Assessment 1: online quiz [20%]Learning objective: To ensure that students read, study, and consider themarketingconcept [e-book] prior to beginningassessments 2 and 3.The online quiz will be discussed in more detail in week 2. Students are required to undertake an online quiz [via ECUBlackboard site]. This quiz will also help prepare students for assessment 2 & 3.The online quiz will cover material in section 1 and 2 of themarketingconcept [e-book]. No further reading is required. Thequiz will be multiple choice and/or true or false answer format. They will each have 40 questions (worth 1/2 mark each)students will be allocated 40 minutes to complete the quiz.Availability: The online Quiz will open on 6th of April at 09:00 and close on the 9th April at 23:59 [penalties apply for latesubmissions]. Sometime between the above dates and times, students must access the Assessment 1 heading onBlackboard. Then enter the Online Quiz. Key points:• The quiz must be completed in one sitting (once you exit you cannot go back in).• Students cannot revisit previous questions [no backtracking].• The quiz has a 40 minute time limit. If the time expires, your selections will be saved automatically• The quiz will comprise 40 multiple-choice and/ or true or false questions.• Each question is worth 0.5 of a mark.• Note that the quiz questions are randomised.Assessment 2: essay preparation [35%]Learning Objective: An important task when constructing an academic article is conducting a literature review. Theobjective of this assessment is to ensure that students know how to collect and analyse appropriate information and toorganise it for future use.Scenario: You are a business graduate employed as a marketing practitioner in a progressive international organisation.The Chief Marketing Officer has recognised your expertise and requested that you research a topic for a future internalmagazine [see assessment 3]. The CMO has suggested that when you research the topic you should focus on academicjournals rather than popular media [although a ratio of 6 to 1 would be acceptable].The CMO will supply you with a Microsoft Excel spread-sheet [via blackboard] to enable the collection and organisation ofdata [there is a reason for this and it will become apparent as you progress]. Your task is to investigate a topic [seebelow], to explore relevant references as they emerge. Within the spread-sheet you must record key themes, key words,and establish a hierarchy of importance. Each row within the spread-sheet must be limited to one key theme, therefore, itwould be usual for each article to span more than one theme and have multiple rows. Each row should have the articleauthors’ names to enable sorting of the themes [this will be explained visually].At all times you must relate/link your literature review to the unit learning.The CMO strongly emphasised the importance of appropriate referencing conventions. You are restricted to two quotes inthe internal magazine, therefore, CMO has emphasised that you record your findings in your own words. However, asquotes must have page numbers these need to be recorded during the literature review.When your literature review is completed you will undertake a two-page research proposal.Within the proposal you will:School of Business and LawFBL5020: Marketing Leadership 5• State the research problem• Outline the key themes within the literature• Express the future significance/contribution of your research• Detail the theory which will be the foundations of your future article
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