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Assessment Instructions If you have any questions relating to this assessment task, please go to the discussion board and post your questions there. Step 1:  Watch the video on Sandra's Story as a Registered Nurse working within the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Centre  Sandra's StoryLinks to an external site. Step 2: Watch the video release of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2021-2031.  National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2021–2031Links to an external site. Frame your essay around key concepts in this unit.  1. Explore, by defining and describing cultural safety strategies within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Services that supporthealth professionals such as Registered Nurses (Indigenous and Non-Indigenous) to collaborate with communities to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.  2. Discuss two key values expressed by Sandra about her role within the Aboriginal Medical Centre and how these link with the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan.  You may like to explore ideas such as  (NOTE: these are all separate concepts but I have grouped them together because they are often related to each other and so we don't have a super-long list) · Race/culture/ethnicity/identity  · Privilege/Equality/intersectionality · Unequal power / Enculturation · Colonisation/ Australian Historical events · Stereotyping /racism · Communication/health literacy · Social Determinants of Health · Codes and Standards of Nursing and Midwifery practice · Empowerment  · Community and Belonging  · Trust and Self-determination  TIP: Remember that you need to demonstrate that you understand the concepts above, so start your paragraphs with a topic sentence that introduces the concept, then relate the concept to the video in a way that shows you understand how the concept can be applied in ‘real life’. Discussion of at least three concepts in depth is expected as a minimum. You should be able to refer to several other concepts as well (the more the better).    Headings underlined must be used (sub-headings may be used of your choice):   Introduction (150 words):  Introduce the essay and the concepts that you will explore.  Culturally Safety strategies that relate to the videos (600 words) Demonstrate your understanding of the concepts by defining and describing them in relation to the resources provided, critically exploring how they support community collaboration to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.  Health Professional Values and Access to Health Services. Include the main differences between Aboriginal medical health services (describe what these are and what services they provide) and mainstream services as well as other potential issues that may impact on the communities access to health services (400 words). Discuss the values that support culturally safe health care practice and how these are aligned with the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2021-2031 (500 words).  Conclusion (100 words)  Recommendations and summary of key points
Oct 22, 2024

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