Assessment Task DescriptionIn Australia we have an ageing population and rich cultural diversity. As healthcare providers, it is pertinent to appreciate diverse social constructs and...

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Assessment Task Description

In Australia we have an ageing population and rich cultural diversity. As healthcare providers, it is pertinent to appreciate diverse social constructs and understandings of health and ageing.

You are to interview a person over the age of 65 years old that has a different cultural background to yourself. You are to obtain a medical history. The history must include:

  • a SAMPLE, (SAMPLE acronymLinks to an external site.


  • demographic data,

  • perception of health status,

  • spirituality, sexuality, social relationships,

  • risk factors and what is their expectations of their health status in view of ageing.

  • You must include a genogram.

You are to prepare a 7-10 minute presentation, the presentation will include;

  • An introduction of the interviewee (must use a pseudonym to maintain confidentiality)

  • Their health history, cultural background and genogram

  • Identify the social determinants of health that impact the interviewee.

  • Define the concept of ageism and describe how ageism and bias may impact the interviewee.

Assessment format(s):Individual video presentation

Duration: Total presentation length should be 7-10 minutes.


  • 2. Discuss the role of the nurse in mitigating conscious and unconscious bias, promoting healthy ageing and wellbeing across the different contexts of care in light of the Aged Care Quality Standards.

  • 4.Propose strategies to engage with older people from diverse populations to promote dignity and choice in health care decision making, including palliative and end of life care.

  • 5.Examine the historical and contemporary social determinants that impact on the older person’s experience; including health economics, access, equity, ethical and legal


    and concepts.

Assessment weighting: 45%

Assessment due date: Monday 14th Oct 10am Week 12

Individual assessment:Individual assignment

Students need to submit the video (mp4 or movie format) and interview raw data (MS word or PDF) to the canvas platform.

Assessment format guidelines

  • The PowerPoint presentation must be saved as either .mp4 or .mov

  • APA 7 style must be used for referencing in the PowerPoint presentation.

  • Students' names are not to be included on any assessment tasks/submissions. Only student ID numbers should be included in the cover slide (as per theAssessment PolicyandAssessment Procedures).

  • Cover slide should be included with student ID, title of the presentation, date of submission.

  • Last slide should contain references using APA style 7thversion.

Materials/resources provided:Students may need to use the lecture power points, reading lists, journal articles to prepare for the presentation.

Example interview with Krishna's mum -Example interviewLinks to an external site.

Assessment 3 explained -Assessment 3 explainedLinks to an external site.

Materials students may need:Students need to research the latest materials relevant to the topic from the library website or Australian Government websites. For e.g. Australian Commission on Quality Standards, AIHW, ABS etc.

Marking criteria:The rubric will be used to mark the assignment. The rubric is attached in the canvas site.

Feedback post assessment:The feedback will be available in 15 days of the submission date.

Tips and tricks for success:

  • Commence preparation on the assessment early

    • Starting at the beginning of semester and continuing to revise and add ideas as you explore different concepts each week.

    • Thoroughly research your topic.

    • Be clear of the concepts you want to include and map the key principles related to each of them (and any interrelations).

  • Plan your presentation and make sure that you include all requirements outlined in the task description and rubric.

  • Consider presentation of information on the slides including, but not limited to:

    • Font size

    • Background colour and style

    • Volume of information presented on each slide – Students are strongly encouraged to present summary points on their slides that are supported by the narrated content.

    • Avoid reading the slides to the audience.

  • Consider the use of terminology and level of detail provided to ensure audience understanding is supported during the presentation.

  • Practice a couple of times before you record and submit.

  • Be confident! You have worked hard on your assessment, be proud of your work.


It is expected that students will:

  • undertake a broad search of relevant academic nursing literature,

  • use high-quality peer reviewed literature and textbooks contextualised to the Australian Healthcare setting.

  • demonstrate integration of learning from workshops and modules

  • demonstrate a scholarly approach in relation to use of another researcher’s and author’s ideas.

It is expected that in relation to the PowerPoint submission students will:

  • Seek support from DITM Service Desk well in advance of the due date, for assistance and troubleshooting advice relating to the recording and/or upload of their assessment.

  • Proofread your work and review audioquality and clarity.

In relation to the overall assessment, it is expected that students will:

  • follow steps outlined in this assessment overview regarding upload of documents,

  • seek support from service desk in the event they are unfamiliar with using the learning management system (canvas)

Support resources for students:

UC Library -Study Skills


Assessment 2 - Video Presentation

Assessment 2 - Video Presentation


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome


Introduction of interviewee



Expertly introduces the interviewee, using a pseudonym for confidentiality. Provides relevant background information effectively. Includes evidence of utilising the SAMPLE acronym.



Successfully introduces the interviewee with a pseudonym, presenting key details appropriately. Includes evidence of utilising the SAMPLE acronym.



Adequately introduces the interviewee with some relevant details. May lack depth or coherence. The SAMPLE may have been used but it is not obvious.



Introduction is a little vague or lacking key information about the interviewee but has included all components. Unclear how data was obtained. Lack of systematic framework.



Absence of an introduction or insufficient details about the interviewee. No evidence of using a systematic framework to collect data.


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome


Health history, cultural background and genogram



Thoroughly presents the interviewee's health history, cultural background, and genogram, showcasing a nuanced understanding.



Effectively presents the health history, cultural background, and genogram, demonstrating a good understanding.



Presents health history, cultural background, and genogram, but with some gaps or lack of depth.



Basic presentation of health history, cultural background, and genogram.



No or minimal presentation of health history, cultural background, or genogram.


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome


Social determinates of health impacts



Identifies and thoroughly discusses the social determinants of health impacting the interviewee. Demonstrates a deep understanding.



Identifies and discusses social determinants of health effectively, with a good understanding.



Identifies social determinants of health, but may lack depth or thorough exploration.



Basic identification or discussion of social determinants of health.



No identification or discussion of social determinants of health


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome


of ageism and its impact



Clearly defines the concept of ageism and eloquently describes how ageism and bias may impact the interviewee.



Defines ageism and describes its impact effectively.



Defines ageism but provides an unclear description of its impact May lack some depth or detail.



Basic definition of ageism or limited discussion of its impact on the interviewee.



No definition of ageism or insufficient discussion of its impact.


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Oral and Aural

Presentation reflects the requirements of the assessment instructions including but not limited to pronunciation, time adherence, speed and delivery of narration



Outstanding work that more than satisfies the requirements of the assessment instructions in relation to oral presentation elements. No error or omissions. Video strictly adheres to time limit of 7-10 mins.



Comprehensive work that reflects the requirements of the assessment instructions in relation to oral presentation elements. Minor errors and/or omissions. Video adheres to the time limit of 7-10 mins



Good work that reflects the requirements of the assessment instructions in relation to oral presentation elements. Some errors and/or omissions. Video satisfies the time limit of 7-10 mins



Satisfactory work that reflects the requirements of the assessment instructions in relation to oral presentation elements. Multiple errors and/or omissions. Video minorly exceeds the time limit of more than 10 mins or under 7 mins



Unsatisfactory work that does not meet the requirements of the assessment instructions in regard to oral presentation elements. Consistent errors or omissions. Significantly exceeds time limit more than 10 mins or significantly under the time limit of 7 mins


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Research and Evidence

Scholarly academic writing is supported by evidence and research to inform arguments, support definitions and an ethical approach to using the ideas and academic work of others



Outstanding integration of high quality, peer reviewed evidence which is contemporary and relevant to the presentation content. Ethical approach to the use of ideas and academic work has no errors or omissions



Comprehensive integration of high quality, peer reviewed evidence which is contemporary and relevant to the presentation content. Ethical approach to the use of ideas and academic work has minor errors and/or omissions



Good integration of quality, peer reviewed evidence which is contemporary and mostly relevant to the presentation content. Ethical approach to the use of ideas and academic work has some errors and/or omissions



Satisfactory integration of evidence which is contemporary and sometimes relevant to the presentation content. Ethical approach to the use of ideas and academic work has multiple errors and/or omissions



Unsatisfactory integration of evidence. There are significant concerns about the quality, contemporary nature or relevance of evidence to the presentation content


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome


Reference style. Adherence to APA 7th edition reference style



Outstanding adherence to APA 7th edition with no errors or omissions



Comprehensive adherence to APA 7th edition with minimal, minor errors or omissions



Good adherence to APA 7th edition with some errors or omissions



Satisfactory adherence to APA 7th edition with errors or omissions



Unsatisfactory adherence to APA 7th edition with multiple errors or omissions


Total points:100

Answered 3 days AfterOct 02, 2024

Answer To: Assessment Task DescriptionIn Australia we have an ageing population and rich cultural...

P answered on Oct 05 2024
4 Votes
Understanding Ageing and Cultural Diversity: A Health Interview with Alice
Understanding Ageing and Cultural Diversity: A Health Interview with Alice
Presented by
Introduction of the
Interviewee (Pseudonym: "Alice")
Age: 77 years
DOB: 27th December 1946
Cultural Background: Australian with European heritage
Maternal Background: Germany
Paternal’s background: English roots
Employment: retired as part-time worker from fashion store worked for 48 hours
Past employment: Career in Early childhood education & aged care.
Religious background: Catholic Christianity visits church every 2 weeks, reads Bible
Family Structure : eldest of 4 siblings2 brothers (1 died of cancer)
Health History and Genogram
Symptoms: persistent leg aches. She has consulted a doctor, who has ordered tests to investigate.
Allergies: She is allergic to penicillin, swelling, itching, and rashes.
Medications: Nexium acid reflux, thyroxine thyroid issues, and calcium supplements.
Past Medical History: broken leg at age 50 and hysterectomy in her late 40s.
    She also reports a fear of falling, after a recent fall on her left knee while walking in her garden.
Lifestyle: Alice walks regularly around a 5.5 km lake.
Family Health History:
Cancer runs in Alice's family.
Both her mother and brother had cancer, with her mother passing away from lung cancer.
She is aware of the genetic risks and mentioned the need for ongoing cancer screenings.
Social Determinants of Health
Social and Spiritual Support:
Alice attends church services and Bible study, which provide her with both spiritual and social support.
Alice left school at 15, equivalent to Year 10, and later earned certificates in early childhood education and aged care. Her lower educational level may affect her health literacy, though her career in aged care has likely improved...

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