Assessment 3Report:Develop and implement a sustainability policyCSE1SPX –Sustainability PracticesBefore you beginLearning Outcomes• Learning outcome 1: Scope and develop organisational policies and...

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Assessment 3
Develop and implement a sustainability policy
CSE1SPX –Sustainability Practices
Before you begin
Learning Outcomes
• Learning outcome 1: Scope and develop organisational policies and procedures to ensure

they comply with legislative requirements and support the organisations sustainability goals.
• Learning outcome 2: Explain policy development processes, practices, and current

sustainability theoretical frameworks.
• Learning outcome 3: Consult and communicate with internal and external stakeholders to

generate engagement with development of the sustainability policy and provide feedback to

key personnel.
• Learning outcome 4: Explain the corporate social responsibility (CSR) required by business

and the degree of responsibility they must take for their actions.
• Learning outcome 5: Use research skills and digital technologies to plan, develop and

implement a sustainability policy that reflects the organisation's commitment to sustainability

and global corporate citizenship.
This is an individual assignment. Students are not permitted to work in a group when writing

this assignment.
This assessment is a major assessment and is worth 50%
Copying and Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the submission of another person’s work in a manner that gives the impression that the

work is their own. La Trobe University treats plagiarism seriously. When detected, penalties are strictly

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Background - Rationale
To be a good corporate citizen and to cultivate an ethical culture, businesses commit to practices and

standards designed to promote environmentally and socially responsible operations. To show this

commitment companies develop their own sustainability policy. This assessment task will give you the

opportunity to create a business sustainability policy that summarise a company organisational behaviour and

strategies to solve some common social and environmental problems.
Create a sustainability policy for a real or hypothetical company. The company can be from any industry, and

a company background is required. The policy needs to reflect the organisation’s commitment to sustainability

and global corporate citizenship. Present the main stakeholders and sustainability frameworks according to

the course theories.
You can find more about some of the environmental and social problems in Australia by clicking on the below

• Social problems:
• Environmental problems:
1. Discuss how the company CSR policies can support its community by adopting some socially responsible

and/or environmentally friendly practices that could solve some of the community social and environmental

problems. Present an overview of the current situation.
2. Design some objectives an action plan as well as a communication and review plan that aligns with

audience needs and that demonstrates consultation with key stakeholders. The plan should include roles and

responsibilities, training and awareness, communication with stakeholders and recommendations.
3. Conduct research to plan and prepare the sustainability policy so it is appropriate to Sustainability

frameworks, codes, and legislation. Including monitoring and compliance, that is review and evaluation and

continuous improvement.

4. Demonstrate the inclusion of technological innovations to meet the Sustainability goals/objectives, in line

with industry developments/initiatives and organisational context.
To guide you with this task, there is an accompanying Sustainability Policy Report Template that details

the report requirements, as outlined in the table of contents below. This template can be found on the Learning

Portal (LP) for students to use for this assessment.

• The word count limitation 2,500 words (+/- 10%) is acceptable, and it includes the in-text

references. The word count does not include the cover page, table of contents, reference list

and appendices.
• This is in individual assessment and must be written in third person.
• Appendices are only for non-relevant information (E.g.: action plan or responsibilities matrix are

not appendices).
• A minimum of 10 references are required, with at least 6 academic references (e.g., journal

articles or book chapters). More references can be added to enhance the quality of your report.
o Sources like Wikipedia and Investopedia are not considered academic references and

should not be used in academic writing.
o The Reference List should go on a separate page and organised in alphabetical order.
• Save your Microsoft Word document. Name the file xxx_cse1spx_Assessment 3 (where xxx

is your student number).
• After completing all the required tasks, submit the assessment via the CSE1SPX

Assessment 3 Upload link on the LP.
• Visit the Student Hub Student Hub ( for assistance with Academic writing,

Essay writing and Referencing Essentials.

Answered 2 days AfterOct 05, 2022

Answer To: Assessment 3Report:Develop and implement a sustainability policyCSE1SPX –Sustainability...

Shubham answered on Oct 07 2022
60 Votes
Table of Contents
1. Policy Scope    2
1.1 Key Stakeholders    2
1.2 Legislation mandating compliance    2
1.3 Vision    3
1.4 Values    3
2.    Overview of current situation    4
3. Objectives and targets for improvement    4
3.1 Potential Partnerships    4
4.Practices and Actions    5
5.Communication and review    6
5.1 Role and responsibilities    6
5.2 Competence training and awareness    6
5.3 Communication with stakeholders    7
5.4 Recommendations    8
6.Monitoring and compliance    8
6.1 Review and evaluation    8
6.2 Continuous improvement    8
7.References    10
1. Policy Scope
1.1 Key Stakeh
The commitment to stakeholders is important in the context of CSR and it requires integration of confidence that can help in determining mechanisms for corporate practices. It includes personal stimulus for determining internal commitment for following value with the ability to align personal values with organizational goals. In Tesla, CSR includes responsibility of organization with respect to stakeholders that includes shareholders, customers, suppliers and employees. It includes multidimensional phenomena that can help in forming a relationship with various stakeholders (Xia et al. 2018). It includes responsibility for providing similar feedback. It required strong development of positive relationships with stakeholders. CSR practices should have positive relationships with aspects like commitment, trust and job satisfaction.
The psychological mechanism can help in driving individual stakeholder response to CSR activities. It drives an end chain framework for articulating and implicating types of benefits for stakeholders from CSR initiatives. It is associated with the expectation of stakeholders in the environment in the operation of the business. It can help in development of CSR differentiation strategy on the form level and it is a more demanding institutional environment that suggests trust-building atrocities that can pass more stringent requirements.
1.2 Legislation mandating compliance
The concept of corporate social responsibility includes understanding the meaning of cooperation with a degree of responsibility. It is considered as a triple bottom line with the approach that is considered for social, environmental and economic aspects of the corporate activity. The corporate impact on human rights has a significant impact and it can increase the economic and political influence for corporations. The corporations have been involved in delivering services that are provided by governments. It has come with recognition as the part of being a good corporate citizen including respecting human rights for coming in contact with corporations (Kirst et al. 2021). It responds to the fact that many investors and consumers expect corporations to act in a socially responsible way. It can help the company in implementing a CSR program that influences the decisions of investors and consumers.
The company includes initiatives that include guidelines and code of conduct for reporting and monitoring procedures for socially responsible reporting indexes. Initiatives include hundreds of corporations that are committed publicly for upholding specific human rights standards. It can help in illustrating the growing acceptances of need for corporations that can help in protecting the interest of shareholders, customers and employees.
1.3 Vision
The vision is to support sustainable and responsible initiatives for taking care of concern for the planet and people. It can help in enhancing the triple line benchmark of environment, social and economic performance through the committed involvement of employees. It includes development of social wealth for communities that are engaged in promoting efficient use of resources. It includes encouraging use of green energy initiatives and development of innovative solutions for fulfilling the vision for stepping beyond the required provisions.
The overall vision is to understand the expectations of stakeholders through a structured communication strategy and engagement process (Ye et al. 2020). It leverages the understanding for implementation and development based on and it has impact on oriented projects in the selected areas. This required adopting environmentally sustainable business practices for normal operations with a view for gradually reducing the carbon footprint. It ensures innovative management of waste, biodiversity conservation and prudent energy management. The vision to manage and execute a long enduring project with wide geographical spereal that can have longer social impact and it focuses on inclusive growth of deprived and marginalized sections of the society. It includes development of empowered organization structure and system for management control, oversight and review.
1.4 Values
The initiative of implementation of CSR is important for providing the clarification for the action. It will help in ensuring that activities and programs are supported and aligned with the value and purpose. In addition it is important to look after the company culture and it ensures the goal of the company. It provides an idea for providing a particular type of opportunity lacking in the community. Communicating CSR will help in driving stakeholder engagement and support that will help in anticipating expectations. It includes a visible goal and up fronting the beginning will provide stakeholders with the reason that needs to be succeeded. The initiative includes connecting with the community and it also contributed to long-term employee pipelines.
It is the part of the business and the company can either add or reduce the value of the community (Seto-Pamies and Papaoikonomou, 2020). It makes the company an integral part of the area and it creates a never ending supply for long-term employees that want to work. The corporation of social responsibility in the company should have alignment with mission statement and company policy. It allows employees to grow and become leaders in both society and company.
2. Overview of current situation
In the current situation, Tesla has redesigned the way for using water in...

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