ASSESSMENT BRIEF 6 - End of Project Deliverables Kent Institute Australia Pty. Ltd. Assessment Brief 6 Systems integration plan ABN XXXXXXXXXXCRICOS Code: 00161E RTO Code: 90458 Version 3: 18th July,...

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ASSESSMENT BRIEF 6 - End of Project Deliverables Kent Institute Australia Pty. Ltd. Assessment Brief 6 Systems integration plan ABN 49 003 577 302 CRICOS Code: 00161E RTO Code: 90458 Version 3: 18th July, 2022 Page 3 of 3 TEQSA Provider Number: PRV12051 COURSE: Bachelor of Information Technology Unit Code: CPRO306 Unit Title: Capstone Project Type of Assessment: Task 6 – Formative Assessment Length/Duration: N/A Unit Learning Outcomes addressed: 1) Critically analyse the methods and techniques used when seeking to apply information technology at the corporate level 2) Identify and present systematically the requirements for an information system in a large and complex organisation 3) Design, develop, test, and evaluate an appropriate systems solution 4) Identify and resolve critical technical issues with minimal supervision 5) Critically reflect on approaches taken and performance of the team in the development of a solution to an applied project. Submission Date: Week 11 Assessment Task: End of project deliverables Total Mark: 50 Weighting: 20% Students are advised that submission of an Assessment Task past the due date without a formally signed approved Assignment Extension Form (Kent Website MyKent Student Link> FORM – Assignment Extension Application Form – Student Login Required) or previously approved application for other extenuating circumstances impacting course of study, incurs a 5% penalty per calendar day, calculated by deduction from the total mark. For example. An Assessment Task marked out of 40 will incur a 2 mark penalty for each calendar day. More information, please refer to (Kent Website MyKent Student Link> POLICY – Assessment Policy & Procedures – Student Login Required) Assessment Description In this part of the assessment, students need to create an implementation or integration plan. This plan or the report needs to explain how the project front-end and the back end will be integrated to complete the required project requirements mentioned in the design solution report and the project execution report. The system needs to be tested adequately and must include all of the test results of the implementation and the integration of the project. The report also needs to include explanation of all of the following:  Screen shots and explanation of the required servers are installed, configured, and are running  Adequate information regarding the front-end and back-end connectivity  Data can be inserted, updated, and also can be deleted  Programs are understandable and maintainable.  The system is adequately tested.  Supporting information is suitable and sufficient.  The implementation has been planned and managed.  Teamwork has been managed.  The system design has been implemented into understandable, maintainable programs.  There is sufficient and suitable documentation to support the system's deployment, use and maintenance.  Your responses on the feedback from your Lecturer. Kent Institute Australia Pty. Ltd. Assessment Brief 6 Systems integration plan ABN 49 003 577 302 CRICOS Code: 00161E RTO Code: 90458 Version 3: 18th July, 2022 Page 3 of 3 TEQSA Provider Number: PRV12051 MARKING GUIDE (RUBRIC) Though the nature of this assessment is purely qualitative, your Lecturer will consider the below marking criteria while assessing your report. Marking Criteria Not Satisfactory (0-49% of the criterion mark) Satisfactory (50-64% of the criterion mark) Good (65-74% of the criterion mark) Very Good (75-84% of the criterion mark) Excellent (85-100% of the criterion mark) Criterion -1 (10 mark) Project management planned No information regarding the system software running and secured, front-end and back-end connectivity, and no checklist is provided on how to manage team resources, hardware, and software General information regarding the system software running and secured, front-end and back-end connectivity, and a general checklist is provided on how to manage team resources, hardware, and software Some information regarding the system software running and secured, front-end and back-end connectivity, and little checklist is provided on how to manage team resources, hardware, and software Almost all information regarding the system software running and secured, front-end and back-end connectivity, and almost complete checklist is provided on how to manage team resources, hardware, and software Adequate and complete information regarding the system software running and secured, front-end and back-end connectivity, and a complete checklist is provided on how to manage team resources, hardware, and software Criterion-2 (10 mark) Teamwork and good organization No teamwork has been managed & you have not collected your responses on the feedback from your Lecturer. Some teamwork has been managed & you have collected few of your responses on the feedback from your Lecturer. Basic teamwork has been managed & you have collected some of your responses on the feedback from your Lecturer. Good teamwork has been managed & you have collected almost all your responses on the feedback from your Lecturer. Great teamwork has been managed & you have collected all of your responses on the feedback from your Lecturer. Criterion-3 (10 marks) Construction and implementation of the website planned No screen shots and explanation of the required servers are installed, configured, and are running No information regarding the front-end and back-end connectivity is provided Few screen shots and explanation of the required servers are installed, configured, and are running Little information regarding the front-end and back-end connectivity is provided Some screen shots and explanation of the required servers are installed, configured, and are running Some information regarding the front-end and back-end connectivity is provided Almost all screen shots and explanation of the required servers are installed, configured, and are running Most of the information regarding the front-end and back-end connectivity is provided All screen shots and explanation of the required servers are installed, configured, and are running Adequate and clear information regarding the front-end and back- end connectivity is provided Kent Institute Australia Pty. Ltd. Assessment Brief 6 Systems integration plan ABN 49 003 577 302 CRICOS Code: 00161E RTO Code: 90458 Version 3: 18th July, 2022 Page 3 of 3 TEQSA Provider Number: PRV12051 a K e n t I n s t i t u t e A u s tralia Pty. Ltd. Assessment Brief 6 Systems integration plan ABN 49 003 577 302 CRICOS Code: 00161E RTO Code: 90458 Version 3: 18th July, 2022 Page 3 of 3 TEQSA Provider Number: PRV12051 K Criterion -4(10 marks) s Testing documentation t or screen shots i t u t e A u Programs are not understandable and unmaintainable with no comments and explanations of the codes, The system is not tested, and the Screen shots and explanation of the required servers tested, database tested by inserting, updated, and also can be deleted. Programs are understandable and maintainable with few comments and little explanations of the codes, The system is tested little bit and few of the Screen shots and explanation of the required servers tested, database is vaguely tested by inserting, updated, and also can be deleted. Programs are understandable and maintainable with some comments and explanations of the codes, The system is generally tested and some of the Screen shots and explanation of the required servers tested, database is generally tested by inserting, updated, and also can be deleted. Programs are understandable and maintainable with good number of comments and explanations of the codes, The system is almost tested, and the Screen shots and explanation of the required servers tested, database is almost completely tested by inserting, updated, and also can be deleted. Programs are understandable and maintainable with very good comments and explanations of the codes, The system is adequately tested, and the Screen shots and explanation of the required servers tested, database is completely tested by inserting, updated, and also can be deleted. s Criterion -5(10 marks) Support/help desk et Documentation on how r to run the system n a l i There is no documentation to support the system's deployment, use and maintenance. There is generic documentation to
Answered 14 days AfterSep 23, 2022

Answer To: ASSESSMENT BRIEF 6 - End of Project Deliverables Kent Institute Australia Pty. Ltd. Assessment Brief...

Shubham answered on Sep 27 2022
71 Votes
Install XAMPP control panel, open the XAMPP server and start the tomcat server.
In the XAMPP folder
where the XAMPP server is installed, now open the tomcat folder.
In tomcat folder, open webapps and paste the website folder.
After that run the server, open the website and provide address of...

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