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Assessment Details Qualification Code/Title Click or tap here to enter text. Assessment Type       Time allowed       Due Date       Location       Term / Year       Unit of Competency National Code/Title SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships Student Details Student Name       Student ID IIE Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source. Signature:       Date:       Assessor’s Name       RESULTS (Please Circle) ☐SATISFACTORY ☐NOT SATISFACTORY Feedback to student: Assessor Declaration *If Student is Not Satisfactory Reassessment Required ☐ Yes ☐ No Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. Signature:      Date:       Is This Theory Only Task ☐ Yes ☐ No Have student already completed practical/ Vocational Placement Component? ☐ Yes ☐ No Instructions to the Candidates · This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given below in this document. · Should you not answer the tasks correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and gaps in knowledge. You will be entitled to one (1) resubmit in showing your competence with this unit. · If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor. · Please refer to the College re-submission and re-sit policy for more information. · If you have questions and other concerns that may affect your performance in the Assessment, please inform the assessor immediately. · Please read the Tasks carefully then complete all Tasks. · To be deemed competent for this unit you must achieve a satisfactory result with tasks of this Assessment along with a satisfactory result for another Assessment. · This is an Open book assessment which you will do in your own time but complete in the time designated by your assessor. Remember, that it must be your own work and if you use other sources then you must reference these appropriately · Submitted document must follow the given criteria. Font must be Times New Roman, Font size need to be 12, line spacing has to be Single line and Footer of submitted document must include Student ID, Student Name and Page Number. Document must be printed double sided. · This is Individual Assessments. Once you have completed the assessment, please provide the Hard copy of the Assessments to your Trainer/ Assessor. · Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and submitting it as your own. Any Plagiarism will result in a mark of Not Satisfactory. Assessment Task 1: Project Information for students This project requires you to work collaboratively to build and foster business relationships and identify and develop opportunities by way of collaboration, negotiation and setting in place formal agreements. You will need access to: 1. your learning resources and other information for reference 1. your Project Portfolio template 1. your Communication Protocol Policy 1. space for a meeting 1. roleplay participants. Ensure that you: 1. review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide 1. comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide 1. adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines 1. answer all questions completely and correctly 1. submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced 1. submit a completed cover sheet with your work 1. avoid sharing your answers with other students. i Assessment information Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on: 1. where this task should be completed 1. how your assessment should be submitted. Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that. Activities Complete the following activities. 1. Read through the following information: This project requires you to work collaboratively with your student group to build and foster business relationships and identify and develop opportunities by way of collaboration, negotiation and setting in place formal agreements. You will need to work in groups of three for this project. Each student will select one of the case study businesses below and assume they are the business owner or manager of this business. This is a very collaborative and creative project that will take place in the classroom with your assessor observing you as you complete the steps below. You will also record details of your meetings and agreements which will be assessed along with the observations your assessor makes. You are to assume that the case study businesses below are located in your local area. You may use any similar local business in your area where you can access information about them on their websites for the specifics of the services they provide which must include products/services and prices. Important note: You must all select your businesses prior to completing any of the next steps and have your assessor approve these choices to ensure that they are suitable for this project. Business 1: Wedding supplier You run a wedding supply business that supplies crockery, furniture, and decorations for wedding events across the local region. Business 2: Catering You run a catering company that supplies the food and wait staff for weddings in your local area. Business 3: Cake maker You are a local cake maker who supplies to weddings in the local area. Once approved, ensure that you become familiar with the business, the products/services they offer and pricing. Keep some notes so that you have a record of this information, as well as anything else that you may think will be useful. Assume that you have all heard about each other’s businesses at a local event or through mutual clients and have decided to meet together to discuss opportunities for collaboration in relation to purchasing and marketing. 1. Preparation Once you have all selected and become familiar with your own case study business, you will each individually complete your own background research on the other businesses and prepare some ideas to take to your initial meeting with them. The Assessor will let you know what the businesses are once these have been approved. Complete Section 1 of your Project Portfolio template. You will use this document to record the information you have researched about your selected case study business as well as the two businesses that you will meet with. This will help you to negotiate business opportunities in the next task. You are required to submit the completed Section 1 of the Project Portfolio document as part of your evidence for completing this task. 1. Establish relationships and brainstorm opportunities Now that you have completed your research, you are to meet with the other two business owners/managers to form relationships and discuss opportunities. These opportunities need to be in the areas of purchasing and marketing and you have the freedom and opportunity here to brainstorm and share a range of possible ideas with each other. Prior to the meeting, refer to the organisational policy Communication Protocols to help you with establishing the business relationships. Speak with each of these networks and find out what they can do for you as either suppliers or contractors. Discuss how you might form a partnership, or how you could link your businesses to provide further business opportunities to identify and reach more customers on a more regular basis. During your discussions, build relationships and create networks using high-level and effective interpersonal and communication styles, skills and techniques. By the end of the discussions you must broadly agree on at least two ways that you can each benefit from forming a business relationship together. This must be related to marketing or purchasing activities. After your discussions, reflect and record the outcomes from the networking event by completing Section 2 of the Project Portfolio template. The Assessor will observe this discussion (either in person, or by way of video conferencing software or a recording of it). They will be observing the way in which you conducted yourself, using the Communication Protocol Policy guidelines. You are required to submit the completed Section 2 of the Portfolio of Evidence document as part of your evidence for completing this task. 1. Research contracts You now need to research a contract or agreement that you can use to enter into an agreement with the businesses you have met with. This may be a memorandum of understanding (MOU), partnership or supplier contract, referral agreement or other such document that can be used to formally record the agreements that will be made with the other two businesses. The contract or agreement can be a template that you have sourced or one that you have adapted to suit the organisation and industry. You may use the following information and templates to help you develop a relevant agreement: After you have sourced suitable forms of contracts you will need to work out the key components that should be included for each relationship and this must include agreed performance indicators. Complete Section 3 of the Portfolio of Evidence document. Now develop the contract or agreement that can be used for each business. You are required to submit the completed Section 3 of the Project Portfolio template as part of your evidence for completing this task as well as the contract for each business. 1. Contract negotiations Before meeting with the suppliers again you must ensure that you are familiar with the formal negotiation process that you will follow. The negotiation process should follow the guidance provided in the following website: Read through the guidelines and write an outline that you will follow to conduct formal negotiations. It must include: 1. Principles of negotiation 1. Negotiation techniques that you can apply 1. Effective communication skills to use when conducting formal negotiations 1. High-level communication and relationship building skills 1. Clear stages to follow in the negotiation process Complete Section 4 of your Project Portfolio template prior to the meeting. Now you are to meet with the suppliers and negotiate the terms of agreement using the formal process you identified. You will all have various ideas about how the agreements should be reached so you will need to compromise where necessary, but stand your ground on specifics you feel strongly about – or those you have identified as your non-negotiables. During the meeting, read through the contract that you have been given by each business. Think about and discuss: Are you happy with the contract? What changes do you think are required? Did they miss anything out or include anything that doesn’t look correct? Make some notes and discuss this with each business representative. During the meeting you are to negotiate and come to an agreement using high-level relationship building skills, negotiation techniques and effective communication skills. The Assessor will observe this discussion (either in person, or by way of video conferencing software or a recording of it). Record the outcomes from the negotiations by completing Section 5 of the Project Portfolio template. Amend the contract to reflect any agreed and approved changes made. Send an email to the businesses, confirming the terms of agreement with the amended contracts attached. 1. Maintaining relationships and agreements A client had booked services that were linked to all three of your businesses and has now had to cancel their wedding with a week to go. It has become apparent that the existing agreements that you have developed are not clear enough in relation to cancellations and refunds. You are to discuss and agree on amendments to the agreements to cover this situation and further situations like this in the future. Ensure that you use this as an opportunity to maintain and nurture the business relationship by using effective communication skills during discussions and when agreeing on changes that you will all approve with each other. After the meeting, make a copy of the original contracts and include approved changes to the contracts as amended versions and compose an email to each of the business representatives. 1. Submit documents to your assessor. Finalise the following documents and submit to your assessor for marking: 1. Project Portfolio with all sections completed: Sections 1-5. 1. Two contracts/agreements that have been completed with the two businesses that demonstrate the agreed marketing or purchasing activity agreements. 1. 2 emails to each of the businesses proposing the contract changes. 1. Two amended contracts. Project Portfolio Template This document will form a portfolio for submission of work for this assessment. Complete each section and submit to the Assessor for marking with the final assessment documents. Section 1: Background Research Use the table below to record information about your case study business and research that you carry out on the other two businesses. You can use this information to help you negotiate business opportunities so ensure that you are thorough in your research so you understand what benefits and opportunities can be made from establishing a relationship with them. Name of your selected case study business: Website link: What is
Answered 2 days AfterMay 20, 2024

Answer To: attached task and template

Dilpreet answered on May 23 2024
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BSBWRT301 Write simple documents     Trainer Guide
SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct business relationships
Project Portfolio Template
Project Portfolio Template
This document will form a portfolio for submission of work for this assessment. Complete each section and submit to the Assessor for marking with the final assessment documents.
Section 1: Background Research
Use the table below to record information about your case study business and research that you carry out on the other two businesses. You can use this information to help you negotiate business opportunities so ensure that you are thorough in your research so you understand what benefits and opportunities can be made from establishing a relationship with them.
    Name of your selected case study business: catering business named Damm Fine Food Co.
    Website link:
    What is the main industry sector for this business?
    The industry sector of Damm Fine Food Co. is event and catering indust
ry. The company provides food services in weddings, corporate meetings, and other social events.
    Explain the industry structure and how this business fits into it.
    The industry structure of Damm Fine Food Co. can be characterised as high-end event management and catering services for weddings, corporate meetings, and other local events (Myllynen, 2021). The business fits into the industry as it provides food services along with venue management to make events a huge success.
    Outline the main products and services provided by the business (include any pricing structures).
    The company offers food services as per the demands of the customers and as per the suitability of the event. This company also manages venue for its customers. Their menu is full of local and international delicacies the customer can choose from. Their drinks and food package starts from $190 per person.
    What memberships or associations does the business have?
    This catering service company is a member of Restaurant & Catering Association, and Meetings & Events Australia.
    List any marketing and or purchasing activities that you could offer other businesses to promote collaboration.
    To promote collaboration, Damm Fine Food Co. can co-brand events with other similar businesses (Fakhravar & Tahami, 2022). They can also include other authentic international dishes in their menu in collaboration with food services, who excel in such menus. Their can be social media promotions and local events in partnership with other similar businesses to promote this catering business. They can provide clients with bundled services, wherein they can offer discount packages for the customers.
Use the following tables for the businesses that you will meet with.
    Name of first business: Wedded Wonderland known for their wedding supply services
    Website link:
    What is the main industry sector for this business?
    The main industry sector of the business can be characterised as event management, and wedding planning. They provide exclusive wedding planning services through their contacts with top suppliers.
    Explain the industry structure and how this business fits into it.
    The structure of the wedding planning industry includes planners, wedding decorative, and furniture, and stylists. Wedded Wonderland with the help of top-rated suppliers customise and personalise the weddings of their clients and provides them with an exceptional wedding experience.
    Do they have any current relationships or links with other businesses?
    This online platform is in business relationships with local vendors, wedding venues, resorts for destination weddings, and many other international suppliers as well. They also conduct a flagship event named week, which is aimed at bringing together several similar businesses and come up with packages and deals, which can be a win-win situation for all the businesses, who are a part of it (Gulati, 2022).
    What opportunities are there to work with this business?
    Damm Fine Food Co. can enter a deal with Wedded Wonderland to provide food services at all the events organised by this business. Coming up with bundled deals, which helps to provide the client with a complete wedding package and disvounts can hep both the businesses grow while making significant number of profits. This will also help the business leverage the good will of wedded wonderland.
    How does the business use social media to interact within the industry?
    To interact with the industry, this business primarily leverages on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter (Martínez-López et al., 2022). They share picture of the venues where they manage events, and spotlights of the events they conducted. Their social media pages promote open discussions within the industry.
    Identify how this business networks.
    The business network includes business partnerships with local vendors and international vendors. They connect with similar businesses through social media platforms and other online forums.
    With regard to this business, what are their current sources of supply and how does this compare with what you can offer?
    Their current sources of supply include venues, florist, and, furniture. As a catering business, food services can be offered to wedded wonderland. They can be offered with menus containing national and international cuisines. Furthermore, they can also be offered customised services as per the event.
    What professional networks does this business use?
    The business associations and networks of wedded wonderland include associations with the local suppliers, online communities through forums as well as through social media platforms.
    In what way could you engage regular contact with the business based upon their current networking approaches?
    To be in regular contact with the business it is important to be a part of the social media communities they have created (Cartwright et al., 2021). Also, to be in touch with this company it is important to be a part of the online forum.
    Include any further information that you think will support your understanding of the business and that you can use to make viable proposals or agreements for collaboration.
    To further understand the business, it is essential to know their target customers. It is also important to know their suppliers. Also, to understand the business it is important to be a part of their social media drives.
    Name of second business: Miss Ladybird Cakes
    Website link:
    What is the main industry sector for this business?
    The main industry sector of this business is to come up with custom, and personalised cakes for special occasions such as wedding.
    Explain the industry structure and how this business fits into it.
    This industry sector can be characterised as a part of the hospitality sector. It mainly focuses on custom and personalised cakes. This cake business fits into the industry because they design personalised wedding cakes.
    Do they have any current relationships or links with other businesses?
    This business coordinates with businesses, who provide other wedding services such as florists, caterers, and venue managers (Sangchan, 2022).
    What opportunities are there to work with this business?
    One of the major opportunities as a catering business to work with this business is that we can give the clients joint packages with discounts. Also, there can be social media collaborations.
    How does the business use social media to interact within the industry?
    This business has been using social media platforms to show their designs and to reach out to a greater number of potential customers.
    Identify how this business networks.
    This business networks by coordinating with wedding planners, venue managers, and other wedding service providers. They are also in contact with the direct customers.
    With regard to your business, what are their current sources of supply and how does this compare with what you can offer?
    Their current sources of supply include high quality ingredients from the local suppliers. As a catering business, gourmet food items can be offered to them (Walter et al., 2022). They can also be given the offer of bundled services.
    What professional networks does this business use?
    They make use of references from the wedding planning industry, social media platforms of wedding planners, event managers, and caterers.
    In what way could you engage regular contact with the business based upon their current networking approaches?
    To engage with this cake business, it is essential to connect with them directly through email or contact number. Also, they can be reached out through their social media platforms.
    Include any further information that you think will support your understanding of the business and that you can use to make viable proposals or agreements for collaboration.
    To understand the Miss Ladybird Cakes, it is important to analyse their target customers. Also, their designs need to be evaluated to ensure they are as per the changing market trends. Before coming into an agreement with this business it is also necessary to ensure how they transport their cakes to different venues.
Section 2: Outcomes from networking event
Use the tables below to record information discussed with the two business you met with and reflect on the way the agreements will be formed.
    Name of Business: Wedded wonderland
    Briefly summarise how you think the meeting went. What were the key takeaways?
The meeting with the business went well. The representatives of the busienss were very cooperative and showcased some extraordinary communication skills. The key take aways from the meetings include that to work with the business, it is essential to establish clear and concise communication channels. Also, coming up with bundle deals and packages with the business will be a great option as this will help to provide complete wedding packages to the customer as a one stop solution for all their wedding planning (Sangchan, 2022). Also, this will allow...

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