High Distinction (HD)
Distinction (DI)
Credit (CR)
Pass (PS)
Fail (FL)
1. Identify and briefly describe the functional and non-functional requirements.
4 Marks
Functional requirements: all nine major business rules are identified and briefly described;
Non-functional requirements: seven possible system characteristics are identified and briefly described.
Functional requirements: seven major business rules are identified and briefly described;
Non-functional requirements: five possible system characteristics are identified and briefly described.
Functional requirements: five major business rules are identified and briefly described;
Non-functional requirements: four possible system characteristics are identified and briefly described.
Functional requirements: three major business rules are identified and briefly described;
Non-functional requirements: three possible system characteristics are identified and briefly described.
Identified functional and non-functional requirements are wrong and no or little description.
2. Identify use cases and draw use case diagrams
5 Marks
Major use cases are identified with accurate use case diagrams for the proposed system that show major use cases and actors.
Major use cases are identified with mostly accurate use case diagrams for proposed system that show major use cases and actors.
Some of the major use cases are identified with mostly accurate use case diagrams for proposed system that show some use cases and actors.
Few use cases are identified with use case diagrams for few proposed system that show few use cases and actors.
Use cases and use case diagrams are wrong.
3. Draw domain model class diagrams.
8 Marks
Domain model class diagrams are accurate for the proposed system; identified all possible domain classes and some attributes, showing logical relationships among all domain classes.
Domain model class diagram are mainly accurate for the proposed system; identified all possible domain classes and some attributes, showing logical relationships among all domain classes. Some omissions.
Domain model class diagrams are accurate for the proposed system; however, domain classes and their attributes are not always accurate, logical relationships have some errors among domain classes.
Domain model class diagrams are not always accurate for the proposed system; domain classes and their attributes are not always accurate, logical relationships have some errors among domain classes.
Domain model class diagrams have major omissions.
4. Develop an event-partitioned system model encompassing all the use cases you identified in question 2.
5 Marks
Event-partitioned system model is accurate for the proposed system; identified all possible processes, agents, and data entities, showing logical relationships among all items.
Event-partitioned system model is mostly accurate for the proposed system; identified most of processes, agents, and data entities, showing logical relationships among most of the items.
Event-partitioned system model is mostly accurate for the proposed system; identified most of the possible processes, agents, and data entities, showing logical relationships among all items. Some omissions.
Event-partitioned system models is not always accurate for the proposed system; identified only some processes, agents, and data entities, showing logical relationships among some items.
Event-partitioned system model is wrong.
Presentation and clarity (accuracy, spelling, grammar, punctuation, figures)
2 Marks
Fluent writing style appropriate to the assignment with accurate grammar and spelling, and high-quality figures drawn using some tools and figures have some captions.
Mostly fluent writing style appropriate to assignment with accurate grammar and spelling, and good-quality figures drawn using some tools and figures have some captions.
Mostly fluent writing style appropriate to the assignment with mostly accurate grammar and spelling. Minor omissions only. Some-quality figures drawn using some tools and figures have some captions.
Writing style not always fluent or well organised and grammar and spelling contain errors. Poor-quality figures drawn using some tools and figures have some captions.
Writing style not fluent or well-organised, and many grammatical and spelling mistakes. Very bad quality figures, copied from others work, no captions.
Referencing and Citation 1 Marks
Referencing is mainly accurate and according to the APA standard. All references are cited in the text.
Referencing is mainly accurate and according to the APA standard. Most of the references are cited in the text.
Some attempt at referencing and according to the APA standard. Few references are cited in the text.
Attempt at referencing but not exactly according to APA standard and only few references are cited in the text.
Referencing is absent/ unsystematic.