I haveattached the assessment

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I haveattached the assessment

Assessment Grading of Your Learning TVO ILC SBI3U Assessment Grading of Your Learning Unit 02: LA06 Assessment for feedback and grade Student Name: ________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Unit Unit title Level/Mark Percentage of term Work 2 Plants ___________/15% Learning goals • evaluate the importance of the sustainable use of plants to Canadian society and other cultures; • describe and compare the structures and functions of plant tissues • evaluate data and draw conclusions about factors affecting plant growth • demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of vascular plants, including their structures, internal transport systems, and their role in maintaining biodiversity Complete the eight short answer questions and then attach your Three Sisters research and submit them both for grading by the teacher. Copyright © 2021 The Ontario Educational Communications Authority. All rights reserved. TVO ILC SBI3U Assessment Grading of Your Learning Part 1: Eight short answer questions 1. Match the following eight angiosperm structures to their functions. List of Structures Calyx, Sepal, Carpel, Ovule, Seed, Stamen, Anther, and Corolla List of Functions A. This structure produces pollen. B. This structure contains the fertilized zygote. C. This structure attracts pollinators. D. This structure is a collection of sepals. E. This structure is the male sex organ. F. This structure is where meiosis takes place in order to produce eggs. G. This structure contains the stigma, style, and ovary. H. This structure protects the developing flower. 2. List three factors that are contributing to the decline of pollinator populations. 3. From an agricultural perspective, describe two advantages of vegetative propagation. Copyright © 2021 The Ontario Educational Communications Authority. All rights reserved. TVO ILC SBI3U Assessment Grading of Your Learning 4. For a plant colonizing a remote island, describe one advantage and one disadvantage for each of the following methods: self-pollination and cross-pollination. 5. Three factors that affect plant growth are soil health, nitrogen fixation, and sunlight. Explain how each factor works to affect the growth of plants. 6. The following experiment was carried out at ILC laboratories to measure the effects of different nutrient solutions on bean root growth. Three nutrient solutions were made: Nutrient solutions containing: Results: root length, leaf colour Solution 1 all required nutrients 47 mm; deep green Solution 2 all required nutrients except nitrogen 17 mm; pale green-yellow Solution 3 distilled water 14 mm; pale green-yellow Interpret the results for each solution. In your answer for each, a) explain how the solution ranked in relation to the other two (in terms of growth and health of the plant); Copyright © 2021 The Ontario Educational Communications Authority. All rights reserved. TVO ILC SBI3U Assessment Grading of Your Learning b) state the evidence that supports your answer; and c) explain why the plant grew the way it did. 7. A botanist wanted to see if a new strain of corn could germinate in soil that was too salty for regular corn. She conducted a study on the germination success of seeds from the new strain that were exposed to various levels of salty soil, from zero to normal (100 mg/L), high (200 mg/L), very high (400 mg/L), to normally lethal (800 mg/L). The table below shows her data for this study. Petri dish label Salt concentratio n (mg/L) Number of seeds planted Number of seeds that germinated Percentage of seeds that germinated 1 0 20 16 80% 2 100 20 18 90% 3 200 20 18 90% 4 400 20 11 55% 5 800 20 7 35% a) Write a formal hypothesis for this study. b) Does her data support or reject the hypothesis? Explain your reasoning. Copyright © 2021 The Ontario Educational Communications Authority. All rights reserved. TVO ILC SBI3U Assessment Grading of Your Learning 8. The table shown below represents the number of species growing in an area that was logged using clear-cutting 45 years ago in Temagami, Ontario. Data was collected periodically over 45 years. a) Describe the changes occurring in vegetation type and species diversity over the 45 years. b) What does the pattern of change tell you about what is happening in this area? c) Explain how the data supports your conclusion. Type of vegetation Years after clear-cut logging that the area was sampled 1 5 15 25 45 Grasses 32 28 24 31 35 Shrubs 0 4 5 8 18 Trees 0 0 0 16 24 Total species 32 32 29 55 77 Copyright © 2021 The Ontario Educational Communications Authority. All rights reserved. TVO ILC SBI3U Assessment Grading of Your Learning Part 2: Three Sisters You completed this task at the end of the previous learning activity. The instructions have been repeated here as well. Attach your research table to your solutions from Part 1. Instructions: • Read this article titled “Three Sisters Key to Ouendat Survival” from the Midland Mirror. It explains the importance of a strategy called companion planting to Indigenous communities. The Three Sisters play a role in many Indigenous cultures across North America. This article is about the Ouendat people who come from the North Simcoe region. • This next article Three sisters harvest deeply spiritual to Ouendat explains more of the history and legend of the Three Sisters. • The video “Food Security & Three Sisters Sustainability” is an explanation by Rick Hill, Tuscarora from the Beaver Clan about what the Three Sisters meant to the Haudenosaunee. It includes the Three Sisters in the creation and the importance of planting for sustenance of the community. (Watch from 0:00 – 3:17) • Rick Hill also provides another story about the Three Sisters and the Three Sisters wampum. (Watch from 20:20-21:46) Research Using the table provided below to organize your research, investigate The Three Sisters and companion planting. Use the Internet and/or books to research the topic. You can start by using the websites listed below. In your research include the following: - An explanation of companion planting - A description of what each plant contributes to the other two plants and how it benefits from the other two - Other versions of the legend about the Three Sisters - First Nation Farmers and Seeds - Companion Planting: Three Sisters Garden Plans Websites to help you get started: Topic Notes Special Topic History of special topic (how it Current trends or status of special topic Future direction of special topic Copyright © 2021 The Ontario Educational Communications Authority. All rights reserved. https://www.simcoe.com/community-story/2007738--three-sisters-key-to-ouendat-survival/ https://www.simcoe.com/community-story/2042231--three-sisters-harvest-deeply-spiritual-to-ouendat/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39y11jrfHjg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39y11jrfHjg https://seeds.ca/d/?t=bd6a996400003094 https://www.growveg.com/guides/companion-planting-three-sisters-garden-plans/
Answered Same DaySep 19, 2022

Answer To: I haveattached the assessment

Dr Shweta answered on Sep 20 2022
59 Votes
Ans 1 Functions of structures:
A] Anther
B] seed
C] Corolla
D] Calyx
E] Stamen
F] ovule
H] Sepal
Ans 2 The three main factors that are contributes to the decline of pollinator populations are:
Habitat fragmentation, Use of pesticides and insecticides and climate change.
Ans 3 Two main advantages of vegetative propagation are as follows:
1. It helps in the production of seedless varieties of banana, orange, rose, jasmine etc.
2. It is a fast, cheap and easy method
Ans 4 Advantages and disadvantages of self and cross pollination:
Self -pollination:
Advantage – Purity of race remains preserved
Disadvantage- New varieties of plant cannot be created
Advantage – New varieties of plants can be created
Disadvantage- significant wastage of pollen grains
Ans 5 The three main factors- Soil health, nitrogen fixation and sunlight affect the...

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