Assessment 1: Reviewing Journal Article
The purpose of this assignment is to help you understand how research is conducted and reported in Information Technology related fields. You are asked to read a peer-reviewed article from a scholarly journal in the field of Advance Networking and Communication Systems. Articles of this type will typically report on original research or replications of previously conducted experiments, or they will be literature reviews in which the author(s) present the results of a literature search on a specific topic. In the latter case, the article will usually be a dissertation on the most current thinking on a specific topic.
You can download any journal from the field of Information Technology, Networking and Advance Communication Systems. You should limit your search to:
Full text
Scholarly (peer reviewed) journals
Published in the past 5 years
Or, you can come and see your Lecturer during office hours, or by appointment.
Here is an example of the proper form for your journal article review. It should be twothree pages long, typed, double spaced. This goes at the top of page one; don't bother with a cover page:
Your Name
MITS 4004, Date
Lecturer: Nazmus Nafi
Author(s). (year of publication). Article title.
Journal name, volume, number, pages.
G. Xylomenos et al., "A Survey of Information-Centric Networking Research," in IEEE
Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 1024-1049, Second Quarter 2014. doi: 10.1109/SURV.2013.070813.00063
First, summarize the article.
The subject of this article is to review the literature on the information centric network research. This article examines ……….
Next, explain and critique the methods used and/or the findings presented.
The author selected research articles and other writings from the field for review and analysis. His methods were thorough. His intent was to integrate the findings that had already been reported into a single article that could be the starting point for future research. George found that…………
And finally, offer your opinion on the value of the study. Will this study further our knowledge base or improve the network performance/system performance, i.e., to describe, explain.