High Distinction(85-100%) |
Distinction(75-84%) |
Credit(65-74%) |
Pass(50-64%) |
Fail(0-49%) |
Description of the context for mathematical and scientific learning(2 marks) |
Comprehensive description of the context, including information about the child, the setting, the activity, and any other participants.Specific examples of the observed actions, dialogue and interactions are given. |
Detailed description of the context, including information about the child, the setting, the activity, and any other participants.Specific examples of the child’s participation are given. |
Clear description of the context, including information about the child, the setting, the activity, and any other participants. |
Limited description of the context, with only the basic information about the child and the observed activity listed. |
Insufficient contextual information is provided, and it is not clear who or what was observed. |
Understanding of mathematical and scientificprocesses in early childhood settings(10 marks) |
Learning stories contain analysis which reflects a deep understanding of mathematical and scientific processes. Learning stories analyse the spontaneous learning opportunities, reflecting a deep and well-informed understanding of the MST concepts being investigated. Analysis is supported with reference to Bishop’s activities and the 5Es, additional subject readings, as well as readings sourced by the student. |
Learning stories contain analysis which reflects understanding of mathematical and scientific processes. Learning stories analyse the spontaneous learning opportunities, reflecting a strong understanding of the MST concepts being investigated. Analysis is supported with reference to Bishop’s activities and the 5Es, as well as additional subject readings. |
Learning stories reflect an understanding of mathematical and scientific processes. Learning stories identify and explain spontaneous learning opportunities and show an understanding of the MST concepts being investigated. Analysis is supported with reference to Bishop’s activities and the 5Es. Additional subject readings may also be used. |
Learning stories show some understanding of mathematical and scientific processes. Learning stories identify and explain spontaneous learning opportunities and show some understanding of the MST concepts being investigated by children. Analysis is supported with reference to Bishop’s activities and the 5Es. |
Learning stories do not demonstrate understanding of mathematical and scientific processes.AND/ORNo or inadequate identification and/or explanation of spontaneous learning opportunities and/or the MST concepts being investigated by children. AND/OR There is no reference to Bishop’s activities and the 5Es. |
Ability to identify children’s use of technology in their play(5 marks) |
Child’s use of technology is identified and described, giving consideration to a range of tools which may have been utilised by the child.Detailed and insightful explanation of how the technology supported the child’s mathematical and scientific learning is provided, giving specific examples. |
Child’s use of technology is identified and described, giving consideration to a range of tools which may have been utilised by the child.Detailed explanation of how the technology supported the child’s mathematical and scientific learning is provided. |
Child’s use of technology is identified and described.Clear explanation of how the technology supported the child’s mathematical and scientific learning is provided. |
Limited identification of child’s use of technology.Some explanation of how the technology supported the child’s mathematical and scientific learning is provided. |
The child’s use of technology is not identified. |
Understanding of the role of the physical and social environment in the learning(10 marks) |
Learning stories contain insightful analysis of the role of the physical and social environment in the learning, with reflection upon the roles of adults and other children in the play.Learning stories reflect thorough knowledge of social constructivism as it relates to mathematical, scientific and technological development in early childhood, with specific theorists cited.Discussion is supported by at least two readings from the subject, and may also include additional readings sourced by the student. |
Learning stories contain detailed description of the role of the physical and social environment in the learning, with some reflection upon the roles of adults and other children in the play.Learning stories reflect knowledge of social constructivism as it relates to mathematical, scientific and technological development in early childhood.Discussion is supported by at least two readings from the subject. |
Learning stories contain description of the role of the physical and social environment in the learning.Learning stories reflect some knowledge of social constructivism as it relates to mathematical, scientific and technological development in early childhood.Discussion is supported by at least two readings from the subject. |
Learning stories contain description of the physical and social environment.Learning stories reflect some knowledge of social constructivism.Two readings from the subject are referenced. |
Learning stories do not address the physical and social environment.AND/ORSocial constructivism is not considered.AND/ORDiscussion is not supported by at least two readings from the subject. |
Understanding of the EYLF and its relationship to children’s mathematical and scientific development(5 marks) |
The student demonstrates an ability to identify the potential for mathematics and science learning in the EYLF outcomes, with discussion of the scope for further development.Extension towards additional outcomes is considered. |
The student demonstrates an ability to identify the potential for mathematics and science learning in the EYLF outcomes, with discussion of the scope for further development. |
The student demonstrates an ability to identify the potential for mathematics and science learning in the EYLF outcomes. |
The student draws some links to the EYLF outcomes. |
The student does not demonstrate an ability to identify the potential for mathematics and science learning in the EYLF outcomes. |
Ability to communicate children’s mathematical and scientific learning in different ways for different audiences(5 marks) |
Parents/caregivers section is written in an appropriate tone, provides specific feedback about the child’s mathematical and scientific learning, and offers professional advice as to how this learning might be supported at home.Child section is written in an appropriate tone and provides specific feedback about their development as a mathematics and science learner. |
Parents/caregivers section is written in an appropriate tone, provides feedback about the child’s mathematical and scientific learning, and offers advice as to how this learning might be supported at home.Child section is written in an appropriate tone and provides feedback about their development as a mathematics and science learner. |
Parents/caregivers section provides feedback about the child’s mathematical and scientific learning, and offers advice as to how this learning might be supported at home.Child section provides feedback about their development as a mathematics and science learner. |
Parents/caregivers section provides some feedback about the child’s mathematical and scientific learning and how this might be supported at home.Child section provides some feedback about their development as a mathematics and science learner. |
Parents/caregivers section does not describe the child’s mathematical and scientific learning.AND/ORAdvice to parents/caregivers does not relate to the mathematical and scientific learning described.AND/ORFeedback to the child does not describe their mathematical and scientific learning. |
Academic writing and APA-style referencing(3 marks) |
A wide range of appropriate academic literature is used to support the ideas presented in the assignment.No errors in spelling, editing or sentence construction. Referencing demonstrates academic integrity and conforms exactly to APA 7thstyle conventions. Word count is adhered to.
A range of appropriate academic literature is used to support the ideas presented in the assignment.Few errors in spelling, editing or sentence construction. Referencing demonstrates academic integrity, and mostly conforms to APA 7thstyle conventions. Word count is adhered to.
Appropriate academic literature is used to support the ideas presented in the assignment.Consistent errors in spelling, editing or sentence construction. Referencing demonstrates academic integrity, and generally uses of APA 7thstyle conventions appropriately. Word count is adhered to.
Literature is used to support the ideas presented in the assignment.Frequent errors in spelling, editing or sentence construction. Referencing demonstrates academic integrity, and generally uses of APA 7thstyle conventions appropriately. Word count is adhered to. |
Literature is not used to support the ideas presented in the assignment.AND/ORSources are not referenced according to APA 7th edition style.AND/ORStandard of writing is unacceptable. AND/OR Word count exceeds the maximum allowed and the learning outcome was not met within the allowed word count |