Assessment item 2
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Networking Fundamentals
Due Date:25-Aug-2019
Return Date:13-Sep-2019
Submission method options:Alternative submission method
back to topTask
This assessment aims to develop and gauge student understanding of the key topics covered so far by answering the following questions. Answering these questions will help you build some understanding for the next assessment item as well as for the entire subject. It is expected that answers to the assignment questions be succinct (i.e. precise and concise) with all sources of information fully referenced as per APA referencing style. You have to reference the text book and any additional material you have used in your answers.
Note that the guide for APA referencing is provided in the resources section of Interact site of this subject.
Answers MUST be written in your own words. No marks will be awarded for any answer that contains more than 10% direct quote (referenced or unreferenced). One or two sentence answers will be too short and only receive low marks. Answers longer than 1.5 pages (12 point font, single line spacing) may incur a penalty if too much non-relevant information is stated. For mathematical questions it is expected that you show intermediate steps of your working. Just stating the correct solution will result in low marks, on the other hand if the working is correct and you only made minor mistakes, you will still be awarded marks, even though the final answer is wrong.
Question 1 [3 Marks]
Write functions of each layer of OSI reference model, also differentiate between hardware and software layers. Explain your view; why Network layer of OSI model is called Internet layer in TCP/IP networking model?
Question 2 [5 Marks]
Complete the Hands-On Projects as listed in the Online Lab section of Module 2 from the subject interact site. In order to complete these activities, students should insert screenshots in the assignment document along with a brief informative description of each step taken to complete the project. Marks will be deducted if the description is not provided.
Question 3 Case study task [7 Marks]
Advanced Digital Computer Company needs to subnet their allocated network address for their corporate network, given in the diagram below (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Network Diagram
Complete the table below according to the following requirements using the original network address192.168.128.0/20:
- Use VLSMaddressing,ietheminimumnumberofbitstoincludeallrequired hosts.
- The gateways are thelastusablehostaddress(es)ofeachsubnet.
- The printer is the5thusablehostaddressofeachsubnet,exceptfor theWANs.
Network (460hosts)
Network (250hosts)
network address
network address
broadcast address
broadcast address
Network (300hosts)
Network (150hosts)
network address
network address
broadcast address
broadcast address
Network (10hosts)
Network (80hosts)
network address
network address
broadcast address
broadcast address
Network (30hosts)
Network (60hosts)
network address
network address
broadcast address
broadcast address
Network (WAN)
Network (WAN)
network address
network address
broadcast address
broadcast address
R1S1 to R2S1
R2S2 to R3S1
Network (WAN)
network address
R2S3 to R4S1
broadcast address
Note:WAN addresses can be used interchangeably, depends on which WAN is first, second or third. In other words, Red might have green addresses or Aqua addresses and vice versa.
back to topSubject learning outcomes
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
- be able to analyse IP addressing requirements and design an addressing scheme.
- be able to analyse the requirements of IP routing and choose appropriate routing methods.
- be able to demonstrate how internetworking devices obtain their network configuration.
- be able to explain how data flows through the internet.
- be able to ascertain and evaluate selection of applications and protocols for transferring data across the internet.
Graduate learning outcomes
This task also contributes to the assessment of the followingCSU Graduate Learning Outcome/s:
- Information and Research Literacies (Skill) - CSU Graduates demonstrate the skills required to locate, access and critically evaluate existing information and data.
- Professional Practice (Knowledge) - CSU Graduates possess the knowledge and understanding of the discipline and the nature of professionalism required for the given profession or discipline in contemporary societies.
Marking criteria and standards
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Question 1
3- Marks |
In depth use of a good range of relevant literature to address the points. Provides a comprehensive comparison of OSI reference model with TCP/IP networking model, with evidence of synthesis of own research and prescribed reading in topics.
Evidence of using relevant literature to address the points. Provides a detailed comparison of OSI reference model with TCP/IP networking model, with evidence of synthesising some external readings and prescribed reading in topics.
Use of some relevant literature to address the points. Provides a good comparison of OSI reference model with TCP/IP networking model. Mostly cited the prescribed text. Synthesised concepts learned from topic readings.
Limited evidence of using relevant literature to address the points. Provides a brief comparison of OSI reference model with TCP/IP networking model with little evidence of linkages or connections to topic readings
No evidence of using relevant literature to address the points. Provides an incomplete comparison of OSI reference model with TCP/IP networking model with no linkages or connections to topic readings.
Question 2
5- Marks
Projects are completed, screenshots of all steps along with informative description has been provided.
Projects are completed, screenshots of most steps has been provided with good description.
Project mostly completed, some minor errors are apparent in the screenshots, description is mostly clear.
Project completed but with errors, some screenshots are missing, description is not clear.
Evidence of some steps, most screenshots are missing.
Question 3
7 - Marks
All the answers are correct, accompanied with a detailed step-by-step working of how the answer has been reached.
Most of the answers are correct, accompanied with a step-by-step working of how the answer has been reached.
Most of the answers are correct, accompanied with a brief step-by-step working of how the answer has been reached.
Most of the answers are correct with minor errors and are accompanied with a short description of how the answer has been reached.
Incomplete or incorrect answers.
Presentation, Grammar & Referencing
Up to 3 marks may be deducted for poor grammar, presentation, spelling and not following the proper APA 6th edition style of referencing.
back to topThe assessment must be submitted electronically with a Cover Page that includes the following information:
- Assessment No
- Assessment Title
- Student Name & ID
- Subject Name and Code
- Student Email Address
- Students must ensure that all tasks/questions are identified clearly with headings.
- Answers to the questions must be in your own words and should be precise but complete and informative. No marks will be awarded for any answer containing more than 10% direct quotes (referenced or unreferenced).
- APA reference style must be used throughout the document with the bibliography at the end of the document. In-text citations should also follow APA style. APA referencing guide can be accessed via the following link. This also forms a part of the marking rubric.
Please note:Assessment MUST be submitted as ONE MS Word file via EASTS. Please do not submit *.zip or *.rar or multiple files. Assessments are marked and feedback is attached using a MS Word based tool. Reports that are submitted in PDF format will be re-formatted to Word format in order to be marked. Allowances willnotbe made for any loss of information, diagrams or images as a result of the re-formatting.