Answer To: Assessment Type: Individual assessment – research report.Purpose: Assess students’ knowledge of...
Shikha answered on May 23 2021
Contingent liability 1
What is a contingent liability? 1
Reporting of contingent liability by Delta Ltd. 1
Valuation of internally generated intangibles 1
How to value intangibles? 1
What are acquired intangibles? 2
Why are companies reluctant to press for changes in AASB 138? 3
Ques 1.
Contingent liability
What is a contingent liability?
A) As per AASB 137, contingent liability is a liability which may or may not occur at all, its occurrence is dependent on one or more uncertain events in the future, outcome of which cannot be reasonable estimated as on date.
Since the occurrence of the contingent liability is not sure, it is not required to record the contingent liabilities in the books of accounts, whereas, in order to make a fair representation, a disclosure in regard to the same is required to be given in the financial statements.
The amount of contingent liability, is also, more often than not, dependent on the occurrence of the event, thus, the amount at which it needs to be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements shall be the amount that is probable to be paid to settle the liability. Such amount needs to be reassessed at the end of each reporting period.
Reporting of contingent liability by Delta Ltd.
B) Under AASB 137, since, the liability of delta limited is not yet finalized, pending the final decision of the case, it is a contingent liability and as explained above, it should not be recorded in the books of accounts but disclosed in the notes to the financial statements.
The amount to be disclosed is to be based on estimate of amount required to settle the liability, which in this case is $ 500,000.
(Para 25-26 of AASB 137, web link:
Ques 2.
Valuation of internally generated intangibles
How to value intangibles?
A. As per AASB 138 or IAS 38, Internally generated intangible assets are those, which the company develops internally as against those, which are procured externally, it is difficult to recognize internally generated intangible assets, as compared to acquired assets, due to following two reasons:
i. Identifying an identifiable asset that will generate expected future economic benefits
ii. Determination of cost reliably, determination of...