ASSESSMENT TASK 3 – Strategy Implementation Plan Type: Implementation Plan Learning outcomes assessed: 1,2,3,4 & 5 Due date: Monday, 31st October, 4pm. Weight: 60% (Marked out of 100) Length: 2000 words (excluding references) Task Aim: This assignment focuses on developing strategies to increase the cultural capability of Health Care Practitioners within their unique work place. Task Description: 1. Design a strategy to increase the cultural capability of Health Care Practitioners within your workplace. This could be staff professional development strategies, resources, the establishment of partnerships/referral models or policy revisions, for example. 2. Write a plan to implement your strategy. A template has been provided as a guide to prompt specific considerations that you could include in your implementation plan. The use of headings is recommended to outline your plan. Task Rationale: Health care practitioners are in a unique and critical position to improve access for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to high quality efficient and effective health care through implementing practices that are culturally capable and safe. Research has demonstrated that cultural awareness, safety and competency reduce the disparities between Health Practitioner and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (Fredricks, 2008). Culturally safe interactions increases health literacy, gains informed consent and leads to self-determination (Fredricks, 2008). Cultural awareness and safety builds a safe working and clinical environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by improving understanding to further build the capacity of the community to meet the need for better health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (Farrelly & Lumpy, 2009). Farrelly, T. & Lumby, B. (2009). A best practice approach to cultural competence training. Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, 33 (5), pp. 14-22. Fredricks, B. (2008). The need to extend beyond the knowledge gained in cross-cultural awareness training. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 37, pp. 81-89. Cultural Capability Plan – 7210MED Criteria - /100 7 6 5 4 3 RATIONALE for Strategy 30 % Identifies how your workplace would benefit from increasing the cultural capability of health care practitioners In depth evaluation of workplace need for increasing cultural capability; Shows explicitly the link between how increasing cultural capability with health professionals can improve health outcomes for First Peoples; Detailed outline of SMART objectives; informed by reputable evidence found in scholarly literature 26 - 30 points Detailed evaluation of workplace need for increasing cultural capability; Shows a strong link between how increasing cultural capability with health professionals can improve health outcomes for First Peoples; Detailed outline of SMART objectives; informed by reputable evidence found in scholarly literature 23 - 25 points Some evaluation of workplace need for increasing cultural capability; Shows a link between how increasing cultural capability with health professionals can improve health outcomes for First Peoples; Outline of SMART objectives; informed by reputable evidence found in scholarly literature 20 - 22 points Basic evaluation of workplace need for increasing cultural capability; Some discussion of a link between how increasing cultural capability with health professionals can improve health outcomes for First Peoples; Outline of SMART objectives; informed by literature 15 - 19 points Poor or no evaluation of workplace need for increasing cultural capability; Poor or no discussion of how increasing cultural capability with health professionals can improve health outcomes for First Peoples; Limited objectives outlined; not supported by literature 0 - 14 points STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT 30 % Describes the implications for health professionals and the organisation related to increasing cultural capability. Describes deliverables of the plan and how to measure success. Clearly identifies the scope of the strategy; Clearly describes and discusses deliverables of the planned cultural capability strategy and how this is measured; supported by reputable evidence. Identifies a range of material and human resources needed and how to access and/or develop these. Provides an in-depth discussion of opportunities to link this strategy with overarching organisational values. 26 - 30 points Identifies the scope of the strategy; Clearly describes deliverables of the planned cultural capability strategy and how this is measured with some supporting literature. Identifies some material and human resources needed with some discussion on how to access and/or develop these. Provides a detailed discussion of opportunities to link this strategy with overarching organisational values. 23 - 25 points Identifies the scope of the strategy; Describes deliverables of the planned cultural capability strategy and how this is measured with supporting literature. Identifies some material and/or human resources needed with some discussion on how to access and/or develop these. Provides some discussion of opportunities to link this strategy with overarching organisational values. 20 - 22 points Identifies the scope of the strategy; Describes deliverables of the planned cultural capability strategy and how this is measured with limited supporting literature. Basic level of identification of some material or human resources needed. Provides basic level of discussion of opportunities to link this strategy with overarching organisational values. 15 - 19 points Limited or no identification of the scope of the strategy and/or deliverables; Limited or no identification of resources needed; Limited or no discussion of opportunities to link this strategy with overarching organisational values. 0 - 14 points IMPLEMENTATION of Strategy 20 % Demonstrates critical thinking around risks for increasing cultural capability at multiple levels of the healthcare system Identification with in-depth and insightful discussion of a range of possible assumptions with evidence-based strategies to mitigate risk. Identifies possible constraints at multiple levels i.e. organisational; local; individual. Identifies key stake holders with appropriate engagement strategy. Identifies realistic time frames with achievable milestones. 17 - 20 points Identification and detailed discussion of possible assumptions with evidence-based strategies to mitigate risk. Identified possible constraints at some levels i.e. organisational; local; individual. Identifies key stake holders with appropriate engagement strategy. Identifies realistic time frames with achievable milestones. 15 - 16 points Identification and some discussion of possible assumptions with evidence-based strategies to mitigate risk. Identified possible constraints at some levels i.e. organisational; local; individual. Identifies key stake holders with appropriate engagement strategy. Identifies realistic time frames with mostly achievable milestones. 13 - 14 points Identification and limited discussion of possible assumptions with evidence-based strategies to mitigate risk. Identified possible constraints at one level i.e. organisational; local or individual. Identifies key stake holders with limited discussion on appropriate engagement strategy. Identifies time frames with somewhat achievable milestones. 10 - 12 points Limited or no identification or discussion of possible assumptions or constraints. Limited or inappropriate discussion of engagement strategy. Unrealistic time frames and/or milestones. 0 - 9 points ACADEMIC WRITING 10% Consistent and correct use of rules of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Language is clear, precise and culturally appropriate. 9 – 10 points Consistent and correct use of rules of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Language is clear, with minor structural errors and culturally appropriate. 8 points Consistent and correct use of rules of grammar, punctuation, and spelling, with a few minor errors. Culturally appropriate terminology used. 7 points A few grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors. Language lacks clarity and may be confusing to the reader. Inconsistent use of culturally appropriate terminology. 5 - 6 points Numerous grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Poor use of language with inappropriate cultural terminology. 0 – 4 points REFERENCING 10% References are cited using APA 6th in-text and end-text with no errors and 8 or more peer reviewed articles used as references. 9 – 10 points References are cited using APA 6th in-text and end-text and is mainly consistent with few errors and 6-7 peer reviewed articles used as references. 8 points References are cited using APA 6th in-text and end-text with some errors and 4-5 peer reviewed articles used as references. 7 points References are cited using APA 6th in-text and end-text with consistent errors and 4 -5 peer reviewed articles used as references. 5 – 6 points References are not cited using APA 6th in-text and end-text with a number of consistent errors. 3 or less peer reviewed articles used. 0 – 4 points