ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title ACCT6001 Accounting Information Systems Assessment Assessment 3: Case Study – Excel-based Individual/Group Individual Length Learning Outcomes d) Apply...

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ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title ACCT6001 Accounting Information Systems Assessment Assessment 3: Case Study – Excel-based Individual/Group Individual Length Learning Outcomes d) Apply technical knowledge and skills in creating information for the workplace using spreadsheets and relational databases e) Communicate with IT professionals, stakeholders and user groups of information systems Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of week 7/Module4.1 For intensive mode: By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of week 4/Module4.2 Weighting 25% Total Marks 100 marks Context: The aim of this assessment is to assess the student’s ability to create spreadsheets that can aid business problem solving and analysing results. The spreadsheet is a powerful tool that has become entrenched in business processes worldwide. A working knowledge of Excel is vital for most office based professionals today. Submission Requirement: Students need to submit their Excel Spreadsheet. The analysis and recommendation can be placed in the Excel worksheet. Note that your lecturer will provide you the case study for this assessment by week 4. Criteria  Formulae, formatting and cell references  Graphs and pivot tables  Cost-benefit analysis recommendation ASSESSMENT 3 – Excel Case Study Background: Torrens Consulting Company is a privately owned, independent, wholly Australian operated leading specialised consultancy, providing a full range of management consulting services specialising in Human Resource Management, Executive Recruitment, Organisational Development, Organisational Psychology and Training and Development Services. They are looking at changing their current consulting decision-making system to a new technology and would like to call it consulting business intelligence system. They are deciding whether to develop the system in-house or outsource the development. Students need to create a cost-benefit analysis of the proposed new system using the spreadsheet. Cost-Benefit Analysis Overview: Conducting a Cost-Benefit Analysis While it is important to provide decision-makers with a range of options, the process of developing and analysing these can be expensive and time consuming. For major investments, it may be necessary to outline various potential options and then to have decision-makers select, after a preliminary screening, a smaller number for detailed appraisal. In any case, an appropriate level of consultation should be undertaken as best practice, either formally or informally, in creating a set of alternatives. Step 1: Identify, quantify and value the costs and benefits of each alternative A critical step in the CBA process involves identifying, quantifying and valuing the costs and benefits of each alternative. The types of benefits and costs will depend on the project. Typical costs of a proposal would include:  Initial capital costs;  capital costs of any buildings, equipment, or facilities that need to be replaced during the life of the project;  operating and maintenance costs over the period of a programme or project; and  costs which cannot be valued in money terms (often described as 'intangibles'). Typical benefits of a proposal would include:  benefits which can be valued in money terms, in the form of revenues, cost savings or non-market outputs; and  benefits which cannot be valued in money terms (also described as ‘intangibles’). Estimating the magnitude of costs can be difficult and will normally involve input from accountants, economists and other specialists. 16 Step 2: Calculate the Net Present Value In CBA, the net social benefit (NSB), or the excess of total benefit over total cost, is represented by the net present value (NPV) of the proposal. Before determining the value (or NPV) of a proposal, the costs (C) and benefits (B) need to be quantified for the expected duration of the project. The NSB is calculated by subtracting the cost stream from the benefit stream and is represented as follows: NSB = B – C The NPV of a proposal is determined by applying a ‘discount rate’ (discussed below) to the identified costs and benefits. It is necessary to ‘discount’ costs and benefits occurring later relative to those occurring sooner. This is because money received now can be invested and converted into a larger future amount and because people generally prefer to receive income now rather than in the future. Valuing each alternative by calculating NPVs facilitates comparison between proposals that exhibit different timing of their benefits and costs. Programmes with positive NPVs generally indicate an efficient use of the community’s resources. The NPV is calculated as follows: Where all projected costs and benefits are valued in real terms, they should be discounted by a real discount rate. This can be estimated approximately by subtracting the expected (or actual) inflation rate from the nominal discount rate. If nominal (current price) values are used for projected costs and benefits, they should be discounted by a nominal discount rate. The discount rate can also be varied to test the sensitivity of the proposal to changes in this variable and, implicitly, to the phasing of costs and benefits. Sensitivity analysis is discussed in STEP 3 below. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is typically presented as supplementary information to the NPV. The IRR is the discount rate that will result in a NPV of zero. The project’s IRR needs to be above the benchmark discount rate for the project to be considered viable (financially or economically, depending on the nature of the analysis). Step 3: Sensitivity analysis and dealing with uncertainty The values of future costs and benefits on which the NPV is based are forecasts that cannot be known with certainty. While they should be forecast expected values, it is important to test the NPV for ‘optimistic’ and ‘pessimistic’ scenarios. This is achieved by changing the values of key variables in the analysis, such as the discount rate, costs and benefits, and measuring the impact of the changes on the NPV. This is known as sensitivity analysis and is a critical component of any CBA. Where the NPV is shown to be very sensitive to changes in a variable, the analyst should check on the appropriateness and impact of this variable, and whether any changes to the design of the programme or underlying assumptions are warranted. Uncertainties, or situations with unknown probabilities, that could have a significant impact on the project outcome should be clearly detailed in the report and, if necessary, monitored during implementation. When dealing with uncertain data, the expected value should be used. The expected value is the weighted sum of the likely outcomes (each outcome having its own probability of occurring). In order to attempt to quantify the likely impact, a probability may be assigned to a particular variable where dealing with uncertain data. These probabilities are then used as weightings in order to derive an expected value. For example, assume a proposal that has two possible outcomes. The probability of producing an NPV of $5 million is 60% and the probability of producing an NPV of $3 million is 40%. We can now work out the expected NPV (ENPV) as follows: ENPV = (0.6 x $5m) + (0.4 x $3m) = $4.2m The expected NPV in this situation is $4.2 million. However, such a single value may not fully convey the uncertainty associated with forecasting the outcome. Hence, it is generally appropriate to present the results as a range that includes the most likely results, as well as results in possible best and worst case scenarios. Reference: Mishan’s Cost-Bene t Analysis (1982, pp 221-224) provides a detailed explanation of the IRR, describes how to measure it, and provides an example to illustrate. See also Department of Finance and Administration the Handbook of CBA (2005). General Instructions: 1) Create a cost-beneift analysis spreadsheet for both in-house and outsourced development:  Create s spreadsheet, format and use formulas to identify the cost-benefit analysis for alternatives.  Visually show comparison by using graphs and charts.  Give recommendations on which alternative is more beneficial to the organisation. Note: students are required to input their own data. Detailed instructions: Note that the values in the tables provided are randomly added and may show incorrect values if formula is applied. 1. Create an Excel workbook with 8 worksheets (tabs): costs for in-house development, benefits of in-house development, costs for outsource development, benefits of outsource development, summary (inhouse and outsource), pivot table, and graphs, comparison and recommendation. 2. First workbook contains all the costs for in-house development. You will have two tables: First table computes the team rate, second table computes for the project total cost. a. Create the project team rate table It should look like this: Project Team Rate Units Low Medium High Chosen (Low) Analysts 25 30 45 25 Software Arthictect 25 30 45 25 Junioe Developer 30 45 60 30 Senior Developer 50 70 90 50 Testing Lead 30 50 70 30 Tester 30 45 60 30 On-site Manager 115 150 180 115 Note: You have to enter values for the low, medium, high and selected (for the selected, you can choose from the values you entered for low, medium or high – does not have to be the same as high values from the high column) Now you need to compute for the cost per hour and per day. Note that the value for the per hour is based on the selected values column. Used referencing for the values in the per hour column. Per day is computed by multiplying the per hour to 8 (hours). Project Team Rate Units per hour per days Analysts 25 200 Software Arthictect 25 200 Junioe Developer 30 240 Senior Developer 50 400 Testing Lead 30 240 Tester 30 200 On-site Manager 115 920 TOTAL TEAM RATE PER DAY 2400 TOTAL TEAM RATE (YEAR) 480000 3. Second Worksheet- Create the cost of in-house development table. Your spreadsheet should look like this (note that students are required to input their own cost data except for the project team salary which is based on the total team rate per day * 200 working days): Note:  You need
Answered Same DayNov 02, 2020ACCT6001Torrens University Australia

Answer To: ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title ACCT6001 Accounting Information Systems Assessment...

Aarti J answered on Nov 04 2020
174 Votes
    Cost of inhouse    Sum of 2016    Sum of 2017    Sum of 2018    Sum of 2019    Sum of 2020
    Hardware    90000                90000
    Overhead (rent & others) & contngencies    15000    15300    15600    15900    16200
    Project team salary    768000    691200    622080    559872    503884.8
    Projects total cost by y
ear    1568000    732000    662680    600272    694084.8
    Software    650000                60000
    Telecommunications    20000    20500    21000    21500    22000
    Training    25000    5000    4000    3000    2000
    Grand Total    3136000    1464000    1325360    1200544    1388169.6
    Benefits Claimed for Analysis    Sum of 2016    Sum of 2017    Sum of 2018    Sum of 2019    Sum of 2020
    Benefits Claimed for Analysis    600000    938000    1102340    1327077.2    1640668.376
    Confidence Factor    1    1    1    1    1
    Cost Reduction (courier and returned goods)    600000    648000    699840    755827.2    816293.376
    Decrease Employee Overtime        45000    45000    45000    45000
    Decrease Overheads        20000    20000    20000    20000
    Enhanced Revenues        225000    337500    506250    759375
    Total Benefits Per Year    600000    938000    1102340    1327077.2    1640668.376
    Grand Total    1800001    2814001    3307021    3981232.6    4922006.128
    Cost of outsource    Sum of 2016    Sum of 2017    Sum of 2018    Sum of 2019    Sum of 2020
    Cost for outsource
    Fee installation and annual licence    35000    28000    22400    17920    14336
    Hardware    75000                75000
    Maintenace and consulting fees        7500    7875    8268.75    8682.1875
    Project total cost by year    1154500    314625    257343.75    211851.5625    390794.609375
    Software    700000                140000
    Software development    325000    260000    208000    166400    133120
    Telecommunications    15000    15750    16537.5    17364.375    18232.59375
    Training    4500    3375    2531.25    1898.4375    1423.828125
    Grand Total    2309000    629250    514687.5    423703.125    781589.21875
    Row Labels    Sum of 2016    Sum of 2017    Sum of 2018    Sum of 2019    Sum of 2020
    Cost Reduction (courier and returned goods)    500000    540000    583200    629856    680244.48
    Decrease Employee Overtime        35000    35000    35000    35000
    Decrease Overheads        15000    15000    15000    15000
    Enhanced Revenues        20000    30000    45000    67500
    Total Benefits Per Year    500000    610000    663200    724856    797744.48
    Grand Total    1000000    1220000    1326400    1449712    1595488.96
Costs of in-house development
        Units    Low    Medium    High    Chosen (Medium)
        Analysts    30    40    50    40
        Software Architect    30    40    45    40
        Junioe developer    25    50    60    50
        Senior developer    30    65    90    65
        Testing lead    40    65    70    65
        Tester    35    50    60    50
        On site manager    120    170    180    170
        Calculate the cost per hour and per day
        Units    Per hour    Per day
        Analysts    40    320
        Software Architect    40    320
        Junioe developer    50    400
        Senior developer    65    520
        Testing lead    65    520
        Tester    50    400
        On site manager    170    1360
        Total team rate per day        3840
        Total team rate (year)        768000
        Cost for in house...

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