ASSESSMENT BRIEF COURSE: Bachelor of Information Technology Unit Code: DCAN 202 Unit Title: Data Communication and Networking Type of Assessment: Assessment 4 - Content Analysis (Reflective Journal)...

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ASSESSMENT BRIEF COURSE: Bachelor of Information Technology Unit Code: DCAN 202 Unit Title: Data Communication and Networking Type of Assessment: Assessment 4 - Content Analysis (Reflective Journal) Length/Duration: 2,500 words Unit Learning Outcomes addressed: 1.Explain the purpose of the ISO-OSI model and TCP/IP and the significance to real world networks such as LANS and the Internet. 2. Explain in detail the architecture of LANS, the IEEE 802 standards for station addresses and frame format, and the operation of LAN switches, and outline shortcomings in LANS such as security and broadcasts. 3. Explain in detail the operation of LAN switches, and outline shortcomings in LANS such as security and broadcasts. 4. Describe in detail the architecture of the Internet, the operation of routing tables, routers and the operation of dynamic routing protocols and explain the purpose of layer 3 protocols and IP in particular, and the main fields in the IP packet header. 5. Describe in detail the features and protocol formats for presentation and Application layers and outline the basic architecture of the World Wide Web and Internet email systems. 6. Demonstrate basic competency with network discovery tools, dig and packet capture tools, construct, test and evaluate hypertext documents and client-side Application protocols Submission Date: Week 14 Assessment Task: Students are required to analyse the weekly lecture material of weeks 1 to 11 and create concise content analysis summaries of the theoretical concepts contained in the course lecture slides. Total Mark: 40 Marks Weighting: 40% of total units marks Students are advised that submission of an Assessment Task past the due date without a formally signed approved Assignment Extension Form (Kent Website MyKent Student Link> FORM – Assignment Extension Application Form – Student Login Required) or previously approved application for other extenuating circumstances impacting course of study, incurs a 5% penalty per calendar day, calculated by deduction from the total mark. For example. An Assessment Task marked out of 40 will incur a 2 mark penalty for each calendar day. Kent Institute Australia Pty. Ltd. Assessment Brief ABN 49 003 577 302 CRICOS Code: 00161E RTO Code: 90458 Version 2: 11th October, 2019 Page 2 of 3 TEQSA Provider Number: PRV12051 More information, please refer to (Kent Website MyKent Student Link> POLICY – Assessment Policy & Procedures – Student Login Required) ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION: Students are required to analyse the weekly lecture material of weeks 1 to 11 and create concise content analysis summaries of the theoretical concepts contained in the course lecture slides. Where the lab content or information contained in technical articles from the Internet or books helps to fully describe the lecture slide content, discussion of such theoretical articles or discussion of the lab material should be included in the content analysis. The document structure is as follows and include network diagrams and pictures where required (2500 words): 1. Title Page 2. Introduction (~100 words) 3. Background (~100 words) 4. Content analysis (reflective journals) for each week from 1 to 11 (~2200 words; ~200 words per week): a. Discussion i. Important topics covered (Description of Models in details, i.e.; OSI and TCP/IP, Cabling) ii. Definitions (NAT, Bridge, Internal etc.) b. Interpretations of the contents i. What are the most important/useful/relevant information about the content? (e.g.: Data packet transportation, hops, tracing) c. Outcome i. What have I learned from this? (e.g.: Types of Topologies, Routing Protocols, Virtual networking) 5. Conclusion (100 words) Your report must include:  At least eight references, out of which, five references must be from academic resources.  Harvard Australian referencing for any sources you use.  Refer to the Academic Learning Skills student guide on Referencing. ASSESSMENT SUBMISSION: The assignment must be submitted online in Moodle. Where additional documents need to be attached, all materials MUST be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format. Other formats (e.g., pdf or MAC file) may not be readable by markers. Please be aware that any assessments submitted in other formats will be considered LATE and will lose marks until it is presented in MS Word. No paper based or hardcopy submission will be accepted. GENERAL NOTES FOR ASSESSMENT TASKS Content for Assessment Task papers should incorporate a formal introduction, main points and conclusion. Appropriate academic writing and referencing are inevitable academic skills that you must develop and demonstrate in work being presented for assessment. The content of high quality work presented by a student must be fully referenced within-text citations and a Reference List at the end. Kent strongly recommends you refer to the Academic Learning Support Workshop materials available on the Kent Learning Management System (Moodle). For details please click the link and download the file titled “Harvard Referencing Workbook”. This Moodle Site is the location for Workbooks and information that are presented to Kent Students in the ALS Workshops conducted at the beginning of each Trimester. Kent Institute Australia Pty. Ltd. Assessment Brief ABN 49 003 577 302 CRICOS Code: 00161E RTO Code: 90458 Version 2: 11th October, 2019 Page 3 of 3 TEQSA Provider Number: PRV12051 Kent recommends a minimum of FIVE (5) references in work being presented for assessment. Unless otherwise specifically instructed by your Lecturer or as detailed in the Unit Outline for the specific Assessment Task, any paper with lessthan five (5) references may be deemed not meeting a satisfactory standard and possibly be failed. Content in Assessment tasks that includes sources that are not properly referenced according to the “Harvard Referencing Workbook” will be penalised. Marks will be deducted for failure to adhere to the word count if this is specifically stated for the Assessment Task in the Unit Outline. As a general rule there is an allowable discretionary variance to the word count in that it is generally accepted that a student may go over or under by 10% than the stated length. GENERAL NOTES FOR REFERENCING References are assessed for their quality. Students should draw on quality academic sources, such as books, chapters from edited books, journals etc. The textbook for the Unit of study can be used as a reference, but not the Lecturer Notes. The Assessor will want to see evidence that a student is capable of conducting their own research. Also, in order to help Assessors determine a student’s understanding of the work they cite, all in-text references (not just direct quotes) must include the specific page number(s) if shown in the original. Before preparing your Assessment Task or own contribution, please review this ‘YouTube’ video (Avoiding Plagiarism through Referencing) by clicking on the following link: link: A search for peer-reviewed journal articles may also assist students. These type of journal articles can be located in the online journal databases and can be accessed from the Kent Library homepage. Wikipedia, online dictionaries and online encyclopaedias are acceptable as a starting point to gain knowledge about a topic, but should not be over-used – these should constitute no more than 10% of your total list of references/sources. Additional information and literature can be used where these are produced by legitimate sources, such as government departments, research institutes such as the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), or international organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO). Legitimate organisations and government departments produce peer reviewed reports and articles and are therefore very useful and mostly very current. The content of the following link explains why it is not acceptable to use non-peer reviewed websites (Why can't I just Google?): (thank you to La Trobe University for access to this video). MARKING GUIDE (RUBRIC): Your answers for the final examination questions will be assessed as per the following marking criteria. Please read carefully each section/level and marks weightage. Marking Criteria Marks Content precisely presented based on references 25 Marks Presentation (Layout, no grammatical errors, reads well, etc.) 10 Marks Cited references 5 Marks Total marks for content analysis as reflective summary 40 Marks
Answered Same DayOct 17, 2021

Answer To: ASSESSMENT BRIEF COURSE: Bachelor of Information Technology Unit Code: DCAN 202 Unit Title: Data...

Kuldeep answered on Oct 18 2021
153 Votes
DCAN202 Content Analysis 1
DCAN 202 Assessments 4 - Content Analysis (Reflective Journal)
Student Name:
It is significant to execute a structure that decreases the number of computing parts needed in the association and provides a simple way to transfer information between different parts of the association. This brings about the need of realizing a computer network that uses transmission media to interconnect numerous computing devices to make sure communication as well as access to remote resources. The
network is used by companies to share and communicate data with clients located outside their location. However, the data communication network ensures the possibility of the agenda. It can ensure that the digital form of data (graphics, voice, digital data, photos or text) is correctly transmitted from one mainframe to another mainframe throughout application of a wired or wireless communication platform.
Modern enterprises are using PC’s for daily operations. There are many of these computers, so every computer cannot be owed its own resources, for example servers and printers. Hence, the computer network is designed to ensure that each computing devices in the association can share a centralized resources in a way that does not cause conflicts among requests of individual to network. These computing devices can be connected to the network and can exchange information with each other.
Content Analysis
Week 1
This week’s topic is Introduction to Computer Networks. Commonly, a computer system is an inter-connection of computers in a geographic area using media. According to size of geographical area covered by network, the network can be classified as:
•Local Area Network (LAN)
• Wide Area Network (WAN)
•Personal Area Network
•Campus Network
• Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
Data communication is mainly the transmission of information in the form of digital or analog signals between several computer network nodes. The network management process includes designing, supporting and installing network components. The network consists of following parts: workstations, switches, servers, network nodes and routers. There are the two models of network architecture: OSI model as well as TCP/IP protocol suite (Al-Fawzan and Hoymany, 2000). The TCP/IP model has five layers: transport, application, network, physical layer, and network access. The OSI model has seven layers: presentation, application, session, network, transmission, physical layer and data link. The logical link only exists in the software, and the physical connection only exists in the hardware.
Interpretation of the contents
Computer network can be executed according to the OSI design and IP/TCP protocol set. Nevertheless, OSI has seven layers, while the IP/TCP protocol suite contains five layers.
I learned that the network consists of various layers, each with different mechanism.
Week 2
The topics covered in the second week of lectures are the difference between signal and data, signal composition, signal bandwidth, attenuation, digital coding technology, modulation technology or digitization technology. Information is an entity that conveys meaning, as signals are electrical coded data. The signal has three mechanisms: amplitude, phase and frequency. Generally, attenuation is strength of the signal disappearing in the transmission medium (Berzin, 2010).
However, the main categories of signals as well as data are: analog data sent using an analog signals, digital data sent using digital signals, analog data sent using digital signals, or finally digital data sent using discrete analog signals. Broadly speaking, the main meaning of data code is: many different text characters, and their binary form. For example: Unicode, EBCDIC and ASCII.
Interpretation of the contents
The information in the network is transmitting in the structure of signals in transmission medium. These signals have phase, frequency and amplitude.
Now I understand the several combinations of signals and data used in the transmission media.
Week 3
Topics cover: twisted pair cables, coaxial cables and optical fibers, basic cellular, microwave system, or short-term transmission technologies. The transmission medium can be conductive or wireless. Generally, twisted-pair cables are classified by category, from category 1 to category 7. Twisted pair cables help eliminate electromagnetic interference. Has the following characteristics:
• Carry large amounts of data.
• Easy to click.
• Simple to install.
Moreover, the coaxial cables contain a wire covered with braided protective layer and utilize a digital signal, where the cable uses a only digital niformation channel. The optical fiber uses very thin glass cable covered by plastic coating. It can be transmitted over long distances, with faster transmission speed and low attenuation. Wireless media can include radio, infrared and satellite. Nevertheless, terrestrial microwave transmissions have land-based transmission lines (Davies and Tryfonas, 2009). Satellite microwave transmissions involve one station on ground sending to space satellite, as well as the satellite sending to other ground station. In cellular phones, two channels are allocated: one for discussion as well as the other for listening. In addition, Bluetooth is the very short-range technology of transmission. The criteria for selecting the medium include: distance, speed, scalability and price, right of method, safety or environment.
Interpretation of the...

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