Knowledge of developing curriculum that authentically integrates Indigenous and multicultural experiences throughout the curriculum
Learning outcome a.
Not competent inknowledge of developing curriculum that authentically integrates Indigenous and multicultural experiences throughout the curriculum. Flaws visible in reasoning.
Adequateknowledge of developing curriculum that authentically integrates Indigenous and multicultural experiences throughout the curriculum. Some supported reasoning visible.
Displaysclearknowledge of developing curriculum that authentically integrates Indigenous and multicultural experiences throughout the curriculum.Supported reasoning visible throughoutassessment
Displays an in-depthknowledge of developing curriculum that authentically integrates Indigenous and multicultural experiences throughout the curriculum.Supported reasoning for all points is evidentthroughout the paper and demonstrates a keen understanding of how to effectively incorporate authenticIndigenous and Multicultural curriculum
Sophisticatedknowledge of developing curriculum that authentically integrates Indigenous and multicultural experiences throughout the curriculum. Reasoning and researchexhibitsmatureunderstandingof the concepts and ability to effectively integrate authentic Indigenous and Multicultural curriculum.
Presentation: quality of written work and referencing etc.
Not competentto present written work and referencing of an appropriate standard.
Harvard referencing not observed, or evidence ofplagiarism throughout the work.
Presents written work and referencing ofadequatequality, observing some elements of the Harvard referencing guide.
Some references used have been obtained from non-academic reading sources, or non-academic websites.
Presents written work and referencing with minor errors.
Harvard referencing has been applied, with some incorrect referencing,relating to more complex sources or typing errors.
Referenceshave been obtained from academic sources and mostly relate to the topic.
Presentsdetailedwritten work and referencing with minimum errors.
Harvard referencing has been correctly used throughout the paper and reference list.
List of references have been sourced fromacademic qualityreadings and publications, relating specificallyto the topic.
Presentscomprehensivewritten work and referencingdemonstrating meticulous attention to detailwith no errorsevident.
Harvard referencing has been correctly applied throughout the paper and reference list, with no errors present.
References areextensive, andhave been applied consistently throughout the submission.
All referencesare ofacademicquality, including relevant academic journals, texts, and other academic sourcesrelating specifically to the topic.
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