Assessment 2 Assessment type : Written review Weight : 40% Length : 2,000 words Instructions In this assessment, students prepare a written review/synthesis of the academic and professional...

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Assessment 2

Assessment type: Written review

Weight: 40%

Length: 2,000 words


In this assessment, students prepare a
written review/synthesis
of the academic and professional literature (including grey literature) relating to a
of interest that they want to investigate. The literature review should be comprised of the following parts:

Project objective
(i.e., clearly write your research question or project aim and objective) (
10 marks

Institutional context
(i.e., the literature review/synthesis) should comprise two sections:

(i) Previous research (
15 marks

(ii) Contribution to the literature (
15 marks


As noted above, your institutional context section should consist of two sections:

(i) The first part should discuss previous research (i.e., the academic and professional literature)

that is

directly relevant to your project

(and not every single paper written on the topic).

(ii) The second section should explain your proposed contribution in a little more detail. How does your approach differ from what has been done below? Is it new data? A new model? Are you answering a question more broadly/specifically? In this section, you should think creatively about external validity issues: are your findings relevant for a population/institutional environment that is different from previous work, and could this be why your findings differ?

Please ensure that your
written review/synthesis
is clear, concise, and well-presented (as style and substance go hand in hand).

Reasearch question:

What are the Causes and effects of climate change?

Searching journal databases, books and reports

As you probably already know, finding the most relevant studies in a journal database can be a very time consuming process. There are some tips that you can use to improve your searching efficacy, including the use of syntax logics

Another mechanism that you can use to accumulate journal articles related to a topic is to select a particular journal that is known to be of high, or of the highest, quality for a particular line of study. Once you have accessed this journal through the Southern Cross University Library database, you can scroll through the list of publications year by year, and collect studies that you think might have bearing to your own research. Almost every year a list is developed that showcases the ranking of journals. You may like to check this list and make a note of the highest ranked journals in your field. Also consult theAustralian Business Deans Council list of Journal Qualitywebsite , which you can visit and then download the Master Journal List for your reference.

When reviewing the literature (in the form of an article, book, presentation etc.), you should take note of the following factors:

  • Research question/aims: Does the research pose an effective research question or research aim (i.e. one that can be answered)

  • Constructs reviewed: What are all the constructs identified in the literature section, assessed in the study and what relationships did the authors note in the Findings and Discussion section of the paper?

  • Method: On the face of it, does the method adopted by the researcher to address a research aim (or answer a research question) appear to provide a mechanism that will deliver an adequate result?

  • Sample size: If a paper is making a claim about the relevancy of an item of research to a large population, does it have an adequate sample size?

  • Results: Do the results make sense? Are they explained effectively? Are unforeseen effects justified? Have the research questions been answered?

  • Use of language: Is the paper effectively written? Are ideas and claims clearly outlined and supported?

  • Limitations: Good researchers list the limitations of their studies in their articles: are the limitations listed? If not, can you see any potential limitations?

Answered 3 days AfterJan 24, 2022

Answer To: Assessment 2 Assessment type : Written review Weight : 40% Length : 2,000 words Instructions In...

Manisha answered on Jan 28 2022
118 Votes
What are the causes and effects of climate change?
Project objective
With the advancement and civilization, humans started utilizing natural resources in abundance. Deforestation results in around 13% global carbon emission. As a result of the industrial revolution, nearly 48% of atmospheric carbon increased, acting as a vital force for climate change. Methane is one of the active greenhouse gas released during human activities
, rice cultivation, ruminant digestion, and decomposition in landfills. The excessive use of fertilizers contributes to a significant rise of nitrous oxide in the environment. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) majorly contribute to damage ozone later, thus a major cause of climate change. Incomplete burning of fossil fuels results in the release of unburnt carbon and particulate matter.
The overuse of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide emission, production and release of methane, and emission of nitrous oxide from the particulate released by automobiles are the contributory factors of climate change. Such pollutants increase the content of particulate matter or aerosols in the atmosphere. Climate changes led to the melting of ice in the polar regions and increased the average precipitation rate. The burning of fossil fuels and depletion of natural resources has resulted in limitations of freshwater supplies, a drop in agriculture yield, and a rise in water level. The manipulation of natural carbon sink from lands and oceans enhances the uptake of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Wetlands act as natural sponges by trapping and slowly releasing surface water, groundwater, and floodwater. 
The rise in the emission of global house gases significantly contributed to global warming. Warmer conditions promote evaporation and thus precipitation, thus affecting monsoon throughout the globe. Such gases trap the heat, thus melting the glaciers and ice sheets. It increases the sea level, thus leading to climate extremes. Such changes might promote the growth of the weeds and pests capable of growing in harsh conditions. Although the increased content of carbon dioxide increases plant growth, simultaneously it decreases the protein and mineral concentration in the crop. The infection of the pests can lead to food insecurity. As a result of climate changes, the sea level rose from 1.7 mm/yr to 3.2 mm/yr. Along with this, sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk around 40% since 1979.
Heavy precipitation and deforestation increase the risks of floods. In the regions with lower precipitation, like the western US, drought became prevalent. The rise in temperature, heat stress, water stress, and diseases affect the quality of food significantly. Global warming raises the incidents of forest fires thus a risk for the wildlife and vegetation. Oceans absorb one-third of carbon emissions released after the burning of fossil fuels. This significantly lowers the pH of water, thus making it acidic. Acidic conditions are not suitable for the survival of aquatic organisms, thus increasing the mortality rate. As a result of thermal expansion, sea levels started rising, increasing the risks of soil erosions, and storms. Hurricanes and floods destroy coral reefs while the rising temperature can cause coral bleaching. This not only disturbs the ecosystem by affecting the functioning but the number of species. Since every component in the biosphere is connected, it significantly affects the survival of all species. 
Institutional context
Previous research
As a result of human activities, climatic changes are prevalent all around the globe. Glaciers have started melting and shrinking, ice on the rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier leading to a shift in plant and animal ranges. It has disturbed the normal phenomenon like the early blooming of flowers. As a cumulative effect, these changes will result in significant climatic changes including loss of sea ice, accelerated rise of sea level, and intense and longer heatwaves. (NASA 2021). According to IPCC, human-induced global warming will result in non-uniform climatic changes around the world. The estimated rise in the temperature around the world is 2.5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next century. With the increase in heat-trapping gas emission, frost-free season enhances in the western U.S. (nearly 8 weeks)....

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