Assessment 4B. A Group of Older People My chosen health issue: Recognising Pain In elderly people with dementia who are living in the nursing home. (Not community of Hospital) Sections –the suggestions Section 1: You are required to describe a health issue for a target group of older people that requires addressing for this group to age well. So, you need to describe who you are going to be developing this health promotion strategy- age, gender, socio-economic, health status. References are required. Section 2: You need to provide evidence (references required) that this strategy will lead to a health improvement to the group of older people you have selected. Will it work for this group? Is it appropriate? Section 3: Provide a very brief overview of the strategy that addresses a health issue for a target group of older people. For instance- the strategy may be improving physical activity of older people with dementia in your facility so you would need to build on Section 2. Section 2 is about the theory behind your strategy while Section 3 is about making the theory apply to your situation- what are you going to do- not specifics but the BIG PICTURE. Section 4: Describe the health promotion approach/models that this strategy will be based Section 5: You are to ddescribe the health promotion activities that you will conduct. You need to describe how you are going to do this; what resources/tools you are going to use (will you have to adapt resources that are already in existence so that they support elder learning), what are the costs involved, who is going to do what aspects of the activities, where will the activities be conducted. Section 6: How are you going to evaluate this strategy/ project to determine its success Includes • Impact evaluation: The impact evaluation is the measurement of the immediate effects of the health promotion activities (interventions) and usually relate to the strategy objective. Clearly defined objective(s) will facilitate this phase of the evaluation. • Outcome evaluation: The outcome evaluation is the assessment of longer-term effects of the health promotion activities (interventions), and typically relates to the strategy/project goal. (There are three phases of evaluation: process/formative evaluation, impact evaluation, and outcome evaluation. You only need to do impact and outcome as you may not be undertaking the project at this stage but just designing it!) Section 7: Rewards you for using quality references Section 8: Rewards you for the correctness of your APA referencing. Criteria Complies with requirements for Assessment 4 B Range of Marks Score 1. Describe a health issue for a target group of older people that requires addressing for this group to age well. 0 marks No description 1-2 marks Description of the health issue for a target group is presented but it is confusing. 3- 4 marks A clear description of the health issue for a target group is presented 5 marks A comprehensive, clear and concise description of the health issue for a target group is presented. /5 2. Provision of evidence that supports that this strategy will lead to health improvement in this group of older people. 0 marks No evidence That supports this strategy. 1-4 marks Supporting evidence is not sufficient to support a case that this health issue needs to be addressed for the target group of older people 5-7 marks Supporting evidence is sufficient to support a case that this health issue needs to be addressed for the target group of older people. 8-9 marks Supporting evidence is good but lacks structure, logic & flow. Supporting evidence comprehensively supports health improvement. 10 marks Supporting evidence is highly organised, logical & coherent. It presents a compelling case that this health issue needs to be addressed for this group of older people. /10 3. Provision of a brief overview of the strategy that addresses a health issue for a target group of older people. Include an objective of this strategy 0 marks No overview 1-2 marks An overview is presented but not of a strategy that addresses the problem or overview is limited. 3 -4 marks An overview is presented of a strategy that addresses the problem and an objective but lacks clarity or not comprehensive. 5 marks A comprehensive, clear and concise overview is presented of a strategy and an objective that addresses the problem. /5 4. Describe the health promotion approach/models that this strategy will be based. 0 marks No description 1-2 marks Description of the models/approach that the strategy is based is presented but it is confusing or not appropriate. 3- 4 marks A description of the models/approach that the strategy is based is presented. Lacks clarity or not comprehensive. 5 marks A comprehensive, clear and concise description of the models/approach that the strategy is based is presented. /5 5. Description of the health promotion activities, which are required to improve the health of the older people. This includes: what is the activity; how will it be conducted - what resources/tools are required, what are the costs, logistics of, and who needs to be involved; the environment; and the use and adaptation of health education materials. 0- 9 marks There is no description or the description provided is very limited and does not address the criteria. 10-15marks Description of the activities is presented but some description of activities is missing or not relevant. 16-20 marks Description of the activities is presented but some description of activities is missing and lacks clarity. 21-24 marks A description of the activities is presented but either lacks clarity or is missing some description. 25 marks A comprehensive, clear and concise description is presented about the activities. /25 6. Description of the evaluation processes for the strategy that has addressed the health problem. Includes: Impact and outcome evaluation. 0 marks No description 1-4 marks Description is missing of monitoring processes. 5-6 marks A description is presented of processes used to monitor the strategy but it is not comprehensive. 7-8 marks A complete description of the introduction of interventions but lacks clarity. 9-10 marks A comprehensive, clear and concise description of impact and outcome evaluation processes is presented. /10 7.Sources of evidence 0 marks No evidence used 1-2 marks Evidence used is not relevant or inappropriate or limited in scope. 3 marks Evidence of good quality sources. Some irrelevant or inappropriate sources. 4-5 marks Evidence of good quality sources, relevant, appropriate but not comprehensive. 6 marks All evidence used is of high quality, relevant, appropriate and comprehensive. /6 8.Correctness of APA Referencing 0 marks APA style not used 1-2 marks Many errors in APA style 3 marks Some errors in APA style 4 marks Perfect /4 Total Mark /70 Final Weighted Mark /35% masters level please