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Assessment Workbook: BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development Version control Version No. Date Dept. Change 1.0 11/11/2015 Training Original 2.0 11/03/2016 Training Moodle updates 3.0 29/07/2016 Training Updated content and changed title from Assessment Guide to Assessment Workbook 4.0 18/01/2018 Training Updated content Copyright Statement © Copyright National Training Disclaimer All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, scanning, recording, or any information storage retrieval system without permission in writing from National Training. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of information used herein. While every effort has been taken in the preparation of this publication, the publisher and authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of information contained herein. Contents How do I use this guide?4 Introduction5 Application5 Elements and Performance Criteria5 Pre-requisites5 Appeals and reassessment6 Plagiarism6 Referencing Materials6 Understanding your results6 Results Legend7 Assessment activity7 Assessment 1 and 2 Instructions8 Assessment 1: Short Answer Questions9 Question 19 Question 29 Question 39 Question 49 Question 59 Question 69 Question 710 Question 810 Question 910 Question 1010 Question 1110 Question 1210 Question 1310 Question 1410 Question 1511 Question 16B11 Assessment 2: Case Study12 Part A12 Part B12 Part C12 How do I use this guide? This guide is divided into two sections: · The introduction section gives you information about the unit of competency you will be assessed in. For a comprehensive overview of the assessment process, the principles of assessment, refer to your ‘Student Handbook’ which was provided to you, by National Training, when you commenced your training. It’s also available online via the website: · The second section contains assessment activities each detailing: · Description of the assessments · Instructions for completing the assessment activities Introduction This guide, together with the Assessment Activity forms the assessment tools for: Unit code Title Training Package BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development Business Services Training Package Application BSBWOR501 This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to create systems and process to organise information and prioritise tasks. It applies to individuals working in managerial positions who have excellent organisational skills. The work ethic of individuals in this role has a significant impact on the work culture and patterns of behaviour of others as managers at this level are role models in their work environment. Elements and Performance Criteria 1.0 Establish personal work goals 1.1 Serve as a positive role model in the workplace through personal work planning 1.2 Ensure personal work goals, plans and activities reflect the organisation’s plans, and own responsibilities and accountabilities 1.3 Measure and maintain personal performance in varying work conditions, work contexts and when contingencies occur 2.0 Set and meet own work priorities 2.1 Take initiative to prioritise and facilitate competing demands to achieve personal, team and organisational goals and objectives 2.2 Use technology efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and commitments 2.3 Maintain appropriate work-life balance, and ensure stress is effectively managed and health is attended to 3.0 Develop and maintain professional competence 3.1 Assess personal knowledge and skills against competency standards to determine development needs, priorities and plans 3.2 Seek feedback from employees, clients and colleagues and use this feedback to identify and develop ways to improve competence 3.3 Identify, evaluate, select and use development opportunities suitable to personal learning style/s to develop competence 3.4 Participate in networks to enhance personal knowledge, skills and work relationships 3.5 Identify and develop new skills to achieve and maintain a competitive edge Pre-requisites Not applicable Appeals and reassessment If you disagree with the assessment decision and result, you have the right to appeal and be reassessed if necessary. Details of the appeals process is contained in the Complaints and Appeals Policy & Procedure, provided to you prior to enrolment. See Complaints and Appeals Policy & Procedure for more details. Plagiarism While cooperative effort and the sharing of information are encouraged, you must ensure your assignments and assessments are representative of your own effort, knowledge and skills. You must not take the work of others and present it as your own. Plagiarism may result in the assignment/assessment being deemed to be “not yet competent” by the assessor. Students accused more than once of academic misconduct, including plagiarism, may be dismissed or cancelled from their course at the discretion of the National Training Manager. Plagiarism can take several forms; · Quoting from a book or an article without acknowledging the source · Handing in someone else’s work as your own · Stealing and passing off another person’s words or ideas and claiming them as your own · Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation or idea · Downloading information from the internet without acknowledging the source · Copying a section of a book or article and submitting it as one’s own work · Presenting as a new and original idea or produce something which was derived from an existing source Referencing Materials National Training prefers that students utilises Harvard Style referencing. Generally, Harvard Reference List citations follow this format: Books: Last name, First Initial. (Year published). Title. City: Publisher, Page(s). Journals/publication: Last name, First initial. (Year published). Article title. Journal, Volume (Issue), Page(s). Websites: Website name, (Year published). Page title. [Online] Available at: URL [Accessed Day Mo. Year]. Understanding your results The great thing with competency based training is that you either deemed 'competent' (you can demonstrate the required skills and knowledge) or 'not yet competent' (at this time you haven't been able to demonstrate required skills or knowledge). The key word is "YET”. Your trainer will provide you with feedback on your assessments so that you know what you have done well in your assessment and what you need to improve upon or fix. An "NYC" result does not mean that you have failed and that is it - you have the opportunity to try again. It could be that one question in your assessment was deemed not yet satisfactory and this is the only question that will require review. Results Legend C Competent Has successfully completed unit and has met the minimum competency criteria and demonstrated the required skills and knowledge NYC Not Yet Competent Has not met minimum competency criteria for the unit - certain section/s require review due to not meeting the requirements and being deemed not yet satisfactory CT Credit Transfer Application required RPL Recognition of Prior Learning Application required For further information regarding Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfers (CT), please contact on our office on (03) 9674 0331 Assessment activity The assessment activities contained below have been designed for the following unit(s) of competency: BSBWOR501Manage personal work priorities and professional development This is a summative assessment process. For the student to be assessed as competent in each Unit of Competency, all questions and activities need to be satisfactorily completed. Each assessment activity contained within: Assessment 1: Short Answer Questions This requires the completion of all comprehensive questions. This is a summative assessment activity, which means it is an assessment of what you have learnt and used towards the assessment of your overall competency. Assessment 2: Case Study 1 This is a summative assessment activity, which means it is an assessment of what you have learnt and used towards the assessment of your overall competency. Assessment 1 and 2 Instructions Student Instructions Type of Assessment This is a summative assessment activity, which means it is an assessment of what you have learnt and used towards the assessment of your overall competency. General There are a number of written questions and a case study. You must attempt each one. If you have difficulty with understanding the question or completing the answers then talk to your trainer. Your trainer is there to help you understand and help you demonstrate your understanding, not to complete the answers for you. You are required to answer all questions and provide as much detail as you can. These questions are not required to be completed under exam conditions. Context and purpose of assessment The questions and case study have been drawn from the information contained in your workbook/ learning materials. Therefore you should have a good understanding of the answers Assessment instructions Read information provided and fully complete all questions as asked. Resources, equipment & material required Learner Guide Computer Internet How you will be assessed Upon completion of your responses will be assessed against a standard answer sheet to ensure that you have covered the question and are consistent with others. You are required to get every question correct, For more information on the specific criteria contained in the unit descriptor, speak with your trainer. They will provide you with a copy of the criteria or see your learner guide which includes the performance criteria. Assessment 1: Short Answer Questions Question 1 List and describe six (6) characteristics you have that enable you to act as a positive role model in the workplace (60-100 words) Question 2 How would you ensure that your personal work goals reflect the organisation’s plans, and your own responsibilities and accountabilities? (100-150 words) Question 3 List five strategies you can use to measure and maintain your personal performance. Provide a brief description of each strategy. Include how you will address issues as they arise and develop contingencies to ensure that you maintain your performance (100-150 words) Question 4 A member of your team has presented you with their work goals for the next quarter. You are surprised to see that they all focus on this person pursuing a particular project that they raised with you last month. You need to have this person working on the new product launch and you cannot see how they will have time to spend on a project that does not contribute in any way to the new product getting to market. What strategies could you use to help the team member understand the goals of the organisation and the team, and realign their work goals to reflect the organisation’s plans and goals? (80 to 100 words) Question 5 What technology can be used to efficiently and effectively manage priorities and commitments? (50–75 words) Question 6 List ten strategies to help ensure technology is used effectively. Question 7 What is work-life balance? (50-100 words) Question 8 List and describe (80 to 100 words each) three strategies that will help you maintain a healthy work-life balance and ensure stress is effectively managed and health is attended to. Question 9 Describe how you can assess your personal knowledge and skills against the competency standards for a position (50 - 80 words). Question 10 Describe how you might create a personal career plan to prioritise and meet your development needs (150 - 200 words) Question 11 List seven forms