of 1500 words (greater than +/- 20%)
Spelling or grammar has errors but meaning remains clear.
Does not adhere to the word count requirement of 1500 words (+/- 20%)
Minor spelling or grammar errors.
Adheres to the word count requirement of 1500 words (+/- 10%)
Adheres to the word count requirement of 1500 words (+/- 10%)
which follow logically from each other.
No errors in spelling or grammar.
Adheres to the word count requirement of 1500 words (+/- 5%)
Knowledge and understanding
Understanding of the principles of agile practice in a context of business analysis
Low or no understanding of the ethical principles of responsibility evidenced in the report
Demonstrates little capability to understand the principles of accountability
Shows low or no understanding on the importance of accuracy of information in group collaboration
Understands the fundamentals of the ethical principles of responsibility but no examples are included
Sound understanding of ethical principles of responsibility and consequence
Very good understanding of ethical principles of responsibility and consequence
Excellent understanding of the ethical principles of responsibility and consequence
Grasps the fundamentals of accountability but does not show ability to manage accountability of a group collaboration setting
Grasps the fundamentals of accountability and reflects an example of an attempt to achieve accountability.
Good perspectives on accountability setting, and how this allows the group to succeed
Well developed perspectives on accountability setting and how it facilitates excellent group outcomes
Sound understanding of the value of accuracy of information to the group but offers only one or two examples that require greater clarity.
Good understanding of accuracy of information and the value it creates for the group
Deep understanding of the principles of authenticity, fidelity and correctness of information and the impact of accuracy on outcomes of group collaboration.
Understands the value of accuracy but is less clear about how it is achieved in practice.
Depth of Reflection and reference to own experiences
Demonstrates capacity for reflection and analysis of personal insights
An inadequate, unclear, unfocussed or overview which does not include analysis or personalization or express meaningful insights
Minimal evidence of any reflective and analytical
Uses some examples to support claims. Examples require further development
Uses relevant examples from experience to support claims. Makes applicable connections between ideas
Demonstrates a thoughtful understanding of the reflective take and subject matter.
Reflection and analysis of own experiences is consistently personalized, demonstrates independent thinking and expresses meaningful insights
Analysis of experiences demonstrates a high level
Reflection and analysis of own experiences is consistently personalized, demonstrates independent thinking and expresses meaningful insights
Excellent analysis of experiences demonstrates
to align to the requirements of the assignment brief
Demonstrates a limited understanding of the reflective task. Mostly