ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title PUBH6008: Capstone A: Applied Research Project in Public Health Assessment Assessment 2: Literature review Individual/Group Individual Length 4,000 words...

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literature review

ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title PUBH6008: Capstone A: Applied Research Project in Public Health Assessment Assessment 2: Literature review Individual/Group Individual Length 4,000 words Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes: 2. Integrate and apply their knowledge and skills in public health 3. Develop research skills and apply these to a public health issue 4. Conduct a small literature review which critically analyses key issues on a public health research topic 5. Define and justify a research question, based on the literature/public health issue, and outline its significance Submission Due Sunday following the end of Module 4 at 11:55pm AEST/AEDT* Weighting 40% Total Marks 100 marks *Please Note: This time is Sydney time (AEST or AEDT). Please convert to your own time zone (eg. Adelaide = 11:25pm). PUBH6008_Assessment Brief 2 Page 1 of 6 Instructions: By the end of module 3, student must provide to their learning facilitator a brief review of the literature on their chosen topic. The literature review must contain key references/theorists/researchers for the public health topic chosen. The literature review assignment must be designed to address the following questions: • Who are the key theorists/researchers in your public health topic? • What are the key issues? • What are the gaps in the existing body of knowledge? The literature review should provide a basis for justifying a clear research question or hypothesis to be explored further. You must also indicate the search strategy used for your literature review. For example, what were the key words you searched for, and which key databases or other sources did you use to conduct your literature review? (e.g. CINAHL, Proquest Public Health, Informit, Medline, Google Scholar). Assessment Criteria: • Critical and comprehensive review of the literature (70%) Clarity of research question/hypothesis (10%) General assessment criteria (20%): o Provides a lucid introduction o Shows a sophisticated understanding of the key issues o Shows ability to interpret relevant information and literature in relation to chosen topic o Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts o Shows evidence of reading beyond the required readings o Justifies any conclusions reached with well-formed arguments and not merely assertions o Provides a conclusion or summary o Correctly uses academic writing, presentation and grammar: ▪ Complies with academic standards of legibility, referencing and bibliographical details (including reference list) ▪ Writes clearly, with accurate spelling and grammar as well as proper sentence and paragraph construction ▪ Uses appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research PUBH6008_Assessment Brief 2 Page 2 of 6 Page 4 8 Marking Rubric: Assessment Attributes 0-34 (Fail 2 – F2) Unaccept able 35-49 (Fail 1 – F1) Poor 50-64 (Pass -P) Functional 65-74 (Credit - CR) Proficient 75-84 (Distinction – DN) Advanced 85-100 (High Distinction – HD) Exceptional Grade Description (Grading Scheme) Evidence of unsatisfactory achievement of one or more of the learning objectives of the subject, insufficient understanding of the subject content and/or unsatisfactory level of skill development. Evidence of satisfactory achievement of subject learning objectives, the development of relevant skills to a competent level, and adequate interpretation and critical analysis skills. Evidence of a good level of understanding, knowledge and skill development in relation to the content of the subject or work of a superior quality on the majority of the learning objectives of the subject. Demonstration of a high level of interpretation and critical analysis skills. Evidence of a high level of achievement of the learning objectives of the subject demonstrated in such areas as interpretation and critical analysis, logical argument, use of methodology and communication skills. Evidence of an exceptional level of achievement of learning objectives across the entire content of the course demonstrated in such areas as interpretation and critical analysis, logical argument, creativity, originality, use of methodology and communication skills. Knowledge and understanding Critical and comprehensive review of the literature (70%) Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge Key components of the assignment are not addressed. Knowledge/understa nding of the field or discipline. Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas. Often Thorough knowledge/understandi ng of the field or discipline/s. Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Highly developed understanding of the field or discipline/s. Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence A sophisticated understanding of the field or discipline/s. Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by PUBH6008_Assessment Brief 2 of PUBH6008_Assessment Brief 2 Page 5 of 8 conflates/confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. from the research/course materials and extended reading. Well demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning. Critical reasoning, presentation and defence of an argument and/or position Critical and comprehensive review of the literature (70%) Clarity of research question/hypothesis (10%) Specific position (perspective or argument) fails to take into account the complexities of the issue(s) or scope of the assignment. Makes assertions that are not justified. Specific position (perspective or argument) begins to take into account the issue(s) or scope of the assignment. Justifies any conclusions reached with arguments not merely assertion. Specific position (perspective or argument) takes into account the complexities of the issue(s) or scope of the assignment. Others’ points of view are acknowledged. Justifies any conclusions reached with wellformed arguments not merely assertion. Specific position (perspective or argument) is expertly presented and accurately takes into account the complexities of the issue(s) and scope of the assignment. Justifies any conclusions reached with welldeveloped arguments. Specific position (perspective or argument) is presented expertly, authoritatively and imaginatively, accurately taking into account the complexities of the issue(s) and scope of the assignment. Limits of position are acknowledged. Justifies any conclusions reached with sophisticated arguments. PUBH6008_Assessment Brief 2 Page 6 of 8 Analysis and application with synthesis of new knowledge Limited synthesis and analysis. Demonstrated analysis and synthesis of new Well-developed analysis and synthesis with application of Thoroughly developed and creative analysis Highly sophisticated and creative analysis, synthesis of new with Critical and comprehensive review of the literature (70%) Clarity of research question/hypothesis (10%) Limited application/recommendatio ns based upon analysis. knowledge with application. Shows the ability to interpret relevant information and literature. recommendations linked to analysis/synthesis. and synthesis with application of pretested models and / or independently developed models and justified recommendations linked to analysis/synthesis. existing knowledge. Strong application by way of pretested models and / or independently developed models. Recommendations are clearly justified based on the analysis/synthesis. Applying knowledge to new situations/other cases. PUBH6008_Assessment Brief 2 Page 7 of 8 Use of academic and discipline conventions and sources of evidence Use of academic conventions including appropriate resources and referencing (20%) *General assessment criteria shown below Poorly written with errors in spelling, grammar. Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas. There are mistakes in using the APA style. Is written according to academic genre (e.g. with introduction, conclusion or summary) and has accurate spelling, grammar, sentence and paragraph construction. Demonstrates consistent use of credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or Is well-written and adheres to the academic genre (e.g. with introduction, conclusion or summary). Demonstrates consistent use of high quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas. There are no mistakes in using the APA style. Is very well-written and adheres to the academic genre. Consistently demonstrates expert use of good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop appropriate arguments and statements. Shows evidence of reading Expertly written and adheres to the academic genre. Demonstrates expert use of high-quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop arguments and position statements. Shows extensive evidence of reading beyond the key reading well developed. There are no mistakes in using the APA style. beyond the key reading There are no mistakes in using the APA style. There are no mistakes in using the APA Style. *General Assessment Criteria: • Provides a lucid introduction • Shows a sophisticated understanding of the key issues • Shows the ability to interpret relevant information and literature in relation to your chosen topic • Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts PUBH6008_Assessment Brief 2 Page 8 of 8
Answered 15 days AfterJun 21, 2021

Answer To: ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title PUBH6008: Capstone A: Applied Research Project in Public...

Arunavo answered on Jun 27 2021
162 Votes
Introduction    3
1.1 Outline of the Chapter    3
1.2 Definition and Overview    3
1.3 Risk and Protective Factors for Aboriginal mental health    3
1.4 Research Aim and Objective    4
1.5 Research Question    4
2. Literature Review    4
2.1 Mental Health Disparity among Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal People    4
2.2 Existing Policies    6
3. Research Methodology    7
3.1 Research Me
thods    7
3.2 Sampling    8
3.3 Data Collection    9
3.4 Data Analysis    9
Findings    10
Conclusion    11
References    12
1.1 Outline of the Chapter
This chapter will provide the details of key mental health issues faced by the Aboriginal community people in Australia and New Zealand. There is further discussion done over the reasons behind the mental health issues, along with various interventions regarding addressing the issues. This will be followed by research aim, specific objectives and the research questions along with the summary of the entire topic and conclusion of the chapter.
1.2 Definition and Overview
Mental health is one of the most important aspect for a person in order to perform all the activities in a proper manner, because it provides them to make proper judgement, reasons to handle any challenging situation and many more. However, there is a significant increase in the mental health challenge among the Aboriginal people in Australia and New Zealand. According to the report published on the mental health of 2014, the increase in Aboriginal rates of suicide among the youth, anxiety and depression, as well as cognitive disability and the mental health among the lawbreakers, and also the perinatal mental health (Jackson et al., 2019). The mental health aspect of the Aboriginal community still needed to be researched in a more through manner. Improving the mental health outcome will have a flow over the other areas such as high confinement and rate of drug abuse.
1.3 Risk and Protective Factors for Aboriginal mental health
There are certain factors of threats that are interrelated with the individual having the mental illness that might show any kind of number. As discussed by Snijder et al. (2020) the factors that affect the Aboriginal people mental health is because of the following factors such as:
· There is an impression of previously taken peers and the constant elimination of the children creates a mental burden on the Aboriginal people, especially during the following of the normal procedure by the government departments.
· Discrimination created on the race or the values along with racism is also creates a enormous effect over a person’s mental state. The Aboriginal people are discriminated to a huge extent both in Australia and New Zealand, leading to the increased numbers of mental health challenges among them.
· Limited economic opportunities are considered as one of the prime reasons behind the grim situation as many Aboriginal people are economically and socially disadvantaged. Their continuous worry for the finances creates a severe mental pressure over them, which directly leads to their mental health.
1.4 Research Aim and Objective
The prime objective of this research is to methodically evaluating the suggestion base for the efficacy of the culturally unadapted, culturally adapted and the culture based interventions for the Aboriginal adults with the mental or substance use disorder. The aim of the research is to find appropriate interventions in order to reduce the increasing cases of the mental health disorder among the Aboriginal community people in Australia and New Zealand.
1.5 Research Question
“What is the reason behind the increased mental health disorder among the Aboriginal community people in Australia and New Zealand, and what are the possible interventions in order to address this grim situation?”
2. Literature Review
2.1 Mental Health Disparity among Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal People
The mental health disparity is quite evident among the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people, which has been basically quantified by using the disability adjusted life years (DALYs). DALY is basically a complex degree for the health that is lost because of death or the number of years the people survived with the disability (YLDs) and the loss of health because of death or the years of lost life (YLLs). One DALY is considered as the year a person remained healthy of the life lost because of the ailment or wound (Maltzahn et al., 2019). It is found that in Australia, the mental and the issues related with drugs were the third principal contributors for the inequalities in the total DALYs among the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal indigenous people in the year 2003, which is accounting to the 10% of the total health gap (Baum and Fisher, 2014). Similarly in New Zealand, the total number of DALYs were almost 1.8 times higher among the Aboriginal compared to the non-Aboriginal people in the year 2006, which is around 12% of the excessive burden that attributed to the mental health disorder (Niedzwiedz et al., 2014). These figures can clearly provide the overview regarding the kind of increasing mental health challenge is observed among the Aboriginal people both in Australia and New Zealand.
Culturally based unadapted intervention is not systematically modified. The recent meta analysis that is conducted of 56 randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in the cultural marginal group, where it is originated that the culturally unadapted emotional interferences were much greater to regulate the condition, such as the case as-usual, waiting lost, dummy or another kind of controlled group, which is used in reducing the symptoms of the depression (Baldry et al., 2013). A subcategory of investigation in the Native Australians presented the moderating robust effects in the favour of psychoanalysis, however, no other indigenous subsection investigation was directed.
The culturally adapted intervention is basically systematically modified in order to take...

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