Assessment 4: Literature reviewWhy is family engagement an important aspect of early childhood educators' practice?Your task in essay format is to build a case for staff about why family engagement...

Assessment 4: Literature review

Why is family engagement an important aspect of early childhood educators' practice?

Your task in essay format is to build a case for staff about why family engagement is important using literature that you can draw from for Assessment 2. Using contemporary literature you will need to describe the importance of family engagement, explain the terms 'funds of knowledge' and 'funds of identity' and why this information is important and can be used for engaging and connecting with families. You are also asked to describe three ways of asking families for information about themselves and their children and outline how you would use this information in planning a family and child friendly welcoming environment. Many of these things connect to Australian curriculum documents so you are asked to make connections to these.

Being able to use this rationale with staff will assist in leading change, build relationships and synthesising knowledge.

Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed:

  • ULO1 Lead and sustain change through promoting relationship building, communication, team work and self-reflection.

  • ULO3Reconceptualise leadership as both pedagogically and sociologically focused on children, family and community partnerships.

  • ULO Critically reflect on the connection of leadership within family and community contexts to promote positive outcomes for children.


Suggested steps:

    1. Access and review the peer reviewed literature on family engagement (begin by referring to course readings and early childhood curriculum, you can then look at broader reading for higher marks, DO NOT USE WEBSITES, peer reviewed journal articles only). Take notes about points that you could include in a presentation to staff about why this is an important area of practice. Basically, you want to be able to convince them that this area of practice is worthy of their attention. Draft an essay plan.

    2. Set up your assignment, give aBRIEF introductionas to what will be included in the assignment.

    3. In the first section write your academic argument about the importance of family engagementin early childhood education referring to evidence from the literature.

    4. In the second section describe the terms ‘funds of knowledge’ and ‘funds of identity’by continuing to link to literature in defining and describing these terms and write about the importance of understanding these concepts in promoting family engagement. Consider what it is you would use to obtain information from families about themselves and their children. Connect these to aspects of relevant curriculum documents.

    5. In the third section describe three examplesof how you would use this information to prepare a welcoming environment for children, and their families. Connect this to relevant curriculum documents.

    6. Write a conclusive summaryexpertly analysing the main points of your argument in persuasion for change in practice toward family engagement.

    7. Proof read. Check and correct all in-text and end-text referencing. References at the end need to be in APA style version 7 format (seek help from the library if you are unsure). Use APA 7thedition in-text and end text citations - do not use direct quotes use paraphrasing (i.e., try and put what you have read into your own words).

    8. Pay close attention to academic writing conventions for spelling, grammar etc and format with: an introduction, no headings (as this is an essay), a well-developed discussion of the questions using paragraphs, and a conclusion. Please use 1.5 spacing and a font such as Calibri, or Arial at no less than 11pt - something easy for tired eyes to read.

    9. We don’t use ECU covers sheets anymore but please have a front sheet with your name, student number, unit code and a title.

The quality of your work will be assessed in terms of:

  • Depth of information presented and researched

  • Critical thinking, reflection and effectiveness of argument

  • Merging of theory and practice

  • Presentation and compliance to academic writing (referencing)


Early Childhood Education - Education - LibGuides at Edith Cowan University


EPA6175 Assessment 1: Rationale (1)




Depth of information presented and researched about family engagement, funds of knowledge and funds of identity.

15 to >12 pts


Draws on an extensive range of perspectives and relevant sources of information. An excellent understanding of content demonstrated.


Critical thinking, reflection and effectiveness of argument.

15 to >12 pts


A very well substantiated critically reflected argument with ideas extensively and clearly expressed. Understandings extensively demonstrated, supported by recent and relevant evidence from literature and reference materials.


Presentation and compliance to academic writing (referencing

5 to >4 pts


Excellent standard of presentation and literacy level. Complies with an excellent standard of academic writing conventions.


Links to Australian curriculum documents

5 to >0 pts

Appropriate links made to early childhood curriculum documents


Aug 20, 2024

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