Assessment Brief 2 Student Name/ID Number Course BTEC HNC in General Engineering Unit Number and Title 8: Mechanical Principles Academic Year 2020/21 Unit Tutor Philip Arnold Assignment Title Number...

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Assessment Brief 2 Student Name/ID Number Course BTEC HNC in General Engineering Unit Number and Title 8: Mechanical Principles Academic Year 2020/21 Unit Tutor Philip Arnold Assignment Title Number 2. Effects that constraints have on performance on performance of a dynamic mechanical system. Issue Date 17th March 2021 Submission Date 18th April 2021 IV Name & Date Allocation of time to complete assignment Part 1 is a written explanation of at least 200 words including equations. Parts 2. 3.4. require you solve problems using a variety of methods to include Geometry, Trigonometry, and Algebra normally done outside of class. Estimated time for completion of work 20 Hours Submission Format This is a written & problem based assessment. To evidence that you have met the criteria: · The written report must be at least 200 words. · Must show working out · Use the correct units of measurement · And use formulas right through. Remember, answers are only part of the solution. You must show how you got there and be able to document and communicate your problem solving technique. Some higher criteria questions will draw on you to interpret, compare and draw conclusions of worked solutions. Format: Parts 1 requires a written explanation of at least 200 words to include equations and geometric drawings, Parts 2 is problem based. Part 3 contains subset questions. Where references are used, follow Harvard Referencing System including in-text citations. Student declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. Student signature: Date: Unit Learning Outcomes LO2 Illustrate the effects that constraints have on the performance of dynamic mechanical system. Assignment Brief and Guidance Scenario You are employed in the R&D dept of a new start-up motorcycle company. They are planning the design of a new motorcycle. While the performance has been decided before the design can be fixed, the effects and limitations on performance and handling must be identified. Part 1. For the introduction you must write an explanation on the effects of energy transfer in mechanical systems with uniform acceleration is present. This should include equations for calculation of acceleration, time, Kinetic energy etc and include a graphical illustration to demonstrate the relationship between Geometry and algebra. Part 2. To investigate and provide data for the designer you are required to calculate the gyroscopic effects of the motorcycles wheels while negotiating a bend. This is to ensure the structure of the magnesium alloy wheel & the spindle on which it rotates will not exceed the FoS . You have been provided with the data that the designer has in mind which is. a ) M = The mass of each wheel is 10kg b ) Kw = The radius of gyration of 0.2 Metres c ) Rw = Radius of each wheel 0.25 Metres d ) V = the velocity of the motor cycle as it transits the bend is 80 km/h e ) the radius of the bend is 40 Metres. Part 3. (a) The designer wishes to investigate the possibilities of designing an engine with an “ Under Square “ configuration but with long connecting rod to reduce the angular forces, Stresses and strains normally associated with an under square short stroke configuration. You have chosen to illustrate how these changes affect piston velocities etc by a simple planar mechanism assembled of crank, con rod and piston as shown in the figure below. i. Determine the maximum acceleration of the piston when the crank speed is 50 rev/min clockwise by using trigonometric methodology. ii. Plot the diagram of the vector solutions of displacement, velocities and accelerations. iii. If the radius of the crank is reduced to 20 mm, plot the diagram again and explain the difference. Resources Textbooks Pearson Higher Nationals in Engineering Core Text Book John Bird & Carl Ross, Mechanical Engineering Principles, Fourth Edition, Routledge. ISBN 978-0-367-25324-0 BOLTON, W. (2006) Engineering Science. 5th Ed. London: Routledge. TOOLEY, M. and DINGLE, L. (2012) Engineering Science: For Foundation Degree and Higher National. London: Routledge. Journals International Journal of Engineering Science. International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology. Websites Khan Academy Physics (Tutorials) Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria Pass Merit Distinction LO2 Illustrate the effects that constraints have on the performance of dynamic mechanical system. Calculate solutions of velocities and accelerations within planar mechanisms using trigonometric methodology. P4 Explain the effects of energy transfer in mechanical systems with uniform acceleration present. P5 Identify the magnitude and effect of gyroscopic reaction torque. Construct diagrams of the vector solutions of velocities and accelerations within planar mechanisms.
Answered 5 days AfterApr 17, 2021

Answer To: Assessment Brief 2 Student Name/ID Number Course BTEC HNC in General Engineering Unit Number and...

Ishwar answered on Apr 23 2021
147 Votes
Effects that constraints have on performance on performance of a dynamic mechanical system
ID :
Student Name

Part: 1
It is considering hypothetical situation that the motorcyclist ride over motorcycle and obtaining design parameter such as kinetic energy, velocity and acceleration.
Road Map modelling:
Preparing Free-body diagram as considering largest possible acceleration, it will solve the condition in which the front wheel is about to leave the ground surface, in that case,
Figure : Free-body diagram
Applying Governing Equations:
....... (1)
........... (2)
force in x-direction
Normal force at wheel “A”
Normal force at wheel “B”
Using force law : in order to obtain maximum acceleration, it is require to consider minimum value of co-efficient of friction.
Kinematic relation ;
........... (5a)
........... (5b)
Placing above value in equation (4) and (5) into equation (1) , (2) and (3)
From above...

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