Assessment 3 Description: The paper must be submitted via Turnitin as a MS Word document. Instructions explaining how to do this can be found on the UNCC300 LEO page under Assessment > Turnitin...

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Assessment 3


The paper must be submitted via Turnitin as a MS Word document. Instructions explaining how to do this can be found on the UNCC300 LEO page under Assessment > Turnitin Submission Quick Guide.

Assignments will be returned 1 June for preparation of assignment 3. If you are unsure how to find your results and feedback you can read how to do this on LEO under Assessment > How to find your results and feedback.

A rubric outlining the criteria you will be marked on and the standard for each criterion required to achieve each grade for Assignment 2 can be found on LEO under Assessment > Rubric for Assignment 2.

Extending your work from Assignment 2, write a 1200 word paper that briefly critiques a global issue (i.e., the issue or challenge you chose for Assessment 2) where shared responsibility for the common good is not being realised (approx. 300 words) and then, propose ways to address this challenge (approx.. 900 words) in your professional community, locally and globally.

(NB: Emphasis is on your proposed ways to address the challenge because some of the critique will have been covered in Assignment 2).

Please Note:In order to achieve a higher grade you will need to demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the Common Good and its relationship to other CST principles, particularly Human Dignity. Your discussion should demonstrate how Advocacy and Community Engagement may contribute to your proposed solution.

Due date:
Length and/or format:

11 June 4am 50%
1200 words.

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Purpose:To demonstrate your ability to apply your knowledge and understanding of principles of human dignity, advocacy, and community engagement to potential ways to address the challenge of realising the common good in a global context.

Learning outcomes assessed: 1,2,3

How to submit: Return of assignment:

Assessment criteria:


The paper must be submitted via Turnitin as a MS Word document. Instructions explaining how to do this can be found on the UNCC300 LEO page under Assessment > Turnitin Submission Guide.

Assignments will be returned via LEO when final grades are released (6 July). If you are unsure how to find your results and feedback you can read how to do this on LEO under Assessment > How to find your results and feedback.

A rubric outlining the criteria you will be marked on and the standard for each criterion required to achieve each grade for Assignment 3 can be found on LEO under Assessments > Rubric for Assignment 3.

This unit requires you to use the referencing system used by your School.
See the ‘Academic referencing’ page from the Office of Student Success for more details.


It is your responsibility to read and familiarise yourself with ACU policies and regulations, including regulations on examinations; review and appeals; acceptable use of IT facilities; and conduct and responsibilities. These are in the ACU Handbook, available from the website.

The Unit Outline Resources page ( contains several important links as a starting point.

Assessment Policy and Procedures

You must read the Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedures in the University Handbook: they include rules on deadlines; penalties for late submission; extensions; and special consideration. If you have any queries on Assessment Policy, please see your Lecturer in Charge.

Academic integrity

You have the responsibility to submit only work which is your own, or which properly acknowledges the thoughts, ideas, findings and/or work of others. The Framework for Academic Integrity and the Academic Honesty Policy are available from the website. Please read them, and note in particular that plagiarism, collusion and recycling of assignments are not acceptable. Penalties for academic dishonesty can vary in severity, and can include being excluded from the course.

T urnitin

The ‘Turnitin’ application (a text-matching tool) will be used in this unit, in order to enable:

  • students to improve their academic writing by identifying possible areas of poor citation and referencing in their written work; and

  • teaching staff to identify areas of possible plagiarism in students’ written work.Page 10 of 11 Version:

While Turnitin can help in identifying problems with plagiarism, avoiding plagiarism is more important. Information on avoiding plagiarism is available from the Academic Skills Unit.

For any assignment that has been created to allow submission through Turnitin (check the Assignment submission details for each assessment task), you should submit your draft well in advance of the due date (ideally, several days before) to ensure that you have time to work on any issues identified by Turnitin. On the assignment due date, lecturers will have access to your final submission and the Turnitin Originality Report.


If you are experiencing difficulties with learning, life issues or pastoral/spiritual concerns, or have a disability/medical condition which may impact on your studies, you are advised to notify your Lecturer in Charge, Course Coordinator and/or one of the services listed below as soon as possible. For all aspects of support please contact theOffice of Student Success.

  • Academic Skillsoffers a variety of services, including workshops (on topics such as assignment writing, time management, reading strategies, referencing), drop-in sessions, group appointments and individual consultations. It has a 24-hour online booking system for individual or group consultations.

  • Campus Ministryoffers pastoral care, spiritual leadership and opportunities for you to be involved with community projects.

  • TheCareer Development Servicecan assist you with finding employment, preparing a resume and employment application and preparing for interviews.

  • TheCounselling Serviceis a free, voluntary, confidential and non-judgmental service open to all students and staffed by qualified social workers or registered psychologists.

  • Disability Servicescan assist you if you need educational adjustments because of a disability or chronic medical condition; please contact them as early as possible.

  • Indigenous Unitson each campus provide information and support for students.
    The Unit Outline Resources web page ( provides links for each



    The LEO page for this unit contains further readings/ discussion forums.


    There are no required texts for this unit.

    Helpful reading material can be found within the modules of the units LEO page, and on the assessment sites on LEO.

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Answered Same DayMay 29, 2020UNCC 300

Answer To: Assessment 3 Description: The paper must be submitted via Turnitin as a MS Word document....

Soumi answered on Jun 04 2020
152 Votes
Table of Contents
Issue where shared responsibility of common good is not realised    3
Ways to mitigate this issue globally and locally in professional community    4
The Common Good and its relationship to other CST principles    7
References    10
Issue where shared responsibility of common good is not realised
    The basic global right of every human being is to have
a place to reside and be safe from the daily perils that can come to them in the absence of the shelter. However, the issue of homelessness is not being abolished from the world even in the present times, when there is so much development in every sphere all around. In Australia, 17% children and 12% adults are homeless (Homelessness Australia, 2016).
The key reason, which is being attributed for this large number is poverty because, poverty has restricted the affordability of the people to secure a permanent shelter for themselves. As supported by Sharam and Hulse (2014), the costs of living is increasing at an alarming rate, which is why the ones with less or no economic strength or employability are being subjected to such vulnerable situations.
    However, the profundity of this issue lies deeper because there has been a lack of support from the ends of the community as well as from the government in supporting the present living conditions of these homeless people and improving their plight. Although the Australian government has passes many acts in their support, participation of the community members in implementing them also realises the shared responsibility of common good, which has been insufficient (Economics Help, 2016).
Hence, it can be viewed that harm to the human dignity of such poor and homeless people are still prevalent, which can be eliminated only with the help of community engagement and advocacy of a better life. As suggested by McNamara (2015), if immediate steps are not taken in the favour of the homeless and poor people, they might become more susceptible to unhygienic conditions, poor health standards, victims of harsh weather, crime, animal attacks, drugs or substance abuses and consequently to loss of lives.
Ways to mitigate this issue globally and locally in professional community
    The issues of homelessness and poverty have been encountered to be a local as well as global problem, which cannot be eliminated with the efforts of an individual entity or at the individualistic level. As argued by Canfield, Nolan, Harley, Hardy and Elliott (2016), it calls for the involvement of the community and the government in such a way that the sense of sharing responsibility for the common good is realised. Hence, the following ways have been identified for the same.
Reporting: The most common and grave reason for the lack of support towards the poor as well as homeless people is the fact that their problems are not reported adequately. They suffer due to lack of resources, support, crime, crisis, ill health and drug abuse. However, as contradicted by Essert (2016), their problems need to be reported immediately to the concerned authorities for taking the required actions. Thus, two principles of common good can be addressed with the help of this— advocacy and human dignity. If their problems are paid attention to, they would be able to fathom that their dignity holds importance to the society. Besides, if actions are taken against the issues mentioned, advocacy of taking actions against these negative circumstances can be fostered (The Sydney Morning Herald, 2016).
Construction of basic structured homes for them: The most convincing and convenient solution to eradicating homelessness, despite the issue of poverty is to provide homes to these people. As supported by Goelman Rice, McCall and Ogden (2017), with the support of the community members, simple-structured houses could be constructed for them so that they can at least find a shelter to protect themselves from the harsh weather, crimes, animal attacks and any other common problems faced by them, if they reside on the pavements, parks, alleys or streets.
Creating awareness amongst the community members for the significance of common good: According to Aykanian and Lee (2016), maintenance of common good and fostering it in the society are very important in order to maintain harmony around all the individuals. Common good is established, when one thinks about the well-being of everyone irrespective of the country or the community. Hence, it is not bounded by borders or limitations and encompass thinking well of everyone (Hennigan, 2017). However, this is often failed to be realised by the community, thus, failing to undertake the shared responsibility of the common good. Hence, awareness regarding this could be presented in the society through motivational speeches,...

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