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Assessment 2 Assessment type: Individual Written Report, 1500 words (Summative) Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to analyse, discuss and present an IT-based business and its technological innovation. This assessment contributes to learning outcome c. Value: 20%Due Date: Week 6 Assessment topic: Case Study Assignment Task Details: Choose an IT/IS technology company and analyse, discuss and present their technological innovation: · The core business activity and the role of innovation in their value proposition. · How innovation is making this business different than competitors? · Research and development and its relationship with the organisation's innovation. · What factors affected the firm’s innovation success? Is their innovation a “sciencepush” or “demand- push”? · What’s the firm’s innovation category? What type of innovation does the firm propose? Explain the innovation type from different aspects of innovation type. · Study the firm’s technology S-Curve. What is the stage of this business on the S-Curve? · How successful the firm has been in utilising innovation in their own advantage? Submission requirements details: Make sure your report is written based on the guideline of assessment 2 in the Course Guideline. Assessment 2 Marking Rubric: Individual Report – 20 Marks Criteria Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction % (0 - 49%) (50 - 64%) (65 - 74%) (75 - 84%) (85 - 100%) Weighting Evidence and depth of research Less than 6 appropriate and relevant titles read. At least 6-8 appropriate and relevant titles read. At least 8-12 appropriate and relevant titles read. Extensive reading of more than 12 appropriate and relevant titles. 15 or more relevant titles read. 20 Relevance of content Incomplete description of business strategy and the use of open innovation through IT/IS. An adequate description of business strategy and the use of open innovation through IT/IS. Accurate description and analysis of the link between business strategy and use of open innovation through IT/IS. Very accurate description and analysis of the link between business strategy and the use of open innovation and IT/IS. Exacting description and analysis of the link between business strategy and use of open innovation and IT/IS. 20 Application of concepts and principles Descriptions and analysis are not adequately supported with theory and use of appropriate models and case studies Some assumptions are made but are not noted. Descriptions and analysis are adequately supported with theory and use of appropriate models and case studies. Some assumptions are made but not all are noted. Descriptions and analysis are well supported with theory and use of appropriate models and case studies Some assumptions are made but not all are clearly noted. Descriptions and analysis are very well supported with theory and use of appropriate models and case studies. All assumptions made are clearly noted. Descriptions and analysis are extremely well supported with theory and use of appropriate models. All assumptions made are clearly noted. 20 Clarity of Structure The structure of the report is unclear and is not logical. It does not address the main issues. Use of headings and charts unsatisfactory. The structure of the report is clear and logical in parts. It addresses most main issues. Use of headings and charts could have been improved. The structure of the report is clear, easy to read and logical, directly addressing most main issues. Suitable headings used and some use of graphics/charts. The structure of the report is clear, easy to read and logical, directly addressing all main issues. Suitable headings used throughout. Good use of graphics/charts.. The structure of the report is clear, easy to read and logical, directly addressing all main issues and providing other relevant insights. Suitable headers used throughout. Powerful use of graphics/charts 10 Writing to the audience Too much use of technical jargon. A large number of spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. Some over-use of technical jargon. Several spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. Appropriate use of technical jargon. Some spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. Appropriate use of technical jargon. No spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. Use of technical jargon minimised and defined when necessary. No spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. 15 Correct referencing Referencing not done to Harvard Anglia standard. Over-use of direct quotes. Range of sources used is not appropriate and/or not documented. Harvard Anglia referencing applied to a range (6-8) of relevant resources. No more than 4 errors. Some over-use of direct quotes. Sources all documented. Harvard Anglia referencing applied to a range (8-12) of relevant resources. No more than 2 referencing errors. Direct quotes used sparingly. Sources all documented. Harvard Anglia referencing applied to a range (12+) of relevant resources. No referencing errors. Direct quotes used sparingly. Sources all documented. Harvard Anglia referencing applied to a range (15+) of relevant resources. No referencing errors. Direct quotes used sparingly. Sources all documented. 15 Some notes on report writing can be found below. Report format (required for Assessment 2): Readers of reports expect certain information to be in certain places. They do not expect to search for what they want and the harder you make it for them the more likely they are to toss your report to one side and ignore it. So what should you do? · Follow the generally accepted format for a report: Title/Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Introduction, Main Body, Conclusions, Recommendations and Reference List. · Organise your information within each section in a logical fashion with the reader in mind, usually putting things in order of priority - most important first. Report Title/Table of Contents. This is simply the front cover page identifying the report and a Table of Contents page showing each key section of the report and the page number where it can be found in the report. ICT275 ICT 275 INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT T220 24/06/2020 17:29 PAGE 10 OF 17 CRICOS 03171A *AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT PTY LTD © ABN: 72 132 629 979 Approved by KOI Academic Board for T2 2020 Executive Summary: Give a clear and very concise account of the main points, main conclusions and main recommendations. Keep it very short, a few percent of the total length. Some people, especially senior managers, may not read anything else so write as if it were a stand-alone document. Keep it brief and free from jargon so that anyone can understand it and get the main points. Write it last, but do not copy and paste from the report itself; that rarely works well. Introduction: This is the first part of the report proper. Use it to paint the background and objective of the report and to show the reader why the report is important. Then explain how the details that follow are arranged. Write it in plain English. Main Body: This is the heart of your report, the facts. It will probably have several sections or sub-sections each with its own subtitle. It is unique to your report and will describe what you discovered about what is being reported on. These sections are most likely to be read by experts so you can use some appropriate jargon but explain it as you introduce it. Arrange the information logically, normally putting things in order of priority – most important first. In fact, follow that advice in every section of your report. Conclusions: Present the logical conclusions of your investigation and analysis. Bring it all together and maybe offer options for the way forward. Many people will read this section. Write it in plain English. Recommendations: What do you suggest should be done? Don't be shy; you did the work so state your recommendations in order of priority, and in plain English. References: As your report must be academically sound as well as making good business sense, it is essential that your report is supported by accurate in-text referencing and the inclusion of a reference list. Although some reports in the workplace do not require full referencing (and some students may be used to this), it is a requirement in the academic environment and in Assessment 1 (please refer marking guide). This is equitable for all students.