
Assessment Task 2 Overview “The safety and quality of the care provided in Australia’s health system is of utmost importance to all patients, their families, and carers. A safe and high- quality health system provides the most appropriate and best-value care, while keeping patients safe from preventable harm” (AIHW, 2024). The professional nurse plays a vital role in the quality improvement of health care services. However, nurses cannot make these improvements in isolation. They must include other professionals and ancillary personnel in their initiatives. Total quality commitment and change initiatives also must include all levels of an organisation structure. You are a graduate registered nurse working on a surgical ward in a large metropolitan hospital. As an emerging clinical leader, you have been asked by your Nurse Unit Manager to propose a quality improvement initiative to address one (1) of the following patient safety risk concerns: 1. Communication errors are one of the leading causes of medical errors — this translates to poor patient outcomes, longer hospital stays, and increased costs (Tiwary, Rimal, Paudyal, Sidgel, and Basnyat, 2019). Use the Quality Improvement Proposal template provided and respond to the following through your proposal: 1. Identify the patient safety risk concern that you would like to address in a change initiative. Provide a purpose, background, two (2) specific and achievable objectives and evaluation of change concepts, inclusive of (2) specific evaluation practices for your change initiative proposal. Use current literature to support your proposal. (500 words) 2. Stakeholder engagement is a pivotal aspect of quality improvement. Identify the main stakeholders whom you need to engage in your change initiative proposal and critically discuss communication strategies with the stakeholders. (350 words) 3. Identify the leadership style that you will adopt in this innovation for change. Analyse how the two (2) specific attributes of this leadership style would benefit and guide success of this quality improvement proposal. (300 words) 4. Identify two (2) possible barriers to change, one (1) individual and one (1) organisational that you could encounter when implementing change. Critically discuss using current literature. (350 words) Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2022) Health care safety and quality, AIHW, Australian Government, accessed 10 January 2024. Sameera, V., Bindra, A., & Rath, G. P. (2021). Human errors and their prevention in healthcare. Journal of anaesthesiology, clinical pharmacology, 37(3), 328–335. Tiwary, A., Rimal, A., Paudyal, B., Sigdel, K. R., & Basnyat, B. (2019). Poor communication by health care professionals may lead to life-threatening complications: examples from two case reports. Welcome open research, 4, 7. Assessment Task 2 Rubric Criteria (marks) High Distinction (HD) 100- 85% Distinction (D) 84-75% Credit (CR) 74-65% Pass (PA) 64-50% Fail (NN) 49-0% Fail – No attempt Section A –Written assignment construction Structure, Mechanics, and Intelligibility 5 marks 4.3 – 5 3.8 – 4.2 3.3 – 3.7 2.5 – 3.2 0 – 2.4 0 Quality Improvement Proposal Template used. Cohesive writing that has information organised appropriately within each paragraph. Each paragraph relates to a discrete idea. There are clear linking sentences that link each paragraph to the next. Quality Improvement Proposal Template used. The writing is organised into paragraphs, and the information is organised appropriately within the paragraph. Each paragraph relates to a discrete idea. There are clear linking sentences that link most paragraphs to the next. Quality Improvement Proposal Template used. The writing is organised into paragraphs, and the information is mostly organised appropriately within the paragraph. Most paragraphs relate to a discrete idea. There are clear linking sentences that link most paragraphs to the next. Quality Improvement Proposal Template used. The writing is organised into paragraphs, and the information is somewhat organised appropriately within the paragraph. Some paragraphs relate to a discrete idea. The paragraphs mostly link to one another. Quality Improvement Proposal Template has not been followed. There is evidence of paragraphs, however paragraph structure is disorganised, with no clear ideas, and no links to the topic being discussed. No paragraphs. The reader cannot make sense of the content. Grammar, spelling and punctuation. 5 Marks 4.3 – 5 3.8 – 4.2 3.3 – 3.7 2.5 – 3.2 0 – 2.4 0 There are no errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation, and the meaning is easily discernible. There are minimal (1-2) errors with grammar, spelling, and punctuation. However, the meaning is easily discernible. There are some (3-4) errors with grammar, spelling, and punctuation. The errors detract somewhat, but the meaning is easily discernible. There are multiple (5-6) errors with grammar, spelling, and punctuation. The errors detract, but the meaning is discernible with some effort. There are substantial (>7) errors with grammar, spelling, and punctuation, such that the errors detract significantly from the meaning. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are such that the reader cannot make sense of the content. Section B – Knowledge and application of evidence Knowledge, understanding and Critical Thinking - Patient safety risk concern, purpose, background, two (2) specific and achievable objectives and two (2) evaluation of change processes. 15 marks 12.7 - 15 10.7 – 12.6 8.9 – 10.6 7.5 – 8.8 0.5 – 7.4 0 Clear and concise identification of the specific patient safety risk concern (Purpose). Clear and comprehensive background of the specific patient safety risk concern. Two (2) objectives identified are specific and achievable. Two (2) evaluation of change process identified and are relevant to the patient safety risk concern. Comprehensive, concise Clear identification of the specific patient safety risk concern (Purpose). Significant and concise background of the specific patient safety risk concern. Two (2) objectives identified are specific and achievable. Two (2) evaluation of change process identified and are relevant to the patient safety risk concern. Significant and concise critical discussion that is all Identification of the specific patient safety risk concern has some clarity (Purpose). Background of the specific patient safety risk concern has some clarity. Two (2) objectives identified are somewhat specific and achievable. Two (2) evaluation of change process identified and are somewhat relevant to the patient safety risk concern. Identification of the specific patient safety risk concern lacks clarity (Purpose). Background of the specific patient safety risk concern lacks clarity. Either one (1) or both objectives identified are either omitted/ or not specific and/or achievable. Either one (1) or both of the evaluation of change No identification of the specific patient safety risk concern (Purpose). Background of the specific patient safety risk concern not identified. Either one (1) or both objectives of the specific patient safety risk concern not identified or are not appropriate, specific and/or achievable. Evaluation of change processes either omitted or No attempt critical discussion that is all directly relevant to the patient safety risk concern and supported by a wide range of relevant and credible evidence. directly relevant to the patient safety risk concern and supported by a range of relevant and credible evidence. Discussion is relevant to the patient safety risk concern, however, is descriptive throughout and mostly supported by relevant and credible evidence. processes are vague however have some relevance to the patient safety risk concern. Discussion has some relevance to the patient safety risk concern, however, is descriptive throughout and supported by some relevant and credible evidence. irrelevant to the patient safety risk concern. Discussion has limited relevance to the patient safety risk concern and not supported by relevant and credible evidence. Knowledge, understanding and Critical Thinking Identify main stakeholders and critically discuss communication strategies with them. 15 marks 12.7 - 15 10.7 – 12.6 8.9 – 10.6 7.5 – 8.8 0.5 – 7.4 0 Clear and concise and thorough identification of major stakeholders. Comprehensive and concise critical discussion that is relevant to stakeholder engagement and communication of proposed patient safety initiative. All arguments are supported and justified and supported by a wide range of relevant and credible evidence. Significant and concise and thorough identification of major stakeholders. Significant and concise critical discussion that is directly relevant to stakeholder engagement and communication of proposed patient safety initiative. Most arguments are supported and justified and supported by a range of relevant and credible evidence Identification of major stakeholders has some clarity. Discussion is relevant to stakeholder engagement and communication of proposed patient safety initiative; however, discussion is descriptive throughout. Some arguments are supported and mostly supported by relevant and credible evidence Identification of major stakeholders lack clarity. Discussion has some relevance to stakeholder engagement and communication of proposed patient safety initiative; however, discussion is descriptive throughout. Many arguments lack support and justification and supported by some relevant and credible evidence. No identification of major stakeholders. Discussion has limited relevance to stakeholder engagement and communication of proposed patient safety initiative. Most arguments are not supported and/or justified and not supported by relevant and credible evidence. No attempt Knowledge and understanding and Critical Thinking Identify the leadership style that you will adopt. Analyse the attributes of this specific leadership style to guide success in the change 12.7 - 15 10.7 – 12.6 8.9 – 10.6 7.5 – 8.8 0.5 – 7.4 0 Clear and concise identification of an appropriate leadership style adopted. Comprehensive, concise, and critical discussion directly relevant to the leadership style's attributes and how they would benefit and guide success of the safety risk concern initiative. All arguments are supported Significant and concise identification of an appropriate leadership style adopted. Significant, concise, and critical discussion directly relevant to the leadership style's attributes and how they would benefit and guide success of the safety risk concern initiative. Most arguments are supported and justified and Somewhat clear identification of an appropriate leadership style. Discussion is relevant to the attributes of the leadership style and how they would benefit and guide success of the safety risk concern initiative, however, the discussion is descriptive throughout. Some arguments are supported and mostly supported by relevant and Identification of an appropriate leadership style lacks clarity or inappropriate leadership style identified. Discussion has some relevance to the attributes of the leadership style and how they would benefit and guide success of the safety risk concern initiative, however, the discussion is descriptive throughout. Many arguments lack support and justification and supported Identification of an inappropriate leadership style and/or identification of leadership style omitted. Discussion is not justified and lacks clarity. Most arguments are not supported and/or justified and not supported by relevant and credible evidence. No attempt management proposal. 15 marks and justified and supported by a wide range of relevant and credible evidence supported by a range of relevant and credible evidence. credible evidence by some relevant and credible evidence. Knowledge and understanding and Critical Thinking Identify One (1) individual and One (1) organisational barrier to change. Barriers are relevant and appropriate. 15 marks 12.7 - 15 10.7 – 12.6 8.9 – 10.6 7.5 – 8.8 0.5 – 7.4 0 Comprehensive, concise, and critical discussion that is all directly relevant to the identified barriers of change. All arguments are supported and justified with high quality, credible and appropriate literature, and evidence. Significant, concise, and critical discussion that is relevant to the identified barriers of change. Most arguments are supported and justified with high quality, credible and appropriate literature, and evidence. Discussion is relevant to the identified barriers of change. However, it is descriptive throughout. Some arguments are supported and justified with quality, credible and mostly appropriate literature, and evidence. Two barriers identified. Either one (1) or both barriers are mostly relevant and appropriate. Discussion has some relevance to the identified barriers of change, however, is descriptive throughout. Many arguments lack support
Answered 6 days AfterSep 10, 2024

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P answered on Sep 16 2024
3 Votes
Quality Improvement Proposal: Addressing Communication Errors in the Surgical Ward
1. Identification of Patient Safety Risk Concern, Purpose, Background, Objectives, and Evaluation
Patient Safety Risk Concern
Communications errors represent a critical threat to patient security, especially in emergency wards and surgical wards specifically. These mistakes frequently results in adverse outcomes, including difficulties and delayed clinic stays (Tiwary et al., 2019). Research features that correspondence issues can emerge from various factors
such as lacking handoffs, unclear verbal orders, and poor documentation (Sameera, Bindra, and Rath, 2021). Studies have shown that poor communication is connected to expanded episodes of clinical mistakes and compromised patient security (Manser, 2009; O'Leary et al., 2012).
The motivation behind this quality improvement drive is to relieve communication mistakes in the surgical ward by presenting normalized correspondence protocols and upgrading staff preparing. This initiative plans to work on persistent security, diminish clinical errors, and guarantee ideal patient results by cultivating more clear and more solid data trade among medical services experts.
Effective communication forms basis for quality patient consideration. In surgical wards, where care includes various experts including specialists, anesthetists, nurses, and associated staff, the risks related with correspondence disappointments are significant (AIHW, 2022). Research highlights that miscommunications during shift changes habitually lead to clinical mistakes (Leonard, Graham, and Bonacum, 2004). Structured communication tools, like the SBAR (Circumstance, Foundation, Appraisal, Suggestion) strategy, have been displayed to further develop clarity and minimise mistakes during handoffs/shift changes (Harrison et al., 2015). Also, inadequate documentation and inability to circle back to verbal orders add to the correspondence breakdowns that imperil patient wellbeing (Riley, 2009).
1. Implement Standardized Handoff Protocols
Develop and implement a normalized handoff protocol that guarantee that all basic patient data is reliably conveyed during shift changes and patient transfers from one ward to other. This protocol will integrate an organized agenda to direct the handoff cycle, working on the precision and fulfillment of the data exchanged. Research upholds that organized handoff devices, like agendas, can essentially improve communication quality and in turn minimise the mistakes (Gordon et al., 2016; IHI, 2024).
2. Enhance Communication Training
Provide exhaustive communication training to all careful ward staff. The training will zero in on compelling verbal correspondence, exact documentation rehearses, and the capable utilization of electronic wellbeing records (EHRs). Proof recommends that designated correspondence preparing can further develop medical services experts' abilities and reduce mistakes (Hargrove and Kiger, 2017; Sameera, Bindra, and Rath, 2021). Preparing will consolidate systems and procedures supported by exploration to guarantee that staff are prepared to handle complex correspondence situations.
Evaluation of Change Concepts
1. Audit Compliance with Handoff Protocols
Conduct regular audits to assess adherence to the recently executed handoff conventions. This will incorporate auditing documentation and observing handoff cycles to guarantee that they satisfy the established standards. Consistence reviews will evaluate the fulfillment and precision of data conveyed during handoffs, and recognize any deviations from the convention. Regular feedback from these reviews will be utilized to refine the conventions and address any consistence issues (Leonard, Graham, and Bonacum, 2004).
2. Survey Staff Satisfaction and Effectiveness
Carry out pre-and present preparation studies on measure staff fulfillment with the communication training and assess the adequacy of the new protocols. Studies will quantify different viewpoints including the clarity of communication, the fulfillment of data trade, and by and large trust in correspondence rehearses. This feedback will be instrumental in distinguishing qualities and regions for development, guaranteeing that the preparation and conventions address the issues of the staff and add to better understanding security results (AIHW, 2022; Riley, 2009).
2. Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Strategies
1. Surgical Ward Staff
This gathering includes a different scope of experts like medical attendants, specialists, anesthetists, and united wellbeing staff who are necessary to patient consideration and correspondence. Their everyday connections and joint effort are basic in guaranteeing viable correspondence and patient security (Manser, 2009). Including this gathering is fundamental, as they are the ones who will be straightforwardly impacted by the new correspondence conventions and training programs.
2. Nurse Unit Manager (NUM)
The NUM plays a significant part in managing the execution and continuous checking of quality improvement initiatives inside the ward. They are mainly liable for guaranteeing that the drives line up with hospital strategies and guidelines, and for offering help and assets needed for successful implementation (AIHW, 2022).
3. Patients and Families
While not directly engaged with the execution process, patients and their families...

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