Assessment 2 Assignment (LLB)
Type of Assessment Summative
Total Mark 10
Weight 10%
Format: Times New Roman font; 12 point font; One and half line spacing; One inch margins
Presentation length No presentation
World Length About 1500
Submission date Week 4
Learning Outcomes 1, 2
Description You are required to provide one LLB report
LLB: You will pick one of the assigned cases/presentation and provide a critique on the topic using given LLB analysis format.
Guide for Completion: You are expected to use materials and references posted on the VLE and e-library to answer the above both questions.
Rubrics (see Appendix 2)
Appendix 2: Rubric for LLB Template
This rubric is intended to assist each student to understand what is expected in reading and analyzing units and the accompanying articles. Completing these rubrics will constitute ten percent of your course grade. The assignment grade will be based upon the following criteria.
Template Criterion Excellent Example Deficient Example and Weighting of Criterion (%) Your Score
Summary of the Article Assigned The summary correctly identifies the key points contained in the assigned article in 100 to 200 words. The summary is focused on course-related concepts. The summary misses key points in the article, fails to meet the assigned word limits, or addresses content that is not course-related. . 15
Key Learning Points The summary will correctly identify three or four similarities between the article and the unit and list them as bullet points in the LLB template. The summary will misidentify key learning points and/or be off target in comparing the article and the contents of the unit. Too many or too few bullet points will be listed. 15
Relevant Statements to the Session One key quote from the article and from the unit will be included, with a brief explanation of how the quotes apply to the course. The quotes will insightfully summarize overlapping insights between the article and the unit. Quotes selected will be off target or poorly explained. The quotes will not accurately explain the overlap between the article and the unit. 15
Critical Analysis The summary will identify how the ideas presented in the article apply to the problems an entrepreneur must face within a real world context. The summary will misapply the article and will fail to demonstrate how content from the article applies in a practical context. 20
Practical Implications The summary will identify and briefly explain one or two key principles for entrepreneurs to apply as a result of reading the article. The summary will not identify principles but will restate other content from the article, or will misstate key concepts. 15
Learning Reflections The insight derived from the article will be clearly stated in one paragraph. The insight summarized will be off-target from the article or will be unclear. 10
Writing Clarity Ideas presented will be free of grammatical, punctuation, typographical, or spelling errors. Ideas presented will contain grammatical, punctuation, typographical, or spelling errors. 10
Total Marks