text field to the model.  There is not a simple way to generate a PDF representation of Insight Maker models, so I recommend that you simply use a word processor and use a tool to capture the window with the schematic so that you can include it in your document.  Be sure that what you put in the document is of reasonable quality for a professional report. · A description of the behaviour you expect your model to exhibit before trying it out.  Especially consider what you expect for certain “extreme” conditions where the results should be obvious.  This is model verification. · The output plot from running your model, INCLUDING YOUR NAME IN THE TITLE OF THE PLOT.  Again, it’s probably best to capture the window and insert it into a document (making sure that it is of reasonable quality for a professional report), then convert it all to PDF. · A summary and commentary on the ease or difficulty you encountered in this task.   There are many Insight Maker models (or “insights” as they like to call them) that others have made available.  If you use any of those for inspiration or guidance, play it safe and reference them in your report, explaining what use you made of them. Agent-Based model with NetLogo You should select a model of your choice from the Models Library available through the application and insure that you can understand it, run it, add documentation, and export it to HTML for submission.  Once you have selected, understood and run your model, you should · Add your name to the model interface ·  add documentation in the form of a simple but professional report to the Info tab of the model.  Do not include any of the original content in the Info tab - everything that’s in there should be your own! Your submitted report should be created by adding the following sections to the beginning of the Info section of the model · Abstract · Introduction · Methods · Summary (include any problems you may have had and solutions) · References - you will obviously be copying an existing model and making slight modifications to it.  This means that you must cite and reference the source of your model. These may be very simple but should explain, in your own words, what the model does and what you did with it.  And, again, if you use any of the original model documentation you should make this perfectly clear and not submit it as if it was your own. Then, save the modified model as HTML (NetLogo Web), insure that you can use it in a web browser and that your documentation is present. Important notes · Be sure to use the NetLogo application for your computer, not the web version!  Later in the course you will need the application to do things that aren’t possible with the web version, so we need to make sure now that everything is going to work for you. · If you are using Mac OS X, you may find problems getting NetLogo to work.  I’m not a Mac user but apparently some people have had problems with later versions of NetLogo and/or later versions of Mac OS X.  You should prepare for this and plan to spend time trying to understand and document a solution.   · I recommend that if you run into problems you open up a topic in the Canvas Discussions to start a dialogue with any other potential Mac users to document solutions. · Ultimately, you will need to find a solution, whether it’s finding out how to make it work on your Mac or finding access to a Windows or Linux machine on which you can run the NetLogo application for this assignment, and later in the semester.  If you are able to make this work on a Mac, please document your procedures and environment clearly in the Summary of your report for the benefit of others in the future. · No matter what type of computer you use, if you have problems that you are unable to resolve yourself, you should use the course Discussion forum (not email) to seek advice.  This, of course, would require you to get an early start so that you have time to iterate on solutions. Summary of what to submit You should submit, long before the deadline a single PDF file for the Insight Maker task, and a single HTML file for the NetLogo task.   Again, the HTML file that you submit should work correctly in a web browser.   This is arguably the easiest assignment you will get this term.  It would be a real shame if you didn’t take it seriously and ended up having to take your “free low grade” on this one, but every term at least one person does! Warning on Plagiarism  Please remember the aggressive warnings I gave about plagiarism at the beginning of the course.  It is simply wrong to take somebody else’s work and try to make it look like your own, new work.  Every assignment must be an original work created by you.  It is, of course, permissible and encouraged to collaborate with others in the class, but you should make it very clear in your report who you collaborated with and in what capacity. It is wrong to copy/paste from any other place and present it as your own work.  In some cases it is acceptable to do this under the condition that you clearly cite where the copy/paste came from.  Please note that copy/pasting and then changing the words around so that it doesn’t look as much like a copy/paste is also wrong. It is wrong to have somebody else do your assignment for you and turn it in as if it was your own. Violations will be dealt with harshly, in many cases immediately removing you from the course. Dealing with these issues is the worst part of my job.  It takes away a lot of valuable time from more positive and productive course activities, and it’s especially sad because it affects students’ futures in very negative ways.  But, it has to be done for the integrity of the course and the university and, ultimately, the responsibility lies with you, the student, to insure no violation. If you have any concerns about whether what you are doing is a violation or not, then you should post questions about it to the course discussion forum for clarification.  In the long run, you will probably do much better if you invest the time to do the work yourself, than if you have to suffer the consequences of violating these standards.
Nov 09, 2021

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